Support for many missing PostgreSQL specific features


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Laravel supports many different databases and therefore has to limit itself to the lowest common denominator of all databases. PostgreSQL, however, offers a ton more functionality which is being added to Laravel by this extension.


You can install the package via composer:

composer require tpetry/laravel-postgresql-enhanced




Create Extensions

The Schema facade supports the creation of extensions with the createExtension and createExtensionIfNotExists methods:

use Tpetry\PostgresqlEnhanced\Support\Facades\Schema;


Dropping Extensions

To remove extensions, you may use the dropExtension and dropExtensionIfExists methods provided by the Schema facade:

use Tpetry\PostgresqlEnhanced\Support\Facades\Schema;


You may drop many extensions at once by passing multiple extension names:

use Tpetry\PostgresqlEnhanced\Support\Facades\Schema;

Schema::dropExtension('tablefunc', 'fuzzystrmatch');
Schema::dropExtensionIfExists('tablefunc', 'fuzzystrmatch');


Create Views

The Schema facade supports the creation of views with the createView and createViewOrReplace methods. The definition of your view can be a sql query string or a query builder instance:

use Illuminate\Support\Facades\DB;
use Tpetry\PostgresqlEnhanced\Support\Facades\Schema;

Schema::createView('users_with_2fa', 'SELECT * FROM users WHERE two_factor_secret IS NOT NULL');
Schema::createViewOrReplace('users_without_2fa', DB::table('users')->whereNull('two_factor_secret'));

If you need to create recursive views the createRecursiveView and createRecursiveViewOrReplace methods can be used like in the former examples but you need to provide the available columns as last parameter:

use Illuminate\Support\Facades\DB;
use Tpetry\PostgresqlEnhanced\Support\Facades\Schema;

// TODO simple example explaining the concept
Schema::createView('viewname', 'SELECT id, col1, col2 FROM ....', ['id', 'col1', 'col2']);
Schema::createViewOrReplace('viewname', 'SELECT id, col1, col2 FROM ....', ['id', 'col1', 'col2']);

Dropping Views

To remove views, you may use the dropView and dropViewIfExists methods provided by the Schema facade. You don't have to distinguish normala and recursive views:

use Tpetry\PostgresqlEnhanced\Support\Facades\Schema;


You may drop many views at once by passing multiple view names:

use Tpetry\PostgresqlEnhanced\Support\Facades\Schema;

Schema::dropExtension('myview1', 'myview2');
Schema::dropExtensionIfExists('myview1', 'myview2');


Drop If Exists

In addition to the Laravel methods to drop indexes, methods to drop indexes if they exist have been added. The methods dropIndexIfExists, dropPrimaryIfExists, dropSpatialIndexIfExists and dropSpatialIndexIfExists match the semantics of their laravel originals.

Create Partial Indexes

A partial index is an index built over a subset of a table; the subset is defined by a condition. The index contains entries only for those table rows that satisfy the condition. Partial indexes are a specialized feature, but there are several situations in which they are useful. Take for example you want to make the email address column of your users table unique and you are using soft-deletes. This is not possible because by deleting a user and creating it again the email address is used twice. With partial indexes this can be done by limiting the index to only untrashed rows:

use Illuminate\Database\Query\Builder;
use Tpetry\PostgresqlEnhanced\Schema\Blueprint;
use Tpetry\PostgresqlEnhanced\Support\Facades\Schema;

Schema::table('users', function(Blueprint $table) {
    $table->partialUnique(['email'], fn (Builder $condition) => $condition->whereNull('deleted_at'));

Partial Indexes are created with the partialIndex, partialSpatialIndex, partialUnique methods. The name of the index is created automatically like for normal laravel indexes, if you want to change the name pass it's value as third parameter.

Special attention is needed for dropping partial unique indexes, you need to use the special partial drop methods: dropPartialUnique and dropPartialUniqueIfExists.

Column Types

Bit Strings

The bit string data types store strings of 0s and 1s. They can be used to e.g. store bitmaps.

// @see
$table->bit(string $column, int $length = 1);
$table->varbit(string $column, ?int $length = null);

Case Insensitive Text

The case insensitive text type is used to store a text that will be compared case insensitive. It can be used to e.g. store and compare e-mail addresses.

// @see
$table->caseInsensitiveText(string $column);

IP Networks

The ip network datatype stores an ip network in cidr notation.

