Missing data types for PHP. Highly extendable.


SmartEmailing \ Types

Missing data types for PHP 7.2, 7.3, 7.4 and 8.0. Highly extendable, production tested.

MIT license Latest release Downloads

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Neverending data validation can be exhausting. Either you have to validate your data over and over again in every function you use it, or you have to rely it has already been validated somewhere else and risk potential problems.

Smelly, right?

Replacing validation hell with Types will make your code much more readable and less vulnerable to bugs.

Types wrap your data in value objects that are guaranteed to be valid and normalized; or not to exist at all. It allows you to use specific type hints instead of primitive types or arrays. Your code will be unbreakable and your IDE will love it.

Table of Contents


The recommended way to install is via Composer:

composer require smartemailing/types

How does it work

It is easy. You just initialize desired value object by simple one-liner. From this point, you have sanitized, normalized and valid data; or SmartEmailing\Types\InvalidTypeException to handle.

Types consist from:

  • String-extractable types - validated strings (E-mail address, Domains, Hexadecimal strings, ...)
  • Int-extractable types - validated integers (Port)
  • Float-extractable types - validated floats (SigmoidValue, Part, ...)
  • Enum-extractable types - enumerables (CountryCode, CurrencyCode, GDPR's Lawful purpose, ...)
  • Composite (Array-extractable) types - structures containing multiple another types (Address, ...)
  • DateTimes - extraction of DateTime and DateTimeImmutable
  • Primitive types extractors and unique arrays

Different types provide different methods related to them, but all types share this extraction API:

Wrapping raw value

declare(strict_types = 1);

use SmartEmailing\Types\Emailaddress;
use SmartEmailing\Types\InvalidTypeException;

// Valid input

$emailaddress = Emailaddress::from('hello@gmail.com'); // returns Emailaddress object
$emailaddress = Emailaddress::from($emailaddress); // returns original $emailaddress

// Invalid input

$emailaddress = Emailaddress::from('bla bla'); // throws InvalidTypeException
$emailaddress = Emailaddress::from(1); // throws InvalidTypeException
$emailaddress = Emailaddress::from(false); // throws InvalidTypeException
$emailaddress = Emailaddress::from(null); // throws InvalidTypeException
$emailaddress = Emailaddress::from([]); // throws InvalidTypeException
$emailaddress = Emailaddress::from(new \StdClass()); // throws InvalidTypeException

// Nullables

$emailaddress = Emailaddress::fromOrNull(null); // returns NULL
$emailaddress = Emailaddress::fromOrNull('bla bla'); // throws InvalidTypeException
$emailaddress = Emailaddress::fromOrNull('bla bla', true); // returns null instead of throwing

Extraction from array

This is really useful for strict-typing (validation) multidimensional arrays like API requests, forms or database data.

use SmartEmailing\Types\Emailaddress;
use SmartEmailing\Types\InvalidTypeException;

$input = [
	'emailaddress' => 'hello@gmail.com',
	'already_types_emailaddress' => Emailaddress::from('hello2@gmail.com'),
	'invalid_data' => 'bla bla',

// Valid input

$emailaddress = Emailaddress::extract($input, 'emailaddress'); // returns Emailaddress object
$emailaddress = Emailaddress::extract($input, 'already_types_emailaddress'); // returns original Emailaddress object

// Invalid input

$emailaddress = Emailaddress::extract($input, 'invalid_data'); // throws InvalidTypeException
$emailaddress = Emailaddress::extract($input, 'not_existing_key'); // throws InvalidTypeException

// Nullables 

$emailaddress = Emailaddress::extractOrNull($input, 'not_existing_key'); // returns null
$emailaddress = Emailaddress::extractOrNull($input, 'invalid_data'); //  throws InvalidTypeException
$emailaddress = Emailaddress::extractOrNull($input, 'invalid_data', true); // returns null instead of throwing

// Default values
	= Emailaddress::extractOrNull($input, 'not_existing_key') 
	?? Emailaddress::from('default@domain.com'); 
	// uses null coalescing operator to assign default value if key not present or null

	= Emailaddress::extractOrNull($input, 'not_existing_key', true) 
	?? Emailaddress::from('default@domain.com'); 
	// uses null coalescing operator to assign default value if key not present or null or invalid

String-extractable types

String-extractable types are based on validated strings. All values are trimmed before validation.

They can be easily converted back to string by string-type casting or calling $type->getValue().

