Fixture Plugin
The fixture plugin is really helpful if you want to create some static demo data for your shopware instance.
Just add it to your project via composer: "composer require basecom/sw6-fixtures-plugin" (or add entry in psh dependency).
Create Fixtures
- Create a new file in the specific folder of your project for the fixtures.
- Extend this file from abstract class "Fixture" in the library.
- Implement the "load()" method with fixture logic
- Optional: Add a priority or dependency of other Fixture classes via the corresponding "dependsOn()" or "priority()" method.
- If you want to run specific fixtures as a group later, implement the "groups()" method from the abstact class and return an array of strings as group names.
Run the fixtures
- To run a single fixture, use the command "**bin/console fixture:load:single " with Fixture name as parameter.
- E.g. fixture class is named "DummyFixture.php", run **bin/console fixture:load:single dummyFixture (it´s case-insensitive).
- To run a group of fixture, run "bin/console fixture:load:group " with group name as parameter (specified via groups() method). It´s also case-insensitive.
- To run all fixtures, run "bin/console fixture:load".
Start developing
This template uses a full-featured Dockware docker image. It already comes with a pre-installed Shopware 6 instance and everything you need to start developing.
Please see the Dockware documentation.
To start developing, simply start the container:
> docker compose up -d
Access the container:
> make shell
Install the dependencies and make everything ready (defined in composer.json and package.json). This command needs to be executed from the host-system (not in shell)
> make install
Before committing, please run the linting and static analysis tools. This command also needs to be executed from the host machine (not in shell):
> make lint
GitLab pipeline
The GitLab pipeline is already pre-configured. It contains multiple jobs for all linting, static analysis and testing tools.
The pipeline runs all tests for the latest stable Shopware 6 version. But you have several options for the PHPUnit tests: