Modern PHP validator on steroids for validating forms and/or array's.


Modern PHP Validator - Standalone Validation on Steroids

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Validating incoming data or array's (i.e. POST data) should not be hard. Meet Modern PHP Validator which does the trick nice, clean and easy.

Here are a couple of the many perks:

  • 80+ predefined validation rules;
  • 15+ predefined middleware or create your own custom middleware;
  • No new syntax you need to learn as in the case with i.e. Laravel Validator. Your editor/IDE can complete every validation rule, custom message, middleware, etc. out of the box;
  • Easy retrieving the validated data after validation;
  • Combine multiple fields as one for single validation (i.e. day, month, year inputs as a single date field for validation);
  • Use validation blueprints to extend other validators for DRY method;
  • Define you own validation rules and custom error messages.

Modern PHP Validator provides several approaches to validate your application's (incoming) data. It makes it a breeze to validate form submit values as combining multiple input for single validation. It supports middleware and custom validation rules and error messages. It will also return the validated data to insert the data into i.e. a database.

Head first example:

$data = [
    'department' => 'office',
    'color' => 'black',
    'programmer' => [
        'name' => 'Morris',
        'email' => ''

$validator = new Validator($data);

//Select department and color field and attach rules
$validator->field('department', 'color')->required(false)->isString()->lengthBetween(5, 20);

//Select email field within the programmer array and attach rules

if($validator->passes()) {
    //Validation passes

And this is just the beginning...


Modern PHP Validator is available on Packagist (using semantic versioning). Installation via Composer is the recommended way.


composer require kris-kuiper/validator

Or add this line to your composer.json file:

"kris-kuiper/validator": "^1.2"

Let's begin

First things first: rules are executed in the order they are defined.

Adding fields for validation

By using the field() method, you can add one or more field names for validation.

Example 1:

Add one or combine multiple fields to attach rules and more:

use KrisKuiper\Validator\Validator;

$input = ['username' => '', 'password' => '', 'email' =>> ''];

$validator = new Validator($input);

//You can add a single field name

//Or add multiple field names
$validator->field('username', 'password', 'email')->required();
Using wildcards:

You can also use wildcards:

$data = [
    'programmers' => [
        'name' => 'Morris',
        'email' => ''
    'developers' => [
        'name' => 'Smith',
        'email' => ''

$validator = new Validator($data);

//Select every email field within an array using wildcards and attach rules

Execute validation

Execute, fails and passes

The validator comes with an arsenal of built-in validation rules. To execute validation, you may use the execute(), fails() or passes() method.


$passes = $validator->execute(); //Returns bool false/true

if($validator->fails()) {
    //Validation fails

if($validator->passes()) {
    //Validation success

The validator will only run once to avoid i.e. multiple database lookups when executing the execute(), fails() or passes() methods.


By default, the validator caches the validation result. So if you run the same validator again, the validator won't run all the rules, middleware, etc. It will directly return the result of the previous run.

To run the validator with all rules, middleware, etc. again, you can use the revalidate() method:

$executed = 0;
$validator = new Validator(['username' => 'Morris']);

$customRule = static function () use (&$executed) {

    return true;

$validator->custom('check-username', $customRule);

//Execute validation
var_dump($executed); //1

//Executing the validation again will have the same result
var_dump($executed); //Still 1

//Rerun the validation with all rules, middleware, etc.
var_dump($executed); //2

Validating arrays

You can also validate an array of fields. You can validate all the single elements in an array by using a * character. It's not mandatory, but recommended to validate the array as an array as well for proper error messages.

$input = [
    'emails' => [

$validator = new Validator($input);

$validator->field('email')->isArray(); //Check if the value is in array
$validator->field('email.*')->email(); //Each value should be a valid email address

Special "required" rules

Before explaining all the rules, you need to know the existence of the special "required" rules. These rules are special because they can disable (bail) other rules based on if the input is empty or not.

A field is considered "empty" if one of the following conditions are true:

  • The value is null;
  • The value is an empty string;
  • The value is an empty array or empty countable object.


The field under validation must be present in the input data and not empty.

In this example, the minLength() rule will not be executed, because the required() method prevents the minLength rule to be executed (bailing), due to the fact that the surname is considered empty.

Example 1:
$data = ['surname' => ''];
$validator = new Validator($data);

Note: validation will fail in this example, because the surname is required, but not provided.

Example 2:

This validation will pass because the surname is only checked with the minLength rule when the field is not empty (which it is):

$data = ['surname' => ''];
$validator = new Validator($data);

Required with

The field under validation must be present and not empty only if any of the other specified fields are present and not empty.

$data = [
    'surname' => '', 
    'middlename' => 'Elizabeth', 
    'lastname' => ''

$validator = new Validator($data);
$valdiator->field('surname')->requiredWith('middlename', 'lastname');

Note: validation will fail in this example, because the surname is required because of the middle name field, but it is not provided.

