Proxy method and property interactions in PHP. ⚡️

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HTTP proxy

Proxy method and property interactions in PHP.

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Provides a Proxy class that can be used to intercept method calls, property access and updates.

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If you would like to support the on going maintenance and development of this package, please consider sponsoring me on GitHub.


You can install the package via Composer:

composer require ryangjchandler/proxy


This package provides a Proxy class that you can use to wrap any object. It allows you to intercept property access and assignments, as well as method calls.

Here's an example:

class Target
    public $firstName = 'Ryan';

    public $lastName = 'Chandler';

$proxy = new Proxy(new Target, [
    'get' => function (Target $target, string $property) {
        if ($property === 'fullName') {
            return $target->firstName . ' ' . $target->lastName;

        return $target->{$property};

$proxy->fullName; // 'Ryan Chandler'

If you would like to handle "setting" a property's value, you can add a set key and callback function to the handlers array.

$proxy = new Proxy(new Target, [
    'set' => function (Target $target, string $property, mixed $value) {
        if ($property === 'fullName') {
            $parts = explode(' ', $value);

            $target->firstName = $parts[0];
            $target->lastName = $parts[1];
        } else {
            $target->{$property} = $value;

To intercept method calls, add a call key to the array.

class Target
    public int $number = 10;

$proxy = new Proxy(new Target, [
    'call' => function (Target $target, string $method, array $arguments) {
        if ($method === 'toInt') {
            return $target->number;

        return $target->{$method}(...$arguments);

$proxy->toInt(); // 10


composer test


Please see CHANGELOG for more information on what has changed recently.


Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.

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Please review our security policy on how to report security vulnerabilities.



The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.

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