4 Repositories
PHP classification Libraries
Android libraries and/or signatures with classification (type, tags, anti-features)
Android Libraries A list of Android libraries and/or trackers along with classification such as type, categories and ant-features. Development Status:
PHP Machine Learning with Naive Bayes to classify the right contraceptive based on your medical history
What is php-ml-bayes PHP-ML Bayes is a Machine Learning with Naive Bayes Algorithm to classify the right contraceptive based on your medical history.
Rubix ML - A high-level machine learning and deep learning library for the PHP language.
A high-level machine learning and deep learning library for the PHP language. Developer-friendly API is delightful to use 40+ supervised and
A high-level machine learning and deep learning library for the PHP language.
Rubix ML A high-level machine learning and deep learning library for the PHP language. Developer-friendly API is delightful to use 40+ supervised and