5 Repositories
PHP crop Libraries
🖼️ Laravel Nova Field for uploading and cropping images using Slim Image Cropper
🖼️ Laravel Nova Field for uploading and cropping images using Slim Image Cropper
The Gregwar\Image class purpose is to provide a simple object-oriented images handling and caching API
Gregwar's Image class The Gregwar\Image class purpose is to provide a simple object-oriented images handling and caching API. Installation With compos
PHP library to easily edit image with GD extension. Resize, crop, merge, draw, and many more options !
PHP Image Editor PHP library to easily edit image with GD extension. Resize, crop, merge, draw, and many more options ! ✨ Supporting ⭐ Star this repos
PHP library to resize, scale and crop images.
PHP library to resize, scale and crop images.
Auto Image & file upload, resize and crop for Laravel eloquent model using Intervention image
Laravel ImageUp The qcod/laravel-imageup is a trait which gives you auto upload, resize and crop for image feature with tons of customization. Install