Common utils used by PSR-15 middlewares



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Common utilities used by the middlewares' packages:


This package is installable and autoloadable via Composer as middlewares/utils.

composer require middlewares/utils


Used to create PSR-7 and PSR-17 instances. Detects automatically Diactoros, Guzzle, Slim, Nyholm/psr7 and Sunrise but you can register a different factory using the psr/http-factory interface.

use Middlewares\Utils\Factory;
use Middlewares\Utils\FactoryDiscovery;

// Create PSR-7 instances
$request = Factory::createRequest('GET', '/');
$serverRequest = Factory::createServerRequest('GET', '/');
$response = Factory::createResponse(200);
$stream = Factory::createStream('Hello world');
$uri = Factory::createUri('');
$uploadedFile = Factory::createUploadedFile($stream);

// Get PSR-17 instances (factories)
$requestFactory = Factory::getRequestFactory();
$serverRequestFactory = Factory::getServerRequestFactory();
$responseFactory = Factory::getResponseFactory();
$streamFactory = Factory::getStreamFactory();
$uriFactory = Factory::getUriFactory();
$uploadedFileFactory = Factory::getUploadedFileFactory();

// By default, use the FactoryDiscovery class that detects diactoros, guzzle, slim, nyholm and sunrise (in this order of priority),
// but you can change it and add other libraries

Factory::setFactory(new FactoryDiscovery(

//And also register directly an initialized factory
Factory::getFactory()->setResponseFactory(new FooResponseFactory());

$fooResponse = Factory::createResponse();


Minimalist PSR-15 compatible dispatcher. Used for testing purposes.

use Middlewares\Utils\Dispatcher;

$response = Dispatcher::run([
    new Middleware1(),
    new Middleware2(),
    new Middleware3(),
    function ($request, $next) {
        $response = $next->handle($request);
        return $response->withHeader('X-Foo', 'Bar');


To resolve and execute a callable. It can be used as a middleware, server request handler or a callable:

use Middlewares\Utils\CallableHandler;

$callable = new CallableHandler(function () {
    return 'Hello world';

$response = $callable();

echo $response->getBody(); //Hello world


General purpose exception used to represent HTTP errors.

use Middlewares\Utils\HttpErrorException;

try {
    $context = ['problem' => 'Something bad happened'];
    throw HttpErrorException::create(500, $context);
} catch (HttpErrorException $exception) {
    $context = $exception->getContext();

Please see CHANGELOG for more information about recent changes and CONTRIBUTING for contributing details.

The MIT License (MIT). Please see LICENSE for more information.

  • composer: allow php ^8.0

    composer: allow php ^8.0


    Should I send also migration from Travis to GitHub actions? Since Travis is ultra-slow these days and obviously does not have PHP 8.0 ready, GitHub actions are far better nowadays.

    opened by solcik 8
  • Add callable resolvers

    Add callable resolvers

    After thinking about #2 I came up with a bit more complex solution. This solution completely delegates the resolution to one or other resolver, allowing to support resolver specific features (like service id based resolution with a container).

    opened by sagikazarmark 8
  • String conversion problem in CallableHandler

    String conversion problem in CallableHandler

    In case the callable returns a non string-friendly value (not scalars, arrays, objects without __toString, etc) this line will produce a warning:

    In that case we should throw an exception, because it's not responsibility of this class to make decisions about how to convert them to string, or delegate that (somehow) to next middleware like "I don't know what to do with this".

    opened by itsjavi 5
  • Dispatcher can implement RequestHandlerInterface

    Dispatcher can implement RequestHandlerInterface

    Hi. Thank you for the great libraries.

    What do you think about making Middlewares\Utils\Dispatcher to implement Psr\Http\Server\RequestHandlerInterface?

    Dispatcher already has method dispatch(ServerRequestInterface $request): ResponseInterface, that, except the name, resemble handle(ServerRequestInterface $request): ResponseInterface from RequestHandlerInterface.

    Making Dispatcher a middleware composite enables to pass it to some runners, for example zendframework/zend-httphandlerrunner:

    $runner = new RequestHandlerRunner(

    What do you think about this?

    I have tested such approach localy, so can provide PR if needed.

    Thak you in advance.

    opened by Sevavietl 3
  • zend-diactoros is deprecated by laminas/laminas-diactoros.

    zend-diactoros is deprecated by laminas/laminas-diactoros. states :

    Repository abandoned 2019-12-31

    This repository has moved to laminas/laminas-diactoros.