E-mail address


Lowercased and ASCII-transformed e-mail address (hello@gmail.com)

Type-specific methods:

  • getLocalPart() : string returns local part of e-mail address (hello)
  • getDomain() : \SmartEmailing\Types\Domain returns domain part (gmail.com, represented as Types\Domain)

Non-empty string


Trimmed non-empty string.



Lowercased domain name (mx1.googlemx.google.com)

Type-specific methods:

  • getSecondLevelDomain() : \SmartEmailing\Types\Domain returns second-level domain. (google.com)

Hex 32


Lowercased 32-characters long hexadecimal string useful as container for MD5 or UUID without dashes. (741ecf779c9244358e6b85975bd13452)

Hex color


Uppercased 7-characters long string useful as container for color. (#006EDB)



Lowercased Guid with dashes (741ecf77-9c92-4435-8e6b-85975bd13452)

IP address


IP address v4 or v6. (, [2001:0db8:0a0b:12f0:0000:0000:0000:0001], 2001:db8:a0b:12f0::1)

Type-specific methods:

  • getVersion() : int returns IP address version, 4 or 6



URL based on Nette\Http\Url (https://www.google.com/search?q=all+work+and+no+play+makes+jack+a+dull+boy)

  • all spaces in string are urlencoded
  • all non-ascii characters are urlencoded

Type-specific methods:

  • getAuthority() : string returns authority (www.google.com)
  • getHost() : string returns Host (www.google.com)
  • getQueryString() : string returns Query string (q=all%20work%20and%20no%20play%20makes%20jack%20a%20dull%20boy)
  • getPath() : string returns URl Path (/search)
  • getAbsoluteUrl() : string Complete URL as string, alias for getValue()
  • getQueryParameter(string $name, mixed $default = null): mixed Return value of parameter $name
  • getBaseUrl(): string Return URL without path, query string and hash part (https://www.google.cz/)
  • getScheme(): string Return URL scheme (https)
  • hasParameters(string[] $names): bool Returns true if URL parameters contain all parameters defined in $names array
  • getParameters(): array Returns all URL parameters as string-indexed array
  • withQueryParameter(string $name, mixed $value): UrlType Returns new instance with added query parameter.

Company registration number


Whitespace-free company registration number for following countries: CZ, SK, CY

Phone number


Whitespace-free phone number in international format for following countries: CZ, SK, AT, BE, FR, HU, GB, DE, US, PL, IT, SE, SI, MH, NL, CY, IE, DK, FI, LU, TR

Type-specific methods:

  • getCountry() : SmartEmailing\Types\CountryCode Originating country (CZ)

ZIP code


Whitespace-free ZIP code valid in following countries: CZ, SK, UK, US



Valid JSON-encoded data as string

Type-specific methods:

  • static from(mixed $data) : SmartEmailing\Types\JsonString Accepts string or array. Crates JsonString from valid json string or raw data (array)
  • static encode(mixed $data) : SmartEmailing\Types\JsonString create JsonString from raw data (array)
  • getDecodedValue() : mixed decode JsonString back to raw data

Base 64


Valid Base 64-encoded data as string

Type-specific methods:

  • static encode(string $value) : SmartEmailing\Types\Base64String create Base64String from string
  • getDecodedValue() : string decode Base64String back to original string



Type-specific methods:

  • getFormatted(string $type = SmartEmailing\Types\Iban::FORMAT_ELECTRONIC): string returns formatted Iban string. Format types: FORMAT_ELECTRONIC, FORMAT_PRINT.
  • getCountry(): SmartEmailing\Types\CountryCode
  • getChecksum(): int



Valid Swift/Bic codes.



Type-specific methods:

  • static isValid(string $vatId): bool returns true if the vat id is valid otherwise returns false
  • getCountry(): ?Country returns Country under which the subject should falls or null.
  • getPrefix(): ?string returns string that prefixing vat id like EL from EL123456789 or null.
  • getVatNumber(): string returns vat number without prefix like 123456789
  • getValue(): string return whole vat id EL123456789



Valid currency codes by ISO 4217



Valid country codes by ISO 3166-1 alpha-2

Int-extractable types

Int-extractable types are based on validated integers.

They can be easily converted back to int by int-type casting or calling $type->getValue().



Port number

Integer interval, <0, 65535>



Quantity of items

Integer interval, <1, PHP_INT_MAX>

Unsigned Integer


Usigned integer

Integer interval, <0, PHP_INT_MAX>

Float-extractable types

Float-extractable types are based on validated floats.

They can be easily converted back to float by float-type casting or calling $type->getValue().



Portion of the whole

Float interval <0.0, 1.0>

Type-specific methods:

  • static fromRatio(float $value, float $whole): Part creates new instance by division $value and $whole.
  • getPercent(): float returns (Ratio's value) * 100 to get percent representation

Sigmoid function value


Result of Sigmoid function, useful when building neural networks.

Float interval <-1.0, 1.0>.

Rectified Linear Unit function value


Result of Rectified Linear Unit function, useful when building neural networks.

Float interval <0.0, Infinity).

Unsigned Float


Usigned float

Float interval, <0, PHP_FLOAT_MAX>

Array-extractable types

Array-extractable types are composite types encapsulating one or more another types. They are created from associative array. All Array-extractable types implement method toArray() : array which returns normalized array or type's data.



Range between two \DateTimeInterfaces. Safe for datetimes out of range of unix timestamp.

Can be created from:

		'from' => 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS',
		'to' => 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS',

Type-specific methods:

  • getFrom(): \DateTimeImmutable returns From date and time as \DateTimeImmutable instance
  • getTo(): \DateTimeImmutable returns To date and time as \DateTimeImmutable instance
  • getDurationInSeconds(): int returns number of seconds between From and To dates
  • contains(\DateTimeInterface $dateTime): bool returns true if provided \DateTimeInterface lies between From and To dates.
  • getLengthInSeconds(): int returns duration length in seconds



Human-readable time interval.

Can be created from:

		'value' => 1,
		'unit' => TimeUnit::HOURS,

	'1 hours'

Type-specific methods:

  • getDateTimeModify(): string returns string that is compatible with \DateTime::modify() and \DateTimeImmutable::modify()
  • getUnit(): TimeUnit returns TimeUnit enum type
  • getValue() int returns number of units
  • static fromDateTimeModify(string $dateTimeModify): self creates new instance from string compatible with \DateTime::modify() and \DateTimeImmutable::modify()



Location address contains street and number, town, zip code and country.

Can be created from:

		'street_and_number' => '29 Neibolt Street',
		'town' => 'Derry',
		'zip_code' => '03038',
		'country' => 'US',

Type-specific methods:

  • getStreetAndNumber(): string returns street and number
  • getTown(): string returns Town
  • getZipCode(): ZipCode returns ZipCode instance
  • getCountry(): CountryCode returns CountryCode instance



Price object containing number of currency units with VAT, number of currency units without VAT and currency.

Can be created from:

		'with_vat' => 432.1,
		'without_vat' => 123.45,
		'currency' => CurrencyCode::EUR,

Type-specific methods:

  • getWithoutVat(): float returns price without VAT
  • getWithVat(): float returns price with VAT
  • getCurrency(): CurrencyCode returns CurrencyCode instance

Login credentials


Value object containing login and plain password. You should use it just in-memory in authentication process and than drop it.

Can be created from:

		'login' => 'admin',
		'password' => 'BLzW75kJxEa7YXuqF9Di',

Type-specific methods:

  • getLogin(): string returns login
  • getPassword(): string returns password

Key-Value pair


Value object containing string key and string value.

Can be created from:

		'key' => 'overlook',
		'value' => 'all_work_and_no_play_makes_jack_a_dull_boy',

Type-specific methods:

  • getKey(): string returns key
  • getValue(): string returns value

Scalar leaves array


Value object containing single or multi-dimensional array with only scalar or NULL values in it's leaves. Array keys stay untouched.

Can be created from:


Array-types-specific extractors:

  • static extractOrEmpty(array $data, string $key): self Behaves like standard ::extract() method, but returns empty ScalarLeavesArray when $data[$key] is null or not set.


Types provide another kind of Array-extractable types: Unique primitive-type arrays. Their purpose is to hold unique set of primitives. They implement \Countable and \IteratorAggregate and natively support set operations.

All Array-types share following features:

  • static empty() : self Creates new empty instance of desired array-type.
  • split(int $chunkSize): self[] Splits current instance into array of several instances, each with maximum data-set size of $chunkSize.
  • merge(self $toBeMerged): self Returns new instance with data-set combined from parent and $toBeMerged instances. Both source instances stay unchanged.
  • deduct(self $toBeDeducted): self Returns new instance with data-set containing all items from parent that are not contained in $toBeDeducted. Both source instances stay unchanged.
  • count(): int Returns data-set size.
  • isEmpty(): bool Returns true if data-set is empty, false otherwise.

Array-types-specific extractors:

  • static extractOrEmpty(array $data, string $key): self Behaves like standard ::extract() method, but returns empty set when $data[$key] is null or not set.
  • static extractNotEmpty(array $data, string $key): self Behaves like standard ::extract() method, but throws InvalidTypeException when $data[$key] is not set, null or empty array.



UniqueIntArray is able to hold unique set of integers.

Can be created from:

// duplicate values will be discarted
// keys are ignored

		1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 4 

Type-specific methods:

  • getValues(): int[] Returns data-set of unique integers as array.
  • toArray(): int[] Is just alias for getValues().
  • add(int $id): bool Adds another integer to the data-set. Returns false if integer has already been there.
  • remove(int $id): void Removes integer from the data-set, if present.
  • contains(int $id): bool Returns true if $id is contained in the data-set, false otherwise.



UniqueStringArray is able to hold unique set of strings.

Can be created from:

// duplicate values will be discarted
// keys are ignored

		'all work and no play makes jack a dull boy',
		'all work and no play makes jack a dull boy',
		'all work and no play makes jack a dull boy',

Type-specific methods:

  • getValues(): string[] Returns data-set of unique strings as array.
  • toArray(): string[] Is just alias for getValues().
  • add(string $id): bool Adds another string to the data-set. Returns false if string has already been there.
  • remove(string $id): void Removes string from the data-set, if present.
  • contains(string $id): bool Returns true if $id is contained in the set, false otherwise.

Enum-extractable types

Enum-extractable types are types that can contain single value from defined set. They are based on kkk

All Enum-extractable types share following features:

  • getValue() : string Returns enum-value
  • equals(self $enum): bool Returns true if $enum contains same value as parent.
  • equalsValue(string $value): self Returns true if parent contains the same value as $value.

Enums can be created using standard extractors or using their constants:


Lawful Basis For Processing


GDPR's lawful basis for processing

Available values

Country code


ISO-3166-1 Alpha 2 country code

Available values

Currency code


ISO-4217 three-letter currency code

Available values

Field of Application


Most common fields of human applications.

Available values

Time unit


Time unit compatible with \DateTime::modify() argument format

Available values



Represents Relation or Gate - AND / OR

Available values

Primitive types and Arrays

Types are able to get and extract primitives using IntType, IntArray, FloatType, FloatArray, StringType, StringArray, BoolType, BoolArray and Array classes. See examples below:

declare(strict_types = 1);

use SmartEmailing\Types\Arrays;
use SmartEmailing\Types\BoolArray;
use SmartEmailing\Types\BoolType;
use SmartEmailing\Types\FloatArray;
use SmartEmailing\Types\FloatType;
use SmartEmailing\Types\IntArray;
use SmartEmailing\Types\IntType;
use SmartEmailing\Types\StringArray;
use SmartEmailing\Types\StringType;
use SmartEmailing\Types\InvalidTypeException;

IntType::from(666); // 666
IntType::from('666'); // 666
IntType::from(666.1); // throws InvalidTypeException
IntType::from('abcd'); // throws InvalidTypeException
IntType::from('abcd'); // throws InvalidTypeException
IntType::fromOrNull(null); // null
IntType::fromOrNull(1); // 1
IntType::fromOrNull('abcd'); // throws InvalidTypeException
IntType::fromOrNull('abcd', true); // null

FloatType::from(1.1); // 1.1
FloatType::from('1.1'); // 1.1
FloatType::from(1); // 1.0
FloatType::from('1'); // 1.0
FloatType::from('xxx'); // throws InvalidTypeException
FloatType::fromOrNull(null); // null
FloatType::fromOrNull(1.0); // 1.0
FloatType::fromOrNull('abcd'); // throws InvalidTypeException
FloatType::fromOrNull('abcd', true); // null

StringType::from('xxx'); // 'xxx'
StringType::from(5); // '5'
StringType::from(5.0); // '5'
StringType::from(5.1); // '5.1'
StringType::fromOrNull(null); // null
StringType::fromOrNull('abcd'); // 'abcd'
StringType::fromOrNull([]); // throws InvalidTypeException
StringType::fromOrNull([], true); // null

BoolType::from(true); // true
BoolType::from(false); // false
BoolType::from(1); // true
BoolType::from(0); // false
BoolType::from('1'); // true
BoolType::from('0'); // false
BoolType::from('true'); // true
BoolType::from('false'); // false

