Rector upgrades rules for Doctrine


Rector Rules for Doctrine

See available Doctrine rules


This package is already part of rector/rector package, so it works out of the box.

All you need to do is install the main package, and you're good to go:

composer require rector/rector --dev

Use Sets

To add a set to your config, use Rector\Doctrine\Set\DoctrineSetList class and pick one of constants:

use Rector\Doctrine\Set\DoctrineSetList;
use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Loader\Configurator\ContainerConfigurator;

return static function (ContainerConfigurator $containerConfigurator): void {

Read a First Book About Rector

Are you curious, how Rector works internally, how to create your own rules and test them and why Rector was born? In May 2021 we've released the very first book: Rector - The Power of Automated Refactoring.

By buying a book you directly support maintainers who are working on Rector.


Rector is a tool that we develop and share for free, so anyone can automate their refactoring. But not everyone has dozens of hours to understand complexity of abstract-syntax-tree in their own time. That's why we provide commercial support - to save your time.

Would you like to apply Rector on your code base but don't have time for the struggle with your project? Hire us to get there faster.

  • Update test for MakeEntitySetterNullabilityInSyncWithPropertyRector

    Update test for MakeEntitySetterNullabilityInSyncWithPropertyRector

    Reproducer the MakeEntitySetterNullabilityInSyncWithPropertyRector currently is implemented uncorrectly. By default a ManyToOne is nullable="true" see and so currently this rules accidently removes ? from a setter where it should not do it.

    PS: This error does not happening when using Attributes but maybe not a equal rule for attributes does exist?

    EDIT @TomasVotruba : Fixes, closes

    opened by alexander-schranz 13
  • [Set] Add doctrine orm 2.9 set

    [Set] Add doctrine orm 2.9 set

    Fixes .

    ~~This is for starter. It may need more examples for usage, eg: join table, etc.~~ implemented 🎉

    opened by samsonasik 9
  • [Doctrine] Skip pointed to constant value on CorrectDefaultTypesOnEntityPropertyRector

    [Doctrine] Skip pointed to constant value on CorrectDefaultTypesOnEntityPropertyRector

    Given the following code:

     * @ORM\Entity()
    class PointedToConstantValue
        public const ONE = 1;
         * @ORM\Column(type="integer")
        private $stav = self::ONE;
         * @ORM\Column(type="integer")
        private $stav2 = SOME_CONSTANT_VALUE;

    It currently make crash:

    There was 1 error:
    1) Rector\Doctrine\Tests\Rector\Property\CorrectDefaultTypesOnEntityPropertyRector\CorrectDefaultTypesOnEntityPropertyRectorTest::test with data set #0 (Symplify\SmartFileSystem\SmartFileInfo Object (...))

    This PR fix it. Fixes

    opened by samsonasik 8
  • ORM 2.9 Set doesn't properly convert `@UniqueConstraint` and `@Index` annotations to attributes

    ORM 2.9 Set doesn't properly convert `@UniqueConstraint` and `@Index` annotations to attributes

    I'm trying out the new ORM 2.9 upgrade set to convert Annotations to Attributes and I found a problem.

    Given I have the following entity:

     * @ORM\Table(
     *     name="table",
     *     options={"charset": "utf8mb4", "collate": "utf8mb4_bin"},
     *     uniqueConstraints={
     *         @ORM\UniqueConstraint(name="unique_review", columns={"type", "relationship_id", "user_id"})
     *     },
     *     indexes={
     *         @ORM\Index(name="index_name", columns={"user_id", "type", "relationship_id", "created_at", "is_deleted"}),
     *     },
     * )
    class SomeEntity

    Rector changes this to:

    #[Table(name: 'table', options: ['charset' => 'utf8mb4', 'collate' => 'utf8mb4_bin'], uniqueConstraints: ['(name="unique_review", columns={"type", "relationship_id", "user_id"})'], indexes: ['(name="index_name", columns={"user_id", "type", "relationship_id", "created_at", "is_deleted"})'], ')')]
    class SomeEntity

    As you can see, it completely trips on the nested annotations. And just dumps them in as strings.

    Turns out that nested attributes are not supported.

    The solution would be, to move the nested annotations to attributes on a new line, like this:

    #[Table(name: 'table', options: ['charset' => 'utf8mb4', 'collate' => 'utf8mb4_bin'])]
    #[UniqueConstraint(name: 'unique_review', columns=['type', 'relationship_id', 'user_id']]
    #[Index(name: 'index_name', columns=['user_id', 'type', 'relationship_id', 'created_at', 'is_deleted'])]
    class SomeEntity

    To mitigate this bug, I tried to first manually convert the nested Annotations to Class Annotations. But Doctrine doesn't allow that:

     * @ORM\Table(name="table", options={"charset": "utf8mb4", "collate": "utf8mb4_bin"})
     * @ORM\UniqueConstraint(name="unique_review", columns={"type", "relationship_id", "user_id"})
     * @ORM\Index(name="index_name", columns={"user_id", "type", "relationship_id", "created_at", "is_deleted"})
    class SomeEntity
    [Semantical Error] Annotation @ORM\UniqueConstraint is not allowed to be declared on class SomeEntity. 
    You may only use this annotation on these code elements: ANNOTATION.

    That also means that these examples are impossible/invalid:

    opened by ruudk 8
  • ManyToOne relations with JoinColumns are not being replaced with an array of JoinColumn

    ManyToOne relations with JoinColumns are not being replaced with an array of JoinColumn

    Looks like there's a bug on the ManyToOne relation with the JoinColumns annotation which ends out with the following error.

