CSV files from Eloquent model in seconds - a Laravel package.



A Laravel package to easily generate CSV files from Eloquent model.

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Basic usage

$users = User::get(); // All users
$csvExporter = new \Laracsv\Export();
$csvExporter->build($users, ['email', 'name'])->download();

And a proper CSV file will be downloaded with email and name fields. As simple as it sounds!


Just run this on your terminal:

composer require usmanhalalit/laracsv:^2.1

and you should be good to go.

Full Documentation

Build CSV

$exporter->build($modelCollection, $fields) takes three parameters. First one is the model (collection of models), seconds one takes the field names you want to export, third one is config, which is optional.

$csvExporter->build(User::get(), ['email', 'name', 'created_at']);

Output Options


To get file downloaded to the browser:


You can provide a filename if you wish:


If no filename is given a filename with date-time will be generated.

Advanced Outputs

LaraCSV uses League CSV. You can do what League CSV is able to do. You can get the underlying League CSV writer and reader instance by calling:

$csvWriter = $csvExporter->getWriter();
$csvReader = $csvExporter->getReader();

And then you can do several things like:

$csvString = $csvWriter->getContent(); // To get the CSV as string
$csvReader->jsonSerialize(); // To turn the CSV in to an array

For more information please check League CSV documentation.

Custom Headers

Above code example will generate a CSV with headers email, name, created_at and corresponding rows after.

If you want to change the header with a custom label just pass it as array value:

$csvExporter->build(User::get(), ['email', 'name' => 'Full Name', 'created_at' => 'Joined']);

Now name column will show the header Full Name but it will still take values from name field of the model.

No Header

You can also suppress the CSV header:

$csvExporter->build(User::get(), ['email', 'name', 'created_at'], [
    'header' => false,

Modify or Add Values

There is a hook which is triggered before processing a database row. For example, if you want to change the date format you can do so.

$csvExporter = new \Laracsv\Export();
$users = User::get();

// Register the hook before building
$csvExporter->beforeEach(function ($user) {
    $user->created_at = date('f', strtotime($user->created_at));

$csvExporter->build($users, ['email', 'name' => 'Full Name', 'created_at' => 'Joined']);

Note: If a beforeEach callback returns false then the entire row will be excluded from the CSV. It can come handy to filter some rows.

Add fields and values

You may also add fields that don't exists in a database table add values on the fly:

// The notes field doesn't exist so values for this field will be blank by default
$csvExporter->beforeEach(function ($user) {
    // Now notes field will have this value
    $user->notes = 'Add your notes';

$csvExporter->build($users, ['email', 'notes']);

Model Relationships

You can also add fields in the CSV from related database tables, given the model has relationships defined.

This will get the product title and the related category's title (one to one):

$csvExporter->build($products, ['title', 'category.title']);

You may also tinker relation things as you wish with hooks:

$products = Product::with('categories')->where('order_count', '>', 10)->orderBy('order_count', 'desc')->get();
$fields = ['id', 'title','original_price' => 'Market Price', 'category_ids',];
$csvExporter = new \Laracsv\Export();
$csvExporter->beforeEach(function ($product) {
    $product->category_ids = implode(', ', $product->categories->pluck('id')->toArray());

Build by chunks

For larger datasets, which can become more memory consuming, a builder instance can be used to process the results in chunks. Similar to the row-related hook, a chunk-related hook can be used in this case for e.g. eager loading or similar chunk based operations. The behaviour between both hooks is similar; it gets called before each chunk and has the entire collection as an argument. In case false is returned the entire chunk gets skipped and the code continues with the next one.

// Perform chunk related operations
$export->beforeEachChunk(function ($collection) {

$export->buildFromBuilder(Product::select(), ['category_label']);

The default chunk size is set to 1000 results but can be altered by passing a different value in the $config passed to buildFromBuilder. Example alters the chunk size to 500.

// ...

$export->buildFromBuilder(Product::select(), ['category_label'], ['chunk' => 500]);

© Muhammad Usman. Licensed under MIT license.

  • In Php 7.0 it is not working

    In Php 7.0 it is not working

    In Php 7.0 this package throwing error ..it is not working .. I am facing this error : "Type error: Return value of Laracsv\Export::addHeader() must be an instance of Laracsv\void, none returned"

    opened by vijayyuvasoft 11
  •  Illuminate\Support\Collection support

    Illuminate\Support\Collection support

    Made it possible to use Illuminate\Support\Collection instead of only Illuminiate\Database\Eloquent\Collection. Also added a test to see if my patch works

    opened by zbrag 7
  • Support for chunked model input

    Support for chunked model input

    Hi @usmanhalalit!

    We're running into some memory issues when we're working with larger datasets. We could tackle this issue by using the chunk method on Eloquent's Builder classes. Would you be interested in adding an additional method to your package which allows the input of a Builder and "chunks" its way through all the results?

    Love to make a PR for this.


    opened by LarsGrevelink 6
  • Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at phar:///usr/local/Cellar/phpunit/7.5.1/bin/phpunit/phpunit/Util/Printer.php:109)

    Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at phar:///usr/local/Cellar/phpunit/7.5.1/bin/phpunit/phpunit/Util/Printer.php:109)

    I use LaraCsv for my site and it works great but I realized I never wrote a test for the controllers that use it for. I wrote my test but am now running into the title issue using the following code (simplified for ease of reading):

    $data = Data::all();
    $csvExporter = new \Laracsv\Export();
    $csvExporter->build($data, [
        'dataTitle' => 'Data'

    What I'm trying to do is test that the file is auto-downloaded, but the only way I've found to do that is by doing this:

    $response = $this->call('GET', route('export.download'));
    $this->assertTrue($response->headers->get('content-type') == 'text/csv;charset=UTF-8');
    $this->assertTrue($response->headers->get('content-disposition') == 'attachment; filename="downloadfile.csv"');

    But (only in testing) I get this error:

    ErrorException: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at phar:///usr/local/Cellar/phpunit/7.5.1/bin/phpunit/phpunit/Util/Printer.php:109) in file /Users/nexxai/code/vendor/league/csv/src/AbstractCsv.php on line 361

    Is there another way I can test that the file is being properly downloaded, since it appears that PHPunit is pre-setting the headers before LaraCsv has the opportunity to do so?

    opened by nexxai 6
  • After Download csv contains some garbage data

    After Download csv contains some garbage data

    My function is like:: for($i=$serialfrom;$i<=($serialfrom+$download_qty-1);$i++){ $data['serial'][] = $serial['no'] = makeQR($i,$ticket_type);
    $ticket = new Ticket; $ticket->ticket_id = $serial['no']; $ticket->ticket_class = $ticket->title; $ticket->per_ticket_price = $data['price']; $ticket->valid_till_date = $data['expirv']; $ticket->venue_id = $data['ticket_venue']; $c->add($ticket); }
    $csvExporter = new \Laracsv\Export();
    $csvExporter->build($c, ['venue_id'=>'Venue Title', 'ticket_class' => 'Ticket Type', 'per_ticket_price' => 'Price','valid_till_date'=>'Expire Date','ticket_id'=>'Serial No'])->download('tickets.csv');

    But after download its contains a lot of garbage like