55 Repositories
PHP pug-yii2 Libraries
Alejandro Flores, Php Yii2 Emoac
Prueba Tecnica Emoac Proyecto basado en PHP con Yii2. Hecho por Alejandro Flores, Ingeniero en informática. Este proyecto consta de un CRUD de product
IP2Location Yii extension enables the user to find the country, region, city, coordinates, zip code, time zone, ISP
IP2Location Yii extension enables the user to find the country, region, city, coordinates, zip code, time zone, ISP, domain name, connection type, area code, weather, MCC, MNC, mobile brand name, elevation, usage type, IP address type and IAB advertising category from IP address using IP2Location database. It has been optimized for speed and memory utilization. Developers can use the API to query all IP2Location BIN databases or web service for applications written using Yii.
This is Yii2 utilities
YII2-UTILITY This is Yii2 utilities. Requirements PHP = 7.4 Curl extension for PHP7 must be enabled. Download Using Composer From your project direct
Yii2 Gii Extended templates and generators
model template with TimestampBehavior and BlameableBehavior according to columns
GUI manager for RBAC (Role Base Access Control) Yii2. Easy to manage authorization of user
RBAC Manager for Yii 2 GUI manager for RBAC (Role Base Access Control) Yii2. Easy to manage authorization of user 😄 . Documentation Important: If you
Pug Renderer - a (heavily based on the PhpRenderer) renderer for rendering Pug view scripts into a PSR-7 Response object
Pug Renderer This is a (heavily based on the PhpRenderer) renderer for rendering Pug view scripts into a PSR-7 Response object. It works well with Sli
Pug template engine adapter for Slim
Pug for Slim For details about the template engine see phug-lang.com Installation Install with Composer: composer require pug/slim Usage with Slim 3 u
Pug Yii2 adapter
Yii 2 Pug (ex Jade) extension This extension provides a view renderer for Pug templates for Yii framework 2.0 applications. Support GutHub issues Inst
Pug (Jade) template engine for Symfony
Pug-Symfony Pug template engine for Symfony This is the documentation for the ongoing version 3.0. Click here to load the documentation for 2.8 Instal
A Yii2 module for embedding social plugins and widgets.
yii2-social Module that enables access to social plugins for Yii Framework 2.0. It includes support for embedding plugins from the following networks
This extension provides Flysystem integration for the Yii framework
This extension provides Flysystem integration for the Yii framework. Flysystem is a filesystem abstraction which allows you to easily swap out a local filesystem for a remote one.
Simple RBAC Manager for Yii2 (minify of yii2-admin)
Yii2 Mimin Simple RBAC Manager fo Yii 2.0. Minify of yii2-admin extension with awesome features Attention Before you install and use this extension, t
An extended bootstrap alert and alert block widget for Yii2 (sub repo split from yii2-widgets)
yii2-widget-alert This extension contains a couple of useful widgets. The Alert widget extends the \yii\bootstrap\Alert widget with more easy styling
RageFrame 2.0 重量级全栖框架,为二次开发而生 前言 这是一款现代化、快速、高效、便捷、灵活、方便扩展的应用开发骨架。 RageFrame 创建于 2016 年 4 月 16 日,一个基于 Yii2 高级框架的快速开发引擎,目前正在成长中,目的是为了集成更多的基础功能,不再为相同的基础功
OAuth 2.0 Yii2 Extension
OAuth2.0 Extension for Yii2 framework The following clients are currently supported for authorization: vk.com [register your application] mail.ru [reg
An enhanced Yii 2 widget encapsulating the HTML 5 range input (sub repo split from yii2-widgets)
yii2-widget-rangeinput The RangeInput widget is a customized range slider control widget based on HTML5 range input. The widget enhances the default H
An enhanced FileInput widget for Bootstrap 4.x/3.x with file preview, multiple selection, and more features (sub repo split from yii2-widgets)
yii2-widget-fileinput The FileInput widget is a customized file input widget based on Krajee's Bootstrap FileInput JQuery Plugin. The widget enhances
Allows you to process logs using any PSR-3 compatible logger such as Monolog
Yii 2 PSR Log Target Allows you to process logs using any PSR-3 compatible logger such as Monolog
DepDrop widget is a Yii 2 wrapper for the dependent-dropdown jQuery plugin by Krajee.
