4 Repositories
PHP autoload Libraries
Because I can never remember exactly how to autoload my helpers.php file.
Laravel Helpers File (helpers.php) I add a app/helpers.php file to every project for any custom helpers I might want to create. Everytime I go to add
59 Mar 31, 2022
Autoload maker
Autoload maker Simply run the code of the file autoloadmaker.php, an autoload.php will be create in the same directory with the file autoloadmaker.php
1 Nov 27, 2021
Automatically load your helpers in your laravel application.
Laravel AutoHelpers Automatically load your helpers in your laravel application. Installation You can install the package via composer: composer requi
6 Jul 26, 2021
Generate and autoload custom Helpers, Builder Scope, Service class, Trait
laravel-make-extender Generate and autoload custom helpers, It can generate multilevel helpers in the context of the directory. Generate Service class
30 Dec 24, 2022