PHP notes :)



Echo [ echo ]

  • echo

Variables [ var ]

  • basic var
  • define
  • global


  • Addition
  • Subtraction
  • Multiplication
  • Division
  • Modules -Data type
  • Boolean
  • x++ and x--



Logical Operators

  • and : true if x and y true
  • or : true if x or y true
  • xor : true if x or y true,but not both
  • ! : true if x is not true


  • $name=array("a", "b","c")
  • $name[0] = "a"
  • $name[1] = "b"

Associative Arrays

  • $people = array("David"=>"27", "Amy"=>"21", "John"=>"42");
  • $people['Amy'] = "21";

Conditions [ifelse]

  • if (condition){---} else {---}
  • elif = elseif
  • elseif (conditions)

while loop [ while ]

  • The do...while loop will always execute the block of code once, check the condition, and repeat the loop as long as the specified condition is true
  • $i=0;do {echo "Hai";}while ($i <0);

Switch [ switch ]


  • like python import
  • php include 'header.php';


  • for (--;--;--){-----}


  • When using default arguments, any defaults should be on the right side of any non-default arguments; otherwise, things will not work as expected
  • function num($a=10) :- if in num parameter not passed, it defaultly take $a=10


  • $_SERVER is an array that includes information such as headers, paths, and script locations. The entries in this array are created by the web server. $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'] returns the path of the current script:
  • eg: file name = index.php then,$_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'] == index.php
  • $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] returns the Host header from the current request. CHEESE!
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