Open Swoole IDE Helper


Open Swoole IDE Helper

Latest Stable Version License

This repo works with Open Swoole since release version v4.7.1.

This package contains IDE help files for OpenSwoole. You may use it in your IDE to provide accurate autocompletion.


You can add this package to your project using Composer:

composer require openswoole/ide-helper:@dev
# or you can install a specific version, like:
composer require openswoole/ide-helper:~4.7.1

It's better to install this package on only development systems by adding the --dev flag to your Composer commands:

composer require --dev openswoole/ide-helper:@dev
# or you can install a specific version, like:
composer require --dev openswoole/ide-helper:~4.7.1

Fix code style before commit

./vendor/bin/php-cs-fixer fix


There are two types of worker processes in use when starting a Swoole server:

  1. event worker. All requests (HTTP, WebSocket, TCP, UDP, etc.) are handled by this type of processes. It supports coroutine by default; many I/O operations can run asynchronously in it.
  2. task worker. This type of processes was introduced to handle blocking I/O operations in PHP. Ideally, it should always work synchronously, although it also supports coroutine and allows asynchronous processing (since Swoole v4.2.12+).
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