Arrays::from([1, 2]); // [1, 2]
Arrays::from([1, 'abcd']); // [1, 'abcd']

IntArray::from([1, '2']); // [1, 2]
IntArray::fromOrNull([1, '2']); // returns int[]|null

FloatArray::from([1, '2']); // [1.0, 2.0]
FloatArray::fromOrNull([1, '2']); // returns float[]|null

StringArray::from([1, '2']); // ['1', '2']
StringArray::fromOrNull([1, '2']); // returns string[]|null

BoolArray::from([1, '1']); // [true, true]
BoolArray::fromOrNull([1, '1']); // returns bool[]|null

// All primitive types have their extract equivalent:

IntType::extract($data, 'key');
IntType::extractOrNull($data, 'key');
IntType::extractOrNull($data, 'key', true);

StringType::extract($data, 'key');
StringType::extractOrNull($data, 'key');
StringType::extractOrNull($data, 'key', true);

FloatType::extract($data, 'key');
FloatType::extractOrNull($data, 'key');
FloatType::extractOrNull($data, 'key', true);

Arrays::extract($data, 'key'); //returns mixed[]
Arrays::extractOrNull($data, 'key'); //returns mixed[]|null

IntArray::extract($data, 'key'); //returns int[]
IntArray::extractOrNull($data, 'key'); //returns int[]|null

FloatArray::extract($data, 'key'); //returns float[]
FloatArray::extractOrNull($data, 'key'); //returns float[]|null

StringArray::extract($data, 'key'); //returns string[]
StringArray::extractOrNull($data, 'key'); //returns string[]|null

BoolArray::extract($data, 'key'); //returns bool[]
BoolArray::extractOrNull($data, 'key'); //returns bool[]|null

DateTimes and DateTimesImmutable

Types are able to get and extract \DateTime and \DateTimeImmutable objects using DateTimes and DateTimesImmutable classes. Supported format Y-m-d H:s:i. API is the same as for other types, so available methods are (shown for DateTimes):

  • from(string $dateTime ) : \DateTime
  • extract(array $data, string $index) : \DateTime
  • extractOrNull(array $data, string $index, bool $getNullIfInvalid) : ?\DateTime

Dates and DatesImmutable

Types are able to get and extract \DateTime and \DateTimeImmutable objects using Dates and DatesImmutable classes. Dates are created with time sets on 00:00:00. Supported format Y-m-d. API is the same as for other types, so available methods are (shown for Dates):

  • from(string $dateTime ) : \DateTime
  • extract(array $data, string $index) : \DateTime
  • extractOrNull(array $data, string $index, bool $getNullIfInvalid) : ?\DateTime

Writing your own types

Implementing your custom type is easy! At first you have to decide what extractable-type should your new custom type be and use particular extractable-trait in it's class to enhance it by all extractable features. The only thing you have to do next is implement class construtor and throw InvalidTypeException in case of invalid data. You can see examples for every extractable-type below.

One more thought - if you think your new type will be useful for others, please, contribute!

How to contribute

Thank you for your interest in improving Types!️ ❤️ 🖖

Before you open pull request, please, make sure you did not forget to write tests for your code.

Then run following commands:

  1. vendor/bin/tester tests Run tests locally. It takes just two seconds :-)

  2. bin/cbf This will check the code and automatically fix some code style issues like indentation or line breaks.

  3. bin/cs This will run another code style check that will notify you about problems that must be fixed manually. Please, fix them, and re-run the command.

  4. bin/stan PHP Static analysis tool - this will check the code for some smelly constructions that should be refactored. Please, fix them, and re-run the command.

  5. PR ready!

We are hiring

Do you like our code? If you want to be part of SmartEmailing, we are hiring.

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  • Duration and TimeUnit

    Duration and TimeUnit


    • [ ] ~add getSecondsCount()~
    • [x] add weeks ?


    • [x] add getDateTimeModify()
    • [ ] ~add getLengthInSeconds()~
    • [x] allow negative values
    opened by slischka 4
  • Iban


    @slischka what you think about adding jschaedl/iban-validation dependency using in Iban type from required section in composer to suggestion?