Required with all

The field under validation must be present and not empty only if all the other specified fields are present and not empty.

$data = [
    'age' => null,
    'name' => 'Brenda',
    'date' => [
        'day' => 1,
        'month' => null,
        'year' => 2000

$validator = new Validator($data);
$validator->field('age')->requiredWithAll('name', 'date.*');

Note: validation will pass in this example, because the month field is empty, so the age field is not required.

Required without

The field under validation must be present and not empty only when any of the other specified fields are empty or not present.

$data = [
    'age' => '',
    'name' => 'Morris',

$validator = new Validator($data);

Note: validation will pass in this example, because the name field is not empty, so the age field is not required.

Required without all

The field under validation must be present and not empty only when all the other specified fields are empty or not present.

$data = [
    'name' => '',
    'hobby' => 'Puzzle',
    'age' => 67

$validator = new Validator($data);
$validator->field('name')->requiredWithoutAll('hobby', 'age');

Note: validation will pass in this example, because the hobby and age fields are not empty, so the name field is not required.

Stopping on first validation failure (bail)

Sometimes you may wish to stop running validation rules on an attribute after the first validation failure. To do so, you can use the bail() method.


This will prevent that the max rule is executed if the min rule fails validation.

Unlike all other rules, the order of the bail method does not matter. The example below will have the same result as the example above:


Validation rules

Below is a list with all predefined validation rules.

Accepted Digits max MAC address
Accepted if Digits min Max
AcceptedNotEmpty Distinct Min
After Email Not in
After or equal Ends not with Number
Alpha Ends with Present
Alpha dash Equals Regex
Alpha numeric In Required
Before IP Required with
Before or equal IP private Required with all
Between IP public Required without
Contains IP v4 Required without all
Contains not IP v6 Same
Contains letter Is array Scalar
Contains mixed case Is bool Starts not with
Contains number Is empty Starts with
Contains symbol Is false Time zone
Count Is int Url
Countable Is not null UUID
Count between Is null UUID v1
Count max Is string UUID v3
Count min Is true UUID v4
Date Json UUID v5
Different Length Words
Different with all Length between Words max
Digits Length max Words min
Digits between Length min

Checks if the data under validation is accepted. By default, the field under validation must be yes, on, 1, or true. This is useful for validating "Terms of Service" acceptance.


You may also pass an array with values which are considered accepted:

$valdiator->field('fieldName')->accepted(['accept', 'agree', 'ok']);
Accepted if

The field under validation must be "yes", "on", "1", "true", 1, or true if another field's value is equal to a given value.

$data = ['field' => 'yes', 'other_field' => 'foo'];
$validator = new Validator($data);

$valdiator->field('fieldName')->acceptedIf('other_field', 'foo');

You may also provide the values which should be considered as accepted:

    ->acceptedIf('other_field', 'foo', ['accepted', 'agreed', 'checked']);

See also the Accepted and Accepted not empty rules.

Accepted not empty

The field under validation must be "yes", "on", "1", "true", 1, or true if another field's value is not empty.

$data = ['field' => 'yes', 'other_field' => 'foo'];
$validator = new Validator($data);


You may also provide the values which should be considered as accepted:

    ->acceptedNotEmpty('other_field', ['accepted', 'agreed', 'checked']);

See also the Accepted and Accepted if rules.


Checks if the data under validation comes after a given date.

$valdiator->field('fieldName')->after('2000-01-01', 'Y-m-d');

See also the Before, Before or equal and After or equal rules.

After or equal

Checks if the data under validation comes after or is equal to a given date.

$valdiator->field('fieldName')->afterOrEqual('2000-01-01', 'Y-m-d');

See also the After, Before or equal and Before rules.


Checks if the field under validation only contains alpha characters (a-z and A-Z).

Alpha dash

Checks if the field under validation only contains letters and numbers, dashes and underscores.

Alpha numeric

Checks if the field under validation only exists off letters and numbers.


Checks if the data under validation comes before a given date.

$valdiator->field('fieldName')->before('2030-01-01', 'Y-m-d');

See also the After, Before or equal and After or equal rules.

Before or equal

Checks if the data under validation comes before or is equal to a given date.

$valdiator->field('fieldName')->beforeOrEqual('2030-01-01', 'Y-m-d');

See also the After, After or equal and Before rules.


Checks if the data under validation (number) is between a given minimum and maximum.

$valdiator->field('fieldName')->between(5, 10.5);

Checks if the data under validation contains a given value.


Use the second parameter to search case-sensitive:

$valdiator->field('fieldName')->contains('ABC', true);

See also the Contains not rule.

Contains not

Checks if the data under validation does not contain a given value.


Use the second parameter to search case-sensitive:

$valdiator->field('fieldName')->containsNot('ABC', true);

See also the Contains rule.

Contains letter

Checks if the data under validation has at least one letter.

Contains mixed case

Checks if the data under validation has at least one uppercase and one lowercase letter.

Contains number

Checks if the data under validation has at least one number.

Contains symbol

Checks if the data under validation has at least one symbol.


Checks if the data under validation contains a given amount of items.


Checks if the data under validation is countable.

Count between

Checks if the data under validation contains an amount of items between a given minimum and maximum.

$valdiator->field('fieldName')->countBetween(5, 10);
Count max

Checks if the data under validation contains no more items than a given maximum amount.

Count min

Checks if the data under validation contains at least a given amount of items.


Checks if the data under validation is a valid date.


Check if the data under validation does not match one of the values of one or more fields.

$valdiator->field('fieldName')->different('otherFieldName', 'anotherFieldName');
Different with all

Check if the data under validation does not match all the values of one or more fields.

$valdiator->field('fieldName')->differentWithAll('otherFieldName', 'anotherFieldName');

Check if an integer value have exact length of provided digits.

Digits between

Check if an integer value is between the provided min and max length of digits.

$valdiator->field('fieldName')->digitsBetween(4, 6);
Digits max

Check if an integer value has a maximum length of digits.

Digits min

Check if an integer value has at least the provided length of digits.


Check if all the values in an array are unique


Checks if the data under validation is a valid email address.

Ends not with

Checks if the data under validation does not end with a given value.


Use the second parameter to match case-sensitive:

$valdiator->field('fieldName')->endsNotWith('ABC', true);

See also the Ends with, Starts with and Starts not with rules.

Ends with

Checks if the data under validation ends with a given value.


Use the second parameter to match case-sensitive:

$valdiator->field('fieldName')->endsWith('ABC', true);

See also the Ends not with, Starts with and Starts not with rules.


Checks if the data under validation equals a provided value.


Use the second parameter to match case-sensitive:

$valdiator->field('fieldName')->equals('ABC', true);

Checks if the data under validation exists in a given array.

$valdiator->field('fieldName')->in(['foo', 'bar']);

Use the second parameter to search type safe:

$valdiator->field('fieldName')->in(['123', 123], true);

See also the Not in rule.


Checks if the data under validation is a valid IP address (v4 or v6).

IP private

Checks if the data under validation is a private IP address (v4 or v6).

IP public

Checks if the data under validation is a public ip address (v4 or v6).

IP v4

Checks if the data under validation is a valid IP v4 address.

IP v6

Checks if the data under validation is a valid IP v6 address.

Is array

Checks if the data under validation is an array.

Is boolean

Checks if the data under validation is a boolean true or false.

Is empty

Checks if the data under validation is empty. Empty string, empty array and null are considered empty.

Is false

Checks if the data under validation is boolean false.

Is int

Checks if the data under validation is an integer number.


You can use the strict parameter to strictly check if a value is an integer number:

Is not null

Checks if the data under validation is not null.


See also the Is null rule.

Is null

Checks if the data under validation is null.


See also the Is not null rule.

Is string

Checks if the data under validation is of the type string.

Is true

Checks if value equals boolean true.


Checks if the data under validation is valid JSON.


Checks if the value character length is the given length.

Length between

Checks if the data under validation is a valid URL.

$valdiator->field('fieldName')->lengthBetween(10, 20);
Length max

Checks if the amount of characters is less or equal than the given amount.

Length min

Checks if the amount of characters is at least a given amount.

MAC address

Checks if the data under validation is a valid MAC address. By default, the dash "-" symbol is used as the delimiter for a valid MAC address.


You can change the delimiter i.e. colon:


Checks if the value is less than the given maximum amount.


Checks if the field under validation is at least a given minimum.

Not in

Checks if the data under validation exists in a given array.

$valdiator->field('fieldName')->notIn(['foo', 'bar']);

Use the second parameter to search type safe:

$valdiator->field('fieldName')->notIn(['123', 123], true);

Checks if the data under validation is an integer number.


You can use the strict parameter to strictly check if a value is a number:


Check if the data under validation exists as key.


Check if value matches a regular expression pattern.


Adds a new rule that will require the field/value (null, '', [] are considered empty).

Required with

The field under validation must be present and not empty only if one of the other specified fields are present or empty.

$valdiator->field('fieldName')->requiredWith(string ...$fieldNames);
Required with all

The field under validation must be present and not empty only if all the other specified fields are present or empty.

$valdiator->field('fieldName')->requiredWithAll(string ...$fieldNames);
Required without

The field under validation must be present and not empty only if one of the other specified fields are not present or empty.

$valdiator->field('fieldName')->requiredWithout(string ...$fieldNames);
Required without all

The field under validation must be present and not empty only if all the other specified fields are not present or empty.

$valdiator->field('fieldName')->requiredWithoutAll(string ...$fieldNames);

Check if value matches a value of a given field name.


Checks if the data under validation is a scalar type.

Starts not with

Checks if the data under validation does not begin with a given value.


Use the second parameter to search case-sensitive:

$valdiator->field('fieldName')->startsNotWith('ABC', true);

See also the Starts with, Ends with and Ends not with rules.

Starts with

Checks if the data under validation begins with a given value.


Use the second parameter to search case-sensitive:

$valdiator->field('fieldName')->startsWith('ABC', true);

See also the Ends with, Ends not with and Starts not with rules.

Time zone

Checks if the data under validation is a valid time zone.


Use the first parameter to search case-insensitive:


Note: see timezones on for more information.


Checks if the data under validation is a valid URL. By default, the protocol will not be checked.


Force the protocol (i.e. http or https):


Checks if the data under validation is a valid UUID v1, v3, v4 or v5 entity.


Checks if the data under validation is a valid UUID v1 entity.


Checks if the data under validation is a valid UUID v3 entity.


Checks if the data under validation is a valid UUID v4 entity.


Checks if the data under validation is a valid UUID v4 entity.


Checks if the amount of words is at least to a given amount. By default, a word is defined to have two or more alphanumeric characters.


The second parameter defines the minimum length of the word, while the third parameter can be used to allow all symbols instead of only alphanumeric characters:

$valdiator->field('fieldName')->words(10, 5, false);

See also the Words max and Words min rules.

Words max

Checks if the amount of words is less than or equal to a given amount. By default, a word is defined to have two or more alphanumeric characters.


The second parameter defines the minimum length of the word, while the third parameter can be used to allow all symbols instead of only alphanumeric characters:

$valdiator->field('fieldName')->wordsMax(10, 5, false);
Words min

Checks if the amount of words is more than or equal to a given amount. By default, a word is defined to have two or more alphanumeric characters.


The second parameter defines the minimum length of the word, while the third parameter can be used to allow all symbols instead of only alphanumeric characters:

$valdiator->field('fieldName')->wordsMin(10, 5, false);

Custom validation rules

Using rule objects

Although there is a large number of predefined validation rules, you may wish to specify some of your own. One method of registering custom validation rules is using rule objects.

Below is a blueprint/example of a custom rule:

use KrisKuiper\Validator\Blueprint\Contracts\RuleInterface;
use KrisKuiper\Validator\Blueprint\Custom\Current;

class CustomRule implements RuleInterface
    public const RULE_NAME = 'length';
    public function getName(): string
        return self::RULE_NAME;

    public function isValid(Current $current): bool
        return strlen($current->getValue()) >= $current->getParameter('min');

    public function getMessage(): string
        return 'Invalid input';

Once the rule has been defined, you may attach it to the validator by calling the loadRule() method, passing an instance of the rule object. Then you can call the custom() method which takes the name of the custom rule (which is defined in the getName() method of the custom rule object) as first parameter. An optional second parameter is for all the parameters which you can use in your custom rule:

use KrisKuiper\Validator\Validator;

$data = ['name' => 'Morris'];
$validator = new Validator($data);

//Attach the custom rule
$validator->loadRule(new CustomRule());

//Use the custom rule
$validator->field('name')->custom(CustomRule::RULE_NAME, ['min' => 5]); 

//Set an optional custom error message
    ->custom('length', 'Invalid value, at least :min characters'); 

if($validator->passes()) {
 	//Validation passes   

Note 1: The name length equals the output of the getName() method from the rule object.

Note 2: The error message will be used from the getMessage() method from the rule object, unless you set an optional custom error message like in the example above.

Using closures

If you only need the functionality of a custom rule once throughout your application, you may use a closure function instead of a rule object:

use KrisKuiper\Validator\Validator;
use KrisKuiper\Validator\Blueprint\Custom\Current;

$data = ['name' => 'Morris'];
$validator = new Validator($data);

//Attach the custom rule
$validator->custom('length', function (Current $current) {
    return strlen($current->getValue()) > $current->getParameter('min');

//Use the custom rule
    ->custom('length', ['min' => 5]);

//Set the error message
    ->custom('length', 'Invalid value, at least :min characters');

if($validator->passes()) {
    //Validation passes   

Conditionally adding rules

Sometimes you may wish to add validation rules based on more complex conditional logic. For example, you may want to validate the incoming data by checking if the amount of products is higher than 99, then the reason of purchase should be filled in.

This can be achieved by using the conditional() method:

use KrisKuiper\Validator\Validator;
use KrisKuiper\Validator\Blueprint\Custom\Current;

$data = [
    'amount' => 100,
    'reason' => null

$validator = new Validator($data);
    ->conditional(function(Current $current) {
        //Retrieve the value of the amount field
        return $current->getValue('amount') > 99;


In this example, the validation will fail because the amount is higher than 99, so the reason field is required.

If the amount is below 100, validation will pass.