    We should replace

    const DIACTOROS = [
        'request' => 'Zend\Diactoros\RequestFactory',
        'response' => 'Zend\Diactoros\ResponseFactory',
        'serverRequest' => 'Zend\Diactoros\ServerRequestFactory',
        'stream' => 'Zend\Diactoros\StreamFactory',
        'uploadedFile' => 'Zend\Diactoros\UploadedFileFactory',
        'uri' => 'Zend\Diactoros\UriFactory',


    const DIACTOROS = [
        'request' => 'Laminas\Diactoros\RequestFactory',
        'response' => 'Laminas\Diactoros\ResponseFactory',
        'serverRequest' => 'Laminas\Diactoros\ServerRequestFactory',
        'stream' => 'Laminas\Diactoros\StreamFactory',
        'uploadedFile' => 'Laminas\Diactoros\UploadedFileFactory',
        'uri' => 'Laminas\Diactoros\UriFactory',
    opened by DarkMukke 2
  • added slim/psr7 support

    added slim/psr7 support

    opened by jfcherng 2
  • Add

    Add "conflict" option with old http-interop/http-middleware

    This PR fixes #5 by stating that middleware/utils 0.13+ should not be used if "http-interop/http-middleware" is used. This will force a fallback to older versions of middleware/utils.

    opened by moufmouf 2
  • v0.13.0 breaks compatibility with all older middlewares

    v0.13.0 breaks compatibility with all older middlewares

    Hey @oscarotero,

    Version v0.13.0 of middleware/utils is wreaking havok on previous versions of all your middleware/* packages.

    Here is the issue I am facing.

    I'm using your middleware/whoops package. I'm stuck with v0.4.1 because I'm using http-interop/http-middleware v0.4 in my own middlewares.

    Everything was working flawlessly until you introduced v0.13.0 of middleware/utils.

    The problem:

    v0.13.0 removes "http-interop/http-middleware": "^0.5".

    Because of this, middleware/whoops v0.4.1 becomes compatible with middleware/utils v0.13.0.

    When I install middleware/whoops v0.4.1, I'm installing middleware/utils v0.13.0, instead of middleware/utils v0.11 (which is the latest compatible version).

    I see 2 possible ways to solve this problem.

    Solution 1:

    • add a conflict section to your composer.json to state that middleware/utils conflicts with "http-interop/http-middleware": "*".

    It's easy, but it will only solve the problem if you remove the v0.13.0 tag from middleware/utils. Not very clean, but possible.

    Solution 2:

    • Go through all your packages, all tags and change the dependency from "middleware/utils": "~0.8" to "middleware/utils": ">=0.8 <0.13"

    It's cleaner but it requires a hell lot more work to solve.

    Whatever solution you choose, I'll be happy to contribute PRs.

    opened by moufmouf 2
  • [#20] zend-diactoros is deprecated by laminas/laminas-diactoros

    [#20] zend-diactoros is deprecated by laminas/laminas-diactoros

    • Updated the composer require-dev section to laminas
    • Updated the Tests to the Laminas namespace
    • Updated the Factory Discovery to the Laminas namespace
    opened by DarkMukke 1
  • Typos in doc block for Guzzle and Slim factories

    Typos in doc block for Guzzle and Slim factories

    opened by partnerizemark 1
  • Error when trying to use an object & method as a handler

    Error when trying to use an object & method as a handler

    I am trying to register a route with fast route using an Object and static method with the following code:

    static public function registerRoute( RouteCollector &$r ): void {
      $r->addRoute(['GET', 'OPTIONS'], '/password', array( self::class, 'renderChallenge') );

    instead of the handler being called I instead get the following error message:

    Argument 1 passed to Middlewares\Utils\CallableHandler::__construct() must be callable, object given, called in /src/vendor/middlewares/utils/src/RequestHandlerContainer.php on line 51

    In the course of trying to debug I decided to test if what I was passing was callable using the following:

    // Regular function to check if something is callable
    function isThisCallable( callable $callable  ) {
        call_user_func( $callable );
    // Modified code from above
    static public function registerRoutes( RouteCollector &$r ): void {
        $r->addRoute(['GET', 'OPTIONS'], '/password', function() {
           isThisCallable( array(static::class, 'renderChallenge') );
        } );

    This test code ran as expected and called the static object's method. Is this a bug or is there another way I should be passing an object and method as the handler?

    opened by mav2287 5
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