    Constructor in Iban type will be like below:

    public function __construct(
    	string $value
    	if (!\class_exists(\Iban\Validation\Iban::class) || !\class_exists(\Iban\Validation\Iban::class)) {
    		throw new \Exception('For using ' . self::class . ' type, please require "jschaedl/iban-validation" in your project composer.')
    	$this->iban = new \Iban\Validation\Iban($value);
    	$validator = new Validator();
    opened by aleswita 2
  • Update consistence/consistence dependency (use 2.0 when possible)

    Update consistence/consistence dependency (use 2.0 when possible)

    Would it be possible to change consistence dependency to ^1.0 || ^2.0 and tag new version?

    I tried to use library within new project and get dependency error...

    opened by khorsky 1
  • v3.0.0(Dec 23, 2022)

    • removed dependency jschaedl/iban-validation, now if you are using SmartEmailing\Types\Iban, you must require this library by your self in you project composer (BC break)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v2.0.0(Nov 25, 2022)

  • v1.2.0(Oct 12, 2022)

  • v1.1.0(May 25, 2021)


    • Dropped support for PHP 7.1
    • Removed consistence/consistence
    • Added egulias/email-validator


    • Added class NonEmptyString, HostName, DomainName
    • Added primitive type extractors IntType, FloatType, StringType, BoolType, IntArray, FloatArray, StringArray, BoolArray
    • Improved UrlType
    • Improved Emailaddress and PhoneNumber validation
    • Unified extracting API using ExtractableTypeInterface
    • Added missing countries in CountryCode enum


    • Added StringHelpers::sanitizeUtf8Mb4 and StringHelpers::sanitizeUtf8Mb4OrNull
    • Added CountryCodeToPhoneCodeTable


    • PrimitiveTypes
    • Domain

    Updated code style.

    Thanks to @mstrouhal, @cezam, @slischka, @aleswita :tada:

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v1.0.12(Jan 31, 2021)


    • JsonString throws correct exception on failure


    • bool can now be extracted from 'true' and 'false' strings

    Worth mentioning:

    • added tests for multiple PHP versions
    • tests migrated to GitHub Actions

    Thanks @aleswita

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v1.0.11(Nov 7, 2020)


    • Fixed Dates and DateTimes validation

    Added value objects:

    • UnsignedFloat

    Added extractors:

    • Arrays::getFloatArray
    • Arrays::getFloatArrayOrNull
    • Arrays::extractFloatArray
    • Arrays::extractFloatArrayOrNull


    • Duration API allows extract from array or string
    • Improved API consistency for extracting arrays
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v1.0.10(Aug 16, 2020)

    New Minor version here, thanks @aleswita @slischka @cezam @kotmic


    • DateTime features can now work with microseconds
    • HttpMethod enum added
    • KeyValuePair composite-type added
    • ...and other minor tweaks and bugfixes
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v1.0.9(Jan 13, 2020)

    Bump, new minor release here!


    • Fixed error when only 1 array is sent to intersect array methods


    • consistence/consistence dependency version constraint changed to ^1.0 || ^2.0

    Minor changes

    • added Arrays::getIntArray(), Arrays::getStringArray(), Arrays::extractIntArrayOrNull(), Arrays::extractStringArrayOrNull() methods
    • PrimitiveTypes::extractStringArray() and PrimitiveTypes::extractStringArray() moved to Arrays class (with backwards compatibility)

    Country code:

    • Added country code for Norway
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v1.0.8(Aug 6, 2019)

    Bump, new minor release here! Thanks @slischka for big help.

    Country code:

    • Added country code for Russia

    Phone number:

    • Added IL phone number support, added US EIN support


    • added UrlType::withHost() method
    • added UrlType::withScheme() method
    • added UrlType::withPath() method

    Primitive types

    • comma supported as decimal point in PrimitiveTypes

    new meta-type: ScalarLeavesArray

    • support for multidimensional array with scalar leaves

    new type extractors: Dates and DatesImmutable

    new type: HexColor

    Array types

    • union() and intersect() methods added to UniqueIntArray and UniqueToStringArray
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v1.0.7(Dec 4, 2018)

    • added soft-hyphen support for StringHelpers::removeWhitespace
    • nette 3.0 support
    • added Quantity type
    • addedget<Type>OrNull methods to PrimitiveTypes class
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v1.0.6(Oct 16, 2018)

  • v1.0.5(Sep 29, 2018)

  • v1.0.4(Sep 28, 2018)

  • v1.0.3(Sep 18, 2018)

  • v1.0.1(Sep 16, 2018)

    Added types:

    IBAN, SwiftBic - thanks to @slischka Support for turkish phone number format - thanks to @emir Duration Port Part SigmoidValue ReLUValue

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
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