Using multiple conditions

Although the last rule isString, in the example below, requires the provided data to be a string and the provided age field is an interger number (25), the validation still succeeds. This is because the last conditional rule returns false, so the isString rule is not executed.

use KrisKuiper\Validator\Validator;
use KrisKuiper\Validator\Blueprint\Custom\Current;

$data = ['age' => 25];
$validator = new Validator($data);

    ->conditional(static function () {
        return true;
    ->min(10) //Should be at least 10
    ->conditional(static function () {
        return true;
    ->max(30) //Should be a maximum of 30
    ->conditional(static function () {
        return false; //This will prevent executing the next rule
    ->isString(); //This rule won't be executed

$validator->execute(); //Returns true

Combining fields for validation

Sometimes you need to check multiple input values as one value i.e. day, month and year into a single date field or a serial code separated into four blocks. Modern PHP Validator lets you combine them into a new value for validation using the glue() or format() method described below.

<input type="text" name="year" value="1952">
<input type="text" name="month" value="28">
<input type="text" name="day" value="03">

Combining with the glue method

You can combine fields with the glue() method and give it a new field alias (in this case date) with the alias() method which you can use to specify a new validation rule:

$input = ['year' => '1952', 'month' => '28', 'day' => '03'];

$validator = new Validator($input);
    ->combine('year', 'month', 'day')
    ->alias('date'); //1952-28-03


Combining with the format method

You can also combine multiple fields with the format() method for more control:

$input = ['year' => '1952', 'month' => '28', 'day' => '03'];

$validator = new Validator($input);
    ->combine('year', 'month', 'day')
    ->name('date'); //1952/28/03


Every colon variable i.e. :year or :month will be replaced with the value of its representing key. This way, you can reuse the variable.

Working with error messages

Use the errors() method to return a sFire\Validator\Errors\ErrorCollection object. This object has a couple of methods which you can use to return validation error messages.

Check if one or multiple fields have errors

To check if a field has errors, you can use the has() method. This method returns a boolean and accepts one or more field names. By giving multiple field names, the method will only return true if all the field names have errors.

$validator->errors()->has('email'); //Returns boolean true/false
$validator->errors()->has('username', 'password'); //Returns boolean true/false

You can also check if there are any errors by calling the count()method:

if($validator->errors()->count() > 0) {
    //Validator has errors

Retrieve error messages

The errors() method can be used to retrieve a collection of all the errors, optional filtered on a specific field. If the field name parameters is provided, it will return all the errors for this specific field.

Imagine the following validation data and rules:

$data = ['username' => 'abc', 'password' => '', 'password_repeat'];

$validator = new Validator($data);

    ->between(5, 10)


Looping through error objects:

See the Working with error objects section for more information about the error object.

foreach($validator->errors() as $error) {

Will output:

string(30) "Value must be between 5 and 10"
string(27) "Value must begin with "def""
string(43) "Value should be the same as password_repeat"

You can also get all first errors for every unique field name using the distinct() method:

foreach($validator->errors()->distinct() as $error) {

Will output:

string(30) "Value must be between 5 and 10"
string(43) "Value should be the same as password_repeat"
Casting the collection to an Array

Will return:

    [0] => KrisKuiper\Validator\Error Object ...
    [1] => KrisKuiper\Validator\Error Object ...

Working with error objects

Every error within an error collection has a couple of handy methods to return the message, rule name, the value of the field which caused the error and much more.

Imagine the following validation:

$data = ['username' => 'abc'];

$validator = new Validator($data);
$validator->field('username')->lengthBetween(5, 10);

//Retrieve the first error
$error = $validator->errors()->first();

//You can also select all the errors for username and then filter for the first one
$error = $validator->errors('username')->first();

We now have a single error object stored in the $error variable.

This object has several handy methods:

Return the error message

Returns the parsed (with variable parameters) error message.


This will return:

Value should be between 5 and 10 characters long
Return the unparsed error message

Returns the raw (without variable parameters) error message.


This will return:

Value should be between :minimum and :maximum characters long
Return the field name

Returns the name of the field that has been validated.


This will return:

Return the value of the field

Returns the value that has been validated which causes the error to trigger.


This will return:

Return the parameters of the rule

Returns the parameters used for validation.


This will return:

['minimum' => 5, 'maximum' => 10]
Return the rule name

Returns the name of the rule used for validation.


This will return:

Return the id of the error message

Returns a unique identifier for the error based on the raw error message (fixed 10 characters long).


This will return something similar to:


Setting custom error messages

You can set your own custom error messages by using the messages() method. This can be handy when using translations. You can overwrite rule messages globally or set a message per rule and field name.

Example 1: Overwriting messages globally
$data = [
    'amount' => 4,
    'product' => 'Laptop'

$validator = new Validator($data);
    ->field('amount', 'product')

//Set error message globally for the required rule
    ->required('Field is required!'); 
Example 2: Overwriting messages per field and rule name
$data = [
    'amount' => 4,
    'product' => 'Laptop'

$validator = new Validator($data);
$validator->field('amount', 'product')->required();

//Sets the required error messages specific for the amount field
    ->required('Amount is required!'); 

//Sets the required error messages specific for the product field
    ->required('Product is required!'); 
Example 3: Combination of globally and per field and rule error messages
$data = [
    'amount' => 4,
    'product' => 'Laptop'

$validator = new Validator($data);
    ->field('amount', 'product')

//Sets the required error messages specific for the amount field
    ->required('Amount is required'); 

//Set error message globally for the required rule. This will only affect the product field in this example.
    ->required('Field is required'); 
Example 4: Using variables in error messages

You can use the parameters name of the rule as placeholders. For example, the between rule, has two parameters named $minimum and $maximum. The placeholders will be replaced with their corresponding parameter values.

$data = [
    'amount' => 4,
    'product' => 'Laptop'

$validator = new Validator($data);
    ->between(1, 5); //$minimum and $maximum parameters

    ->between('Amount should be between :minimum and :maximum'); 
	//Amount should be between 1 and 5'

Working with validated data

Returning only validated data

After validation, you can retrieve the data that has been validated. This is different from the given data, because it will only return the data where validation rules were applied.

$data = [
    'username' => 'Morris', 
    'password' => '123'

$validator = new Validator($data);

$validator->execute(); //Without executing, there is no validated data

    ->toArray(); //Array('username' => 'Morris')

Filter validated data

You can include or exclude fields from the validated array by using the not, only and pluck methods:

$data = [
    'username' => 'Morris', 
    'email' => '',
    'password' => '123',
    'interest' => [
        ['title' => 'programming'],
        ['title' => 'coding']

$validator = new Validator($data);

    ->field('username', 'email', 'password', 'interest.*.title')

Include field names
    ->only('username', 'email')

This will return:

    'username' => 'Morris', 
    'email' => ''
Exclude field names
    ->not('username', 'email', 'interest')

This will return:

array('password' => '123');
Extract multiple columns in key-pair value

This will return:

array('programming', 'coding');

Using blueprints

You can define blueprints for validating data. This will prevent code duplication and helps to become DRY.

In the blueprint, you can define all the common validation rules, error messages, middleware, etc. which you can use to extend.

Example 1:

In this example, the name and role fields should always be validated, but the email field is only added to the validator when needed:

use KrisKuiper\Validator\Blueprint\Blueprint;
use KrisKuiper\Validator\Validator;

//Create the validation blueprint
$blueprint = new Blueprint();
$blueprint->field('name')->lengthBetween(2, 30)->required();
$blueprint->field('role')->in(['admin', 'moderator', 'user'])->required();

Then use the blueprint in your validator:

$data = [
    'name' => 'Morris',
    'role' => 'moderator',
    'email' => ''

$validator = new Validator($data);

//Use the blueprint in the validator

//Add extra rules that extend the blueprint
    ->lengthBetween(5, 50);

if($validator->passes()) {
    //Validation passes
Example 2:

You can also define custom error messages, custom validation rules and middleware in a blueprint for later use:

use KrisKuiper\Validator\Blueprint\Blueprint;
use KrisKuiper\Validator\Blueprint\Custom\Current;
use KrisKuiper\Validator\Validator;

//Create the validation blueprint
$blueprint = new Blueprint();

//Attach rules (and custom rules) to the "name" field
    ->lengthBetween(2, 30)

//Define custom error messages
    ->required('The name field is required!')
    ->lengthBetween('The name should be between :minimum and :maximum characters long!');

//Attach middleware

//Define a custom rule
$blueprint->custom('morrisRule', function (Current $current) {
    return $current->getValue() === 'Morris';

Then use the blueprint in your validator:

$data = [
    'name' => 'Morris', 
    'email' => ''

$validator = new Validator($data);

//Use the blueprint in the validator

//Add extra rules that extend the blueprint
    ->lengthBetween(5, 50);

if($validator->passes()) {
    //Validation passes

Using middleware

Middleware provides a convenient mechanism to alter the input data before validation. You can trim all whitespace or add a leading zero to date inputs etc. Modern PHP Validator comes with predefined middleware which you can use, or you can create your own custom middleware.

Note: When retrieving the validated data with the validatedData() method, the altered values by the executed middleware will be returned.

Predefined middleware

Modern PHP Validator comes with predefined middleware which you can use.

Example 1:

In the example below we define the toLowercase and trim middleware and attach it to all the elements inside the "email" field.

Before a single rule is executed, the middleware will take the value of the field and convert and set the new value for the validation rules to work with.

$data = [
    'emails' => [
        '    ', //Note the spaces and capital letters
        ' '

$validator = new Validator($data);
$validator->field('emails.*')->email()->lengthBetween(5, 50);

//Attach the to lowercase and trim middleware

if($validator->passes()) {
	'emails' => [

As you can see, the validation passes and the validated data is returning the array with emails converted to lower-case and without spaces around the email addresses.

Middleware types:

Below is a list of all the predefined middleware.


Convert numbers to their absolute value.


Converts all numbers to the next highest integer value by rounding up the value if necessary and if the value is a number.


See also the Floor middleware.


Converts all numbers to the next lowest integer value by rounding up the value if necessary and if the value is a number.


See also the Ceil middleware.

Leading zero

Prefixes a zero for numbers between 0 and 9.


Strips whitespace (or other characters) from the beginning of a string.


You can also define your own characters set which should be trimmed:

//Trims all the - and * characters

See also the Trim and the Rtrim middleware.


Replaces all occurrences of the search string with the replacement string.

//Replaces all "hello" with "hi"
$valdiator->middleware('field')->replace('hello', 'hi'); 

Rounds the value if the value is a number.


You can also define precision and the mode (see for details)

$valdiator->middleware('field')->round(2, PHP_ROUND_HALF_DOWN);

Strips whitespace (or other characters) from the end of a string.


You can also define your own characters which should be trimmed:

$valdiator->middleware('field')->rtrim('-|*'); //Trims all the -, | and * characters

See also the Trim and the Ltrim middleware.


Returns part of a string.

$valdiator->middleware('field')->substr(5, 5);

See for details.

To boolean

Converts the value under validation to a boolean.

To float

Converts the value under validation to a float.

To int

Converts the value under validation to an integer number.

To lowercase

Converts the value (if it is a string) under validation to lowercase.

To string

Converts the value under validation to a string.

To uppercase

Converts the value (if it is a string) under validation to uppercase.


Strips whitespace (or other characters) from the beginning and end of a string.


You can also define your own characters which should be trimmed:

//Trims all the -, | and * characters

See also the Rtrim and the Ltrim middleware.

Uppercase first

Makes a string's first character uppercase.

Uppercase words

Makes the first character of each word in a string uppercase.


Custom middleware

You can also define your own custom middleware.

Below is a blueprint/example of middleware which will prepend a zero if the value under validation is below 10 and higher than 0. This can be handy for dates i.e. validation of a month or day.

use KrisKuiper\Validator\Blueprint\Contracts\MiddlewareFieldInterface;
use KrisKuiper\Validator\Blueprint\Middleware\Transforms\AbstractMiddleware;

class LeadingZeroMiddleware extends AbstractMiddleware
    public function handle(MiddlewareFieldInterface $field): void
        $value = $field->getValue();

        if (is_numeric($value) === false) {

        $value = (float) $value;

        if ($value < 10 && $value >= 0) {
            //Set the new value for the validation rules to work with
            $field->setValue('0' . $value);

Once the middleware has been defined, you may attach it to a validator by passing the namespace of the middleware object:

$data = [
    'month' => 3

$validator = new Validator($data);

//Attach the custom middleware to the "month" field
    ->load(new LeadingZeroMiddleware());

//Attach the rules

if($validator->passes()) {
    //Validation passes

//This will return ['month' => '03'] (mind the leading zero)

Note: Middleware is also attachable to blueprint validators.


Example 1: Validating registration form
use KrisKuiper\Validator\Blueprint\Custom\Current;
use KrisKuiper\Validator\Error;
use KrisKuiper\Validator\Validator;

$data = [
    'name' => 'Morris',
    'email' => '',
    'terms' => '1',
    'date_of_birth' => [
        'day' => '28',
        'month' => '3',
        'year' => '1952'

$validator = new Validator($data);

    ->combine('date_of_birth.year', 'date_of_birth.month', '')

    ->middleware('date_of_birth.month', '')

    ->lengthBetween(2, 20)




$validator->custom('inDatabase', function(Current $current) {
    return $current->getValue() !== 'already exists in database code';

//Validation passes
if($validator->passes()) {

//Validation fails
if($validator->fails()) {

    $validator->errors()->each(function(Error $error) {
Example 2: Password validation
use KrisKuiper\Validator\Error;
use KrisKuiper\Validator\Validator;

$data = [
    'password' => 'very_strong_password',
    'password_repeat' => 'very_strong_password',

$validator = new Validator($data);

    ->lengthBetween(8, 50);


//Validation passes
if($validator->passes()) {

//Validation fails
if($validator->fails()) {

    $validator->errors()->each(function(Error $error) {
Example 3: Combining multiple date fields for single validation
use KrisKuiper\Validator\Error;
use KrisKuiper\Validator\Validator;

$data = [
    'year' => '1952',
    'month' => '3',
    'day' => '28',

$validator = new Validator($data);

    ->combine('year', 'month', 'day')

    ->middleware('month', 'day')