// @see
$table->ipNetwork(string $column);


The hstore data type is used store key/value pairs within a single PostgreSQL value. The new json data type is better in all aspects, so hstore should only be used for compatibility with old applications.

// @see
$table->hstore(string $column);

International Product Numbers

The international product number data types are used to store common product numbers types and validate them before saving.

// @see
$table->europeanArticleNumber13(string $column);
$table->internationalStandardBookNumber(string $column);
$table->internationalStandardBookNumber13(string $column);
$table->internationalStandardMusicNumber(string $column);
$table->internationalStandardMusicNumber13(string $column);
$table->internationalStandardSerialNumber(string $column);
$table->internationalStandardSerialNumber13(string $column);
$table->universalProductNumber(string $column);

Label Tree

The ltree data type stores a label as its position in a tree. This provides an easy way to manage a tree without performance and complexity disadvantages compared to alternative solutions.

// @see
$table->labelTree(string $column);


The range data types store a range of values with optional start and end values. They can be used e.g. to describe the duration a meeting room is booked.

// @see
$table->bigIntegerRange(string $column);
$table->dateRange(string $column);
$table->decimalRange(string $column);
$table->integerRange(string $column);
$table->timestampRange(string $column);
$table->timestampTzRange(string $column);


The xml data type can be used to store an xml document.

// @see
$table->xml(string $column);


Please see CHANGELOG for more information on what has changed recently.

Security Vulnerabilities

If you discover any security related issues, please email [email protected] instead of using the issue tracker.


The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.

  • Add returning methods to Eloquent Builder

    Add returning methods to Eloquent Builder

    This PR add the ability to call *Returning methods on Eloquent Builder and retrieve the results as models.

    The tests are pretty minimal but should be a good starting point.

    The implementation is based on Builder::get (

    I don't know if adding eager loading ability should be done but it could be added here or on another PR if needed.

    opened by bastien-phi 18
  • [DRAFT] feat: support functions

    [DRAFT] feat: support functions

    This PR adds support to create functions. We can of course change the signature but this is just a first proposal because I think it would be a great addition.

    opened by jaulz 17
  • Add feature to work with With and with recursive.

    Add feature to work with With and with recursive.

    Excellent package, I've been using it for a long time.

    Recently I needed to use with and with recursive and I wanted to use it in the model and not DB.

    Would it be possible to add?

    I even made it locally for myself, but the code I made I don't think it's feasible to put on the air, but I've extended the service provider and made changes so that Grammer has this method:

         * Compile the select query into SQL.
         * @param \Illuminate\Database\Query\Builder $query
         * @return string
        public function compileSelect(Builder $query)
            $sql = parent::compileSelect($query);
            $withQuery = $query->withQuery;
            if ($withQuery) {
                $withQuery .= ' ';
            return "{$withQuery}{$sql}";

    Query\Builder I added:

       public $withQuery = '';
        public function withQuery($query = null)
            $this->withQuery = $query;
            return $this;

    It works for me, but it could be better by adding the bindings and making the code better.

    opened by emtudo 10
  • Why running function created in with table data returned raised error ?

    Why running function created in with table data returned raised error ?

    In laravel9.6.0 app using tpetry/laravel-postgresql-enhanced 0.20.0 I create function with table data returned :

    return new class extends Migration
        public function up()
            Schema::createFunctionOrReplace('ts_categories_get', ['sort_field' => 'character varying'],
                'TABLE(id smallint, name character varying, active boolean, slug character varying, description text,
                 created_at timestamp, updated_at timestamp)', 'plpgsql', '
        SELECT,,, ts_categories.slug, ts_categories.description,
        ts_categories.created_at, ts_categories.updated_at
            from ts_categories;

    But running the function : SELECT ts_categories_get('name') I got error : ERROR: query has no destination for result data HINT: If you want to discard the results of a SELECT, use PERFORM instead. CONTEXT: PL/pgSQL function ts_categories_get(character varying) line 4 at SQL statement In statement: SELECT ts_categories_get('name') I see in phppgadmin this function defined as :

    What is wrong ?


    opened by sergeynilov 9
  • lazy() via cursor fetching

    lazy() via cursor fetching

    Eloquents lazy() has the problem of making new queries for each chunk via OFFSET+LIMIT, which doesn't give a stable result if something changed in parallel. Meanwhile lazyById prevents applying own ordering, plus aren't completely safe from changes in parallel requests either. And chunk() ends up with all the results queried out into memory at PDO level, which is unsuitable for dealing with a lot of rows.