yii2-widget-depdrop The DepDrop widget is a Yii 2 wrapper for the dependent-dropdown jQuery plugin by Krajee. This plugin allows multi level dependent
A collapsible side navigation menu built to seamlessly work with Bootstrap framework
yii2-widget-sidenav This widget is a collapsible side navigation menu built to seamlessly work with Bootstrap framework. It is built over Bootstrap st
Enhanced Yii2 wrapper for the bootstrap timepicker plugin
yii2-widget-timepicker The TimePicker widget allows you to easily select a time for a text input using your mouse or keyboards arrow keys. The widget
Extends Yii Menu widget
Extends Yii Menu widget. This widget offers a scrollspy and affixed enhanced navigation (upto 2-levels) to highlight sections and secondary sections in each page.
Yii2 SwitchInput widget turns checkboxes and radio buttons into toggle switchinputes
Yii2 SwitchInput widget turns checkboxes and radio buttons into toggle switchinputes
Yii2 extension for format inputs based on AutoNumeric.js
Yii2 extension for format inputs based on AutoNumeric.js
Pug-php adds inline PHP scripting support to the Pug template compiler
Pug-php adds inline PHP scripting support to the Pug template compiler. Since version 3, it uses Phug, a very customizable Pug template engine made by the tale-pug and pug-php developers as the new PHP Pug engine reference.
A free and open-source accounting and production system for businesses and non-profits with support for multiple users and varied integrations
A free and open-source accounting and production system for businesses and non-profits with support for multiple users and varied integrations.
Date/Time Picker widget for Yii2 framework Based on Eonasdan's Bootstrap 3 Date/Time Picker
Yii2 Date/Time Picker Widget Date/Time Picker widget for Yii2 framework Based on Eonasdan's Bootstrap 3 Date/Time Picker Demo Since this is a part of
This extension provides a view renderer for Pug templates for Yii framework 2.0 applications.
This extension provides a view renderer for Pug templates for Yii framework 2.0 applications.
Bismuth CMS is a ready-made Website CMS based on Yii 2 Advance Template
Bismuth CMS is a ready-made Website CMS based on Yii 2 Advance Template, it's the simplest and easy to set up CMS you may come across.
OpenAPI Spec to API in 3, 2, 1... done!
yii2-app-api OpenAPI Spec to API in 3, 2, 1... done! Yii Framework Application Template for quickly building API-first applications. Based on yii2-ope
Handles ActiveRecord's attribute translations
TranslateableBehavior for Yii2 This behavior has been inspired by the great work of Mikehaertl's Translatable Behavior for Yii 1.*. It eases the trans
Geography module for Yii 2
Geography module for Yii 2
Yii2 console application used to write our processors of methods to responsible to client calling.
Microservice Application Skeleton Yii2 console application used to write our processors of methods to responsible to client calling. This application
Wordless is a junction between a WordPress plugin and a theme boilerplate that dramatically speeds up and enhances your custom theme creation
Wordless is a junction between a WordPress plugin and a theme boilerplate that dramatically speeds up and enhances your custom theme creation. Some of
Yii 2 widget for the Froala WYSIWYG HTML Editor.
Yii Framework Froala WYSIWYG HTML Editor Yii 2 widget for Froala Wysiwyg editor. Installation The preferred way to install this extension is through c
Proyecto 2 - Actividades y Eventos
daw2_2021-22_yii2_basic EPSZ-DAW2 - Yii2_basic. Esta plantilla es la estructura base para los trabajos en grupo de la asignatura DAW2. La plantilla es
Yii2-symfonymailer - Yii 2 Symfony mailer extension.
Yii Mailer Library - Symfony Mailer Extension This extension provides a Symfony Mailer mail solution for Yii framework 2.0. For license information ch
Proyecto 1 - Recetas de Cocina
daw2_2021-22_yii2_basic EPSZ-DAW2 - Yii2_basic. Esta plantilla es la estructura base para los trabajos en grupo de la asignatura DAW2. La plantilla es
With this extension you can share data from your web pages to any social network!
Extension for sharing on social networks With this extension you can share data from your web pages to any social network! Features: SEO support, defa
Official website of Giada Loop Machine. Powered by NodeJS, SASS, Pug and other beautiful JavaScript machineries.
Giada WWW Official website of Giada Loop Machine, proudly powered by NodeJS, SASS, Pug and other beautiful JavaScript machineries. What is Giada? Giad
Log with Cloudwatch
Yii2 Cloudwatch Logs Target Working in 2021 This is a fork from Codemonauts but fixed with some pr of other users. A Yii2 log target for AWS Cloudwatc
Prometheus exporter for Yii2
yii2-prometheus Prometheus Extension for Yii 2 This extension provides a Prometheus exporter component for Yii framework 2.0 applications. This extens
yii2-app-advanced with Twitter Bootstrap 5
Yii 2 Advanced Project Template is a skeleton Yii 2 application best for developing complex Web applications with multiple tiers.
Web Push Notifications brought to Yii2
Web Push Notifications for Yii 2 An extension for implementing Web Push Notifications on your website in a breeze. Documentation is at docs/README.md
Tarantool connector for yii2 framework. Allow to use activerecord, schemas, widgets and more.
Tarantool connector for yii2 framework Tarantool connector for yii2 framework. Allow to use framework abstractions such as ActiveRecord, Schema, Table
PHP CORS (Cross-origin resource sharing) middleware.
CORS PHP CORS (Cross-origin resource sharing) middleware. Support Array, Coding in Native PHP Using PSR-7 PSR-15 Support Symfony Support Laravel Suppo
Yii 2 Bootstrap 5 Extension
Twitter Bootstrap 5 Extension for Yii 2 This is the Twitter Bootstrap extension for Yii framework 2.0. It encapsulates Bootstrap 5 components and plug
Yii2 Annotations Generate API Document Extension
Generate online api document by code annotation for yii2 easily
Basic Crud Generator (With Code Files, like GII (YII2)) Using Laravel, Livewire and Tailwind CSS
LiveCrud Live Crud Generator. This package generates Basic Crud with Livewire. Features Generate Complete Crud With Livewire Component and Blade Files
yii2 MinIO
yii2-minio Yii2 MinIO Installation php composer.phar require bevin1984/yii2-minio:^0.0.1 Or "bevin1984/yii2-minio": "^0.0.1" Configuration 'components
:elephant: A Laravel 6 SPA boilerplate with a users CRUD using Vue.js 2.6, GraphQL, Bootstrap 4, TypeScript, Sass, and Pug.
Laravel Vue Boilerplate A Laravel 6 Single Page Application boilerplate using Vue.js 2.6, GraphQL, Bootstrap 4, TypeScript, Sass and Pug with: A users
Stacker - The environment for local web development, ready for use.
Introduction English 简体中文 Why stacker? Stacker - This is a local environment for web development with everything you need. What is its benefit? You do
PHPRAP,是一个PHP轻量级开源API接口文档管理系统,致力于减少前后端沟通成本,提高团队协作开发效率,打造PHP版的RAP。如果您觉得PHPRAP对您有用的话,别忘了给点个赞哦^_^ !
PHPRAP,是一个PHP轻量级开源API接口文档管理系统,致力于减少前后端沟通成本,提高团队协作开发效率,打造PHP版的RAP。 版本说明 master:稳定版本,建议下载安装,下载源码 develop:开发版本,功能最新,但不稳定,不建议下载安装 相关 官方网站:www.phprap.com 演
Craft is a flexible, user-friendly CMS for creating custom digital experiences on the web and beyond.
About Craft CMS Craft is a flexible, user-friendly CMS for creating custom digital experiences on the web and beyond. It features: An intuitive, user-
Yii 2: The Fast, Secure and Professional PHP Framework
Yii 2 is a modern framework designed to be a solid foundation for your PHP application. It is fast, secure and efficient and works right out of the bo