//Validation passes
if($validator->passes()) {

//Validation fails
if($validator->fails()) {

    $validator->errors()->each(function(Error $error) {
Example 4: Using blueprints
use KrisKuiper\Validator\Blueprint\Blueprint;
use KrisKuiper\Validator\Error;
use KrisKuiper\Validator\Validator;

$data = [
    'name' => 'Morris',
    'role' => 'moderator',
    'email' => '',
    'password' => 'very_strong_password',
    'password_repeat' => 'very_strong_password',

//Create blueprint
$blueprint = new Blueprint();

    ->lengthBetween(2, 30)

    ->in(['admin', 'moderator', 'user'])

    ->lengthBetween(5, 50);

//Use the blueprint in the validator
$validator = new Validator($data);


    ->lengthBetween(8, 50);


//Validation passes
if($validator->passes()) {

//Validation fails
if($validator->fails()) {

    $validator->errors()->each(function(Error $error) {


Modern PHP Validator is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.

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  • v1.5.4(Dec 6, 2022)

  • v1.5.3(Oct 14, 2022)

  • v1.5.2(Oct 13, 2022)

  • v1.5.1(Oct 12, 2022)

    What's Changed

    • Added "Confirmed" rule
    • Added "Declined" rule
    • Added "Declined if" rule
    • Added "Declined not empty" rule
    • Added "Lowercase" rule
    • Added "Same not" rule
    • Added "Uppercase" rule
    • Fixed default value for combine alias that will return NULL
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v1.5.0(Oct 10, 2022)

  • v1.4.2(Oct 10, 2022)

  • v1.4.1(Oct 6, 2022)

  • v1.4.0(Oct 5, 2022)

    What's Changed

    • Renamed rule containsNumber to containsDigit
    • Added minimum count to containsSymbols rule
    • Added minimum count to containsDigits rule
    • Added minimum count to containsLetters rule
    • Added minimum count to containsMixedCase rule
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v1.3.2(Oct 4, 2022)

  • v1.3.0(Oct 3, 2022)

    What's Changed

    • Added filter method
    • Removed STDClass support in favor to array and JSON support
    • Refactored Current object to Event object
    • Updated documentation
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v1.2.8(Oct 1, 2022)

  • v1.2.7(Sep 30, 2022)

  • v1.2.6(Sep 30, 2022)

    What's Changed

    • Added logo
    • Added Divisble by rule
    • Added Negative rule
    • Added Negative or zero rule
    • Added Positive rule
    • Added Positive or zero rule
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v1.2.5(Sep 30, 2022)

  • v1.2.4(Sep 30, 2022)

  • v1.2.3(Sep 14, 2022)

  • v1.2.2(Sep 13, 2022)

  • v1.2.1(Sep 7, 2022)

    What's Changed

    • Updated documentation
    • Updated composer file
    • Fixed PSR-4 namespace by @florisluiten in

    New Contributors

    • @florisluiten made their first contribution in
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v1.2.0(Sep 6, 2022)

    What's Changed

    • Better naming convention
    • Improved performance
    • Updated documentation
    Changed rule names:
    • isAccepted() => accepted()
    • isAlpha() => alpha()
    • isAlphaDash() => alphaDash()
    • isAlphaNumeric() => alphaNumeric()
    • isCountable() => countable()
    • isDate() => date()
    • isEmail() => email()
    • isIp() => ip()
    • isIpPrivate() => ipPrivate()
    • isIpPublic() => ipPublic()
    • isIpv4() => ipv4()
    • isIpv6() => ipv6()
    • isJson() => json()
    • isMacAddress() => macAddress()
    • isNumber() => number()
    • isScalar() => scalar()
    • isTimezone() => timeZone()
    • isUrl() => url()
    • isUuid() => uuid()
    • isUuidV1() => uuidV1()
    • isUuidV3() => uuidV3()
    • isUuidV4() => uuidV4()
    • isUuidV5() => uuidV5()
    • maxLength() => lengthMax()
    • maxWords() => wordsMax()
    • minLength() => lengthMin()
    • minWords() => wordsMin()
    • notContains() => containsNot()
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v1.1.10(Sep 5, 2022)

  • v1.1.9(Sep 5, 2022)

    What's Changed

    • Added 'Digits' rule
    • Added 'Digits between' rule
    • Added 'Digits max' rule
    • Added 'Digits min' rule
    • Added 'After or equal' rule
    • Added 'Before or equal' rule
    • Updated documentation
    • Added extra unit tests for 'Before' and 'After' rule
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v1.1.8(Sep 2, 2022)


    • Better code coverage
    • Improved documentation


    • Return type for current method from FieldMessageCollection was not compatible
    • Return type for current method from RuleMessageCollection was not compatible
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  • v1.1.4(Aug 31, 2022)

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    What's Changed

    • Updated documentation by @kris-kuiper in
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