    [Syntax Error] Expected PlainValue, got '(' at position 166 in property App\Entity\Product::$inventoryPosition.

    The documentation says the @JoinColumns needs an array of JoinColumn:

    An array of @JoinColumn annotations for a @ManyToOne or @OneToOne relation with an entity that has multiple identifiers.

    Take a look the code below removing the @ORM\JoinColumn annotation.

          * @var InventoryPosition
          * @ORM\ManyToOne(targetEntity="App\Entity\InventoryPosition", inversedBy="products", cascade={"persist"})
    -     * @ORM\JoinColumns({
    -     *   @ORM\JoinColumn(name="inventory_position_id", referencedColumnName="id")
    -     * })
    +     * @ORM\JoinColumns({(name="inventory_position_id")})
    -    private $inventoryPosition;
    +    private ?\App\Entity\InventoryPosition $inventoryPosition = null;

    I'm using the DoctrineSetList::DOCTRINE_CODE_QUALITY setlist

    opened by pedrocasado 7
  • Failing tests for #16

    Failing tests for #16


    @UniqueConstraint and @Index cannot be used on a class but must be used inside an annotation.

    For attributes, that's the opposite, they must be declared on the class instead.

    See docs

    opened by ruudk 6
  • Fix TypedPropertyFromToManyRelationTypeRector with no property

    Fix TypedPropertyFromToManyRelationTypeRector with no property


    • Dont Touch Unrelated Code by TypedPropertyFromToManyRelationTypeRector unit test
    • Fix empty typed property in TypedPropertyFromToManyRelationTypeRector
    opened by TomasVotruba 5
  • Fix resolving doctrine target entities with omitted leading backslash

    Fix resolving doctrine target entities with omitted leading backslash

    In the past doctrine recommended using class strings with omitted leading backslash. Hence, we have to check again for that class with added backslash. See for an example.

    I think when configured a while back ago, class-strings without leading backslash is very common.

    opened by dritter 4
  • RemoveRedundantDefaultPropertyAnnotationValuesRector with JoinColumn

    RemoveRedundantDefaultPropertyAnnotationValuesRector with JoinColumn

    This rule is removing JoinColumn annotation

    -     * @ORM\JoinTable(name="vouchers_subscriptions",
    -     *     joinColumns={@ORM\JoinColumn(name="voucher_id", referencedColumnName="id")},
    -     *     inverseJoinColumns={@ORM\JoinColumn(name="subscription_id", referencedColumnName="id")}
    -     *     )
    +     * @ORM\JoinTable(name="vouchers_subscriptions", joinColumns={(name="voucher_id")}, inverseJoinColumns={(name="subscription_id", referencedColumnName="id")})

    But in the doc it needs of JoinColumn

    opened by eerison 4
  • Nested annotation to attribute support

    Nested annotation to attribute support

    PHP 8.1 introduced a way to handle nested attributes, something missing from the 8.0 implementation and needed for some Doctrine annotations.

    Doctrine has the annotation, @ORM\JoinColumns, used like so:

        @ORM\JoinColumn(name="thing_id", referencedColumnName="id", nullable=false)

    Currently, the DoctrineAnnotationClassToAttributeRector skips over this annotation, presumably due to PHP 8.0's lack of nested attribute support. Is there an update on supporting this or a plan in place?

    opened by oojacoboo 4
  • Unexpected refractoring of nullable datetime field

    Unexpected refractoring of nullable datetime field

    When running rector with the doctrine exension:

    1) src/Cashback/Domain/Model/CashbackClaim.php:57
        ---------- begin diff ----------
    @@ @@
          * @ORM\Column(type="datetime", nullable=true)
    -    private ?DateTimeInterface $orderDetailsOrderDate = null;
    +    private ?DateTimeInterface $orderDetailsOrderDate;
          * @ORM\Column(length="256")
    @@ @@
    @@ @@
             $uuid = Uuid::uuid4();
             $this->entityId = $uuid->toString();
    +        $this->orderDetailsOrderDate = new \DateTime(null);

    The result is unexpected as it did add:

    $this->orderDetailsOrderDate = new \DateTime(null);

    Which should just stay as:

    private ?DateTimeInterface $orderDetailsOrderDate = null;
    opened by alexander-schranz 4
  • Add rule to update string events with constants

    Add rule to update string events with constants

    Lets add a rule to replace event strings with the corresponding class constants (Just like the Criteria constants)

    namespace App\Subscriber\Doctrine;
    use Doctrine\Common\EventSubscriber;
    use Doctrine\ORM\Event\LifecycleEventArgs;
    use Doctrine\ORM\Event\PreUpdateEventArgs;
    +use Doctrine\ORM\Events;
    class DoctrineSubscriber implements EventSubscriber
        public function getSubscribedEvents(): array
            return [   
    -            'prePersist',
    -            'preUpdate',
    +            Events::prePersist,
    +            Events::preUpdate,
        public function prePersist(LifecycleEventArgs $args) {
        public function preUpdate(PreUpdateEventArgs $eventArgs) {

    I'll see if I can implement this in the future

    opened by stefantalen 4
  • Add DoctrinePHPDocInfoRector to fix Entity PHPDoc by Doctrine Metadata

    Add DoctrinePHPDocInfoRector to fix Entity PHPDoc by Doctrine Metadata

    Similar to, /

    I would like to set the PHPDocInfo @var based on doctrine metadata. Via phpstan-doctrine phpstan already knows the correct type from the Doctrine Metadata () which should be set to the property and getter of that property.

    I'm not yet sure how I can access the expected PHPStan type. Any hints how to achieve this would be welcome.

    opened by alexander-schranz 1
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