    So I had to come up with a version that overcomes all that by making use of PostgreSQL cursors to handle the chunking. Here's a quick (and perhaps a bit dirty in regards to toSql() usage) macro that does this:

        public function boot()
            Builder::macro('lazyFetch', function(int $chunkSize = 1000) {
                if ($chunkSize < 1) {
                    throw new InvalidArgumentException('The chunk size should be at least 1');
                if (DB::transactionLevel() <= 0) {
                    throw new RuntimeException('lazyFetch can only be used within a DB transaction');
                return LazyCollection::make(function () use ($chunkSize) {
                    $cursorName = 'lazy_fetch_' . spl_object_id($this);
                    DB::statement("DECLARE {$cursorName} NO SCROLL CURSOR FOR " . $this->toSql(), $this->getBindings());
                    while (true) {
                        $results = DB::select("FETCH FORWARD {$chunkSize} FROM {$cursorName}");
                        foreach ($results as $result) {
                            yield $result;
                        if (count($results) < $chunkSize) {
                            DB::statement("CLOSE {$cursorName}");

    and then it can be used by just using lazyFetch() instead of lazy() to get a stable LazyCollection. It might even be a good idea to use that for lazy() automatically if within a transaction?

    Anyhow, I think it might be a good fit into laravel-postgresql-enhanced in some form. If so, how would it be integrated into a package like laravel-postgresql-enhanced is for easy usage by programs? Might take a stab at making a PR for this if I knew which way to integrate it into the package.

    opened by leio 9
  • Making sure a CTE is only added once

    Making sure a CTE is only added once

    I have a model Location with relationships to organization and region models. Each of those is part of a hierarchical structure, stored in the database as an adjacency list.

    For example:

    • Location 1 has region_id = 2 and organization_id = 3
    • Region 2 has parent_id = 20
    • Organization 3 has parent_id = 33

    When users load a list of locations, there are two sets of where clauses that need to be applied:

    1. Filter based on the user's permissions (at the organization, region, or location level; via an assignments table with a morphTo relationship)
    2. Filter based on the user's request (also at the organization, region, or location level)

    My Location model has this scope for the first filter:

    public function scopeUserCanAccess($rootQuery, User $user)
        $rootQuery->where(function ($query) use ($user, $rootQuery) {
            $addedOrgCTE = false;
            $addedRegionCTE = false;
            foreach ($user->assignments as $assignment) {
                switch ($assignment->assignable_type) {
                    case 'organization':
                        if (!$addedOrgCTE) {
                            $orgQuery = Organization::query()
                                ->select('id', 'parent_id')
                                ->where('id', $assignment->assignable_id)
                                        ->select('', 'organizations.parent_id')
                                        ->join('org_tree', '', 'organizations.parent_id')
                            $rootQuery->withExpression('org_tree', $orgQuery, ['recursive' => true]);
                            $addedOrgCTE = true;
                        $query->orWhereIn('organization_id', function ($query) {
                    case 'region':
                        if (!$addedRegionCTE) {
                            $regionQuery = Region::query()
                                ->select('id', 'parent_id')
                                ->where('id', $assignment->assignable_id)
                                        ->select('', 'regions.parent_id')
                                        ->join('region_tree', '', 'regions.parent_id')
                            $rootQuery->withExpression('region_tree', $regionQuery, ['recursive' => true]);
                            $addedRegionCTE = true;
                        $query->orWhereIn('region_id', function ($query) {
                    case 'location':
                        $query->orWhere('id', $assignment->assignable_id);

    For the second filter, I have this function that modifies the query based on the request:

    public function filterQuery($request, $rootQuery)
        $rootQuery->where(function ($query) use ($rootQuery) {
            $addedOrgCTE = true;
            $addedRegionCTE = false;
            if ($request->has('organization')) {
                $rawArg = $request->organization;
                $arg = str_contains($rawArg, ',') ? explode(',', $rawArg) : [$rawArg];
                if (!$addedOrgCTE) {
                    $orgQuery = Organization::query()
                        ->select('id', 'parent_id')
                        ->whereIn('id', $arg)
                                ->select('', 'organizations.parent_id')
                                ->join('org_tree', '', 'organizations.parent_id')
                    $rootQuery->withExpression('org_tree', $orgQuery, ['recursive' => true]);
                    $addedOrgCTE = true;
                $query->orWhereIn('organization_id', function ($query) {
            if ($request->has('region')) {
                $rawArg = $request->region;
                $arg = str_contains($rawArg, ',') ? explode(',', $rawArg) : [$rawArg];
                if (!$addedRegionCTE) {
                    $regionQuery = Region::query()
                        ->select('id', 'parent_id')
                        ->whereIn('id', $arg)
                                ->select('', 'regions.parent_id')
                                ->join('region_tree', '', 'regions.parent_id')
                    $rootQuery->withExpression('region_tree', $regionQuery, ['recursive' => true]);
                    $addedRegionCTE = true;
                $query->orWhereIn('region_id', function ($query) {
            if ($request->has('location')) {
                $rawArg = $request->location;
                $arg = str_contains($rawArg, ',') ? explode(',', $rawArg) : [$rawArg];
                $query->orWhereIn('id', $arg);

    The problem I have is that this generates an invalid query because it adds the same CTE (org_tree or region_tree) twice.

    Is there any way I can check if a CTE is already added before I add it again, or we can change the withExpression method to not add an expression with the same name as one that is already present?

    bug enhancement 
    opened by kohenkatz 7
  • Larastan undefined property when accessing model properties

    Larastan undefined property when accessing model properties

    Hello, First off I want to say thank you for all the hard work you've put into this amazing package.

    I ran into an issue where Larastan is giving me errors when I access model properties that were defined in migrations using the package's Blueprint class. For example, given the following user migration:

    use Illuminate\Database\Migrations\Migration;
    use Tpetry\PostgresqlEnhanced\Schema\Blueprint;
    use Tpetry\PostgresqlEnhanced\Support\Facades\Schema;
    class CreateUsersTable extends Migration
        public function up()
            Schema::create('users', function (Blueprint $table) {

    Calling properties on the model with $user->name or $user->email will give the following error:

    ------ ---------------------------------------------------------- 
      Line   Data/AuthData.php                                         
     ------ ---------------------------------------------------------- 
      49     Access to an undefined property App\Models\User::$name.   
      51     Access to an undefined property App\Models\User::$email.  
     ------ ---------------------------------------------------------- 

    It's easy enough to work around by annotating the model.

     * @property string $name
     * @property string $email
    class User extends Authenticatable

    But since I'm using the package's phpstan extension I figured I'd ask if this is expected functionality or if I'm missing something obvious.

    Thanks again!

    Environment Details


    "php": "^8.1",
    "laravel/framework": "^9.43",
    "nunomaduro/larastan": "^2.2.9",
    "tpetry/laravel-postgresql-enhanced": "^0.23.0"


        - ./vendor/nunomaduro/larastan/extension.neon
        - ./vendor/tpetry/laravel-postgresql-enhanced/phpstan-extension.neon
        level: 8
    opened by benbjurstrom 7
  • `LIKE` query does not work with `citext`

    `LIKE` query does not work with `citext`

    It seems that the LIKE query is not working with citext columns. I assume that it's related to this piece of code:

    The column will be casted into text and thus any case insensitive search isn't working anymore. Is there any smart way to solve it?

    opened by jaulz 6
  • Laravel 9 TypeError

    Laravel 9 TypeError

    Hi, I'm getting a TypeError trying to use this on Laravel 9. What am I doing wrong?

    Illuminate\Database\Migrations\Migration@anonymous(): Argument #1 ($table) must be of type Tpetry\PostgresqlEnhanced\Schema\Blueprint, Illuminate\Database\Schema\Blueprint given, called in
    /var/www/html/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Database/Schema/Builder.php on line 256 


    use Illuminate\Database\Migrations\Migration;
    use Tpetry\PostgresqlEnhanced\Schema\Blueprint;
    use Tpetry\PostgresqlEnhanced\Schema\Concerns\ZeroDowntimeMigration;
    use Tpetry\PostgresqlEnhanced\Support\Facades\Schema;
    return new class extends Migration
        use ZeroDowntimeMigration;
         * Run the migrations.
         * @return void
        public function up()
            Schema::create('somethings', function (Blueprint $table) {
            // ...
    opened by LiamKarlMitchell 6
  • fix: implement base contract

    fix: implement base contract

    Occasionally I see this error when I type my arguments:

    Argument #1 ($builder) must be of type Illuminate\Contracts\Database\Eloquent\Builder, Tpetry\PostgresqlEnhanced\Query\Builder given

    I think this change should not have any side effects.

    opened by jaulz 5
  • feat: support `ON TRUE`

    feat: support `ON TRUE`

    This PR just provides the general idea of supporting an ON TRUE condition. If you want to return a NULL-extended row in the case where the lateral join returns no rows, then you would use LEFT JOIN LATERAL (...) ON TRUE. You can already achieve it with the current implementation by providing the values manually but extending this library would even make it easier. What do you think?

    opened by jaulz 5
  • Compatibility with other Postgres libraries

    Compatibility with other Postgres libraries

    Hello! I use Postgres heavily and am very excited to see that you started this project.

    Right now I have umbrellio/laravel-pg-extensions implemented and have used its "Custom Extensions" method for adding other new functionality I needed. On top of that library I have umbrellio/laravel-ltree, belamov/postgres-range, staudenmeir/laravel-adjacency-list, and with it staudenmeir/laravel-cte.

    Most of the custom functionality I've added is already handled by your library, so I would just be able to remove that on my end. LTree I can just use the Eloquent helpers and your library can do the schema stuff. You also support ranges so that's easy. I do use Laravel Adjacency List heavily so I'm wondering how it would work with both libraries implementing CTE (maybe no issue if there's no naming conflict?), and then compatibility with other Postgres libraries in general.

    I think the main issue I run into when I'm trying to get these libraries to work together is when there's conflicts with the PostgresConnection. And then some way for multiple libraries to extend Blueprint and Schema Grammar which is what the Custom Extension method allows for.

    So far I've used the umbrellio/laravel-pg-extensions implementation of PostgresConnection and extended that. Then when there's conflicts, which I ran into with belamov/postgres-range and staudenmeir/laravel-cte, I just implement them manually using the Custom Extension method so that they do not load their versions of the PostgresConnection, and prevent them from being automatically discovered by Laravel using composer.json:

    "extra": {
        "laravel": {
            "dont-discover": [

    Switching to your library I won't have that Custom Extension method anymore, which means I don't have a clear way to deal with conflicts, so I know that will be the main challenge in transitioning here.

    Of course this is out of scope of this repository but I thought I'd ask just in case you have some insight here. Either way, I do plan to try this transition in just the next few days, so if you're not sure I'll go ahead and just update this issue with anything that I find, maybe help others in the future.

    I am so excited about this library, thank you so much for starting this!

    opened by kdevan 4
  • Extended PostgreSQL types are not supported with the Laravel IDE Helper Generator

    Extended PostgreSQL types are not supported with the Laravel IDE Helper Generator

    When running composer update which regenerates ide-helper stubs, I go this as it was analyzing the models.

    Exception: Unknown database type citext requested, Doctrine\DBAL\Platforms\PostgreSQL100Platform may not support it.
    Could not analyze class App\Models\Tag.

    The fix was easy enough, in AppServiceProvider I put:

    // ...
    use Tpetry\PostgresqlEnhanced\Types\CitextType;
    class AppServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider
        public function boot(){
            \app('db')->registerDoctrineType(CitextType::class, 'citext', 'string');
            // ...

    As I was looking at the code in the vendor folder, I noticed the $typeInstance->getName() is deprecated in doctrine, not sure if that is related,and I'm not sure that's the best way to register the doctrine type, but it made the error go away..

    opened by patrickcurl 3
  • Support `whereIsDistinctFrom` and `whereNotIsDistinctFrom`

    Support `whereIsDistinctFrom` and `whereNotIsDistinctFrom`

    The IS DISTINCT FROM and IS NOT DISTINCT FROM terms simplify a query a lot for nullable columns:

    col IS DISTINCT FROM 'value' simplifies a query with nullable columns as it is a replacement for (col IS NULL OR col != 'value')

    opened by tpetry 0
  • Nulls first/last

    Nulls first/last

    I think it would be a great addition if we could order by nulls first/last, i.e. see Maybe as a new Builder trait? What do you think?

    If possible, we should also try to support CursorPaginator since it does not work with raw values at the moment.

    opened by jaulz 4
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