113 Repositories
PHP vue Libraries
High scalable boilerplate for Laravel - Vue using laravel-mix.
Why use this ? This boilerplate make developer easier to make monolith Laravel project which integrated with Vue.js and vue-router as default front-en
Laravel and Vue js CRUD
Laravel and Vue js PhoneBook app In this project I have done a simple CRUD using Laravel and Vue Js. Here I have used : Vue router Sweetalert2 Resourc
Provides helpers functions for CakePHP to use Laravel Mix.
AssetMix plugin for CakePHP Provides integration with your CakePHP application & Laravel Mix. This branch works with CakePHP 4.0+, see version map for
Twill is an open source CMS toolkit for Laravel that helps developers rapidly create a custom admin console that is intuitive, powerful and flexible. /// Chat with us and others on Spectrum: https://spectrum.chat/twill
About Twill Twill is an open source Laravel package that helps developers rapidly create a custom CMS that is beautiful, powerful, and flexible. By st
:star2: PJ Blog is an open source blog built with Laravel and Vue.js.
🎈 PJ Blog is an open source blog built with Laravel and Vue.js. https://pigjian.com Special thanks to the generous sponsorship by: PJ Blog This is a
Vuedo is a blog platform, built with Laravel and Vue.js.
Vuedo What is Vuedo? Vuedo is an open source project built with Laravel and Vue.js. It is a live example of how everything works together. Interested
🐦 A personal music streaming server that works.
koel Intro Koel (also stylized as koel, with a lowercase k) is a simple web-based personal audio streaming service written in Vue on the client side a
laravel5.5和vue.js结合的前后端分离项目模板,后端使用了laravel的LTS版本(5.5),前端使用了流行的vue-element-template项目。作为程序的起点,可以直接以此为基础来进行业务扩展。模板内容包括基础的用户管理和权限管理、日志管理、集成第三方登录,整合laravel-echo-server 实现了websocket 做到了消息的实时推送,并在此基础上,实现了聊天室和客服功能。权限管理包括后端Token认证和前端vue.js的动态权限,解决了前后端完整分离的情况下,vue.js的认证与权限相关的痛点,已在本人的多个项目中集成使用。
写在前面 2018年的春节假期,受朋友的鼓励和内心的指引,对近两年所学到的知识进行了系统的沉淀和总结。 从多个项目中提取关键点、抛弃了的业务部分,对底层的功能进行了各类优化和抽象,写成本项目。 1、 当前版本介绍 1.1 版本说明 当前版本laravel_template_with_vue (
Laravel Vue SPA, Bulma themed. For demo login use `admin@laravel-enso.com` & `password` -
Laravel Enso Hit the ground running when building your new Laravel SPA project with boilerplate and extra functionality out of the box! click on the p
:elephant: A Laravel 6 SPA boilerplate with a users CRUD using Vue.js 2.6, GraphQL, Bootstrap 4, TypeScript, Sass, and Pug.
Laravel Vue Boilerplate A Laravel 6 Single Page Application boilerplate using Vue.js 2.6, GraphQL, Bootstrap 4, TypeScript, Sass and Pug with: A users
Awes.io // boilerplate based on Vue, Nuxt, TailwindCSS plus Laravel as a backend. 🤟
Platform for Interactive Business Applications 10x faster to create than the traditional way • 3x increase application experiences • 60% decrease in d
🐦 A personal music streaming server that works.
koel Intro Koel (also stylized as koel, with a lowercase k) is a simple web-based personal audio streaming service written in Vue on the client side a
Create REST and GraphQL APIs, scaffold Jamstack webapps, stream changes in real-time.
API Platform is a next-generation web framework designed to easily create API-first projects without compromising extensibility and flexibility: Desig