Dockerized version of Laravel Homestead


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Dockerized version of Laravel Homestead


For now you can check out the wiki for details on using the container. Once the container is stable, I will add more instructions here in the readme.

Build Information

You can find the latest build details on the Docker Hub

What works

  • Nginx 1.8.1
  • PHP 7.0
  • SQLite
  • MySQL 5.7
  • Redis
  • NodeJS
  • PostgreSQL
  • Beanstalkd
  • Blackfire
  • Bower
  • Gulp
  • Composer
  • Laravel Envoy
  • Laravel Installer
  • Lumen Installer

How to use the container

Kitematic (the easy way)

  1. Search for LaraEdit
  2. Create LaraEdit container
  3. Point the /var/www/html/app volume to your local application directory.

CLI (the other easy way)

  1. Pull in the image
  docker pull laraedit/laraedit
  1. Run the container
  docker run -p 80:80 -v /path/to/your/app:/var/www/html/app laraedit/laraedit

If you want to try the latest unstable release, replace laraedit/laraedit with laraedit/laraedit:dev

MySQL Details

  • MySQL Username = homestead
  • MySQL Password = secret
  • MySQL Database = homestead

You are free to create more databases and/or users, but these are available to you as soon as you run the container!

  • No 'homestead' MySQL user?

    No 'homestead' MySQL user?

    @iBourgeois any particular reason why the lines to create the homestead user and database for MySQL are commented out? Without this we can't find any way to enter values in Laravel's config that will successfully connect the app to the database.


    bug enhancement 
    opened by waldemarfm 15
  • Mysql shouldn't be in the web/php container

    Mysql shouldn't be in the web/php container

    I dont see the point of dockerizing Homestead in Docker if the nginx, php, mysql and everything from Homestead is on the same container. The whole point of docker is to have them in different containers.

    opened by AleksanderKoko 4
  • [Question] Many projects

    [Question] Many projects


    Great docker project you got here.

    I use Vagrant with Homestead on and i ad new domains/hosts/projects in the .yaml file and then just provision Vagrant.

    How can i achieve this in your project?

    Do i have to run an separate container for each Laravel project?

    Thank you /Peter

    opened by digitalit 4
  • /var/www/html/app: 80:80: command not found

    /var/www/html/app: 80:80: command not found

    I ran command: docker run laraedit/laraedit -p 80:80 ~/test:/var/www/html/app and I got error /var/www/html/app: 80:80: command not found

    Any idea? Thanks

    opened by semsphy 3
  • Where is

    Where is "first" video

    Hey There

    During this video (see link below), you eluded to a previous video? I am looking to get started using Docker (first time user) Do you have a "getting started 101" type video?

    opened by mikeerickson 2
  • development/production ?

    development/production ?

    One thing that is very important, as for the nginx server, it should not cache any file of any type when in development, otherwise, php artisan serve would be the way to go while development.

    Is the files caching turned off for nginx?

    opened by hopewise 2
  • How do I modify my php.ini ?

    How do I modify my php.ini ?

    Hello, I got some trouble with modifying my own file. I edited /etc/php/7.0/fpm/php.ini, and try to check it on phpinfo(), it showed that the changes i've made didn't work. I also tried volume, something like -v ~/wamp64/www/php.ini:/etc/php/7.0/fpm/php.ini and I checked it in the container, it used the php.ini on my host. But as I tried phpinfo(), the changes were not applied again. I don't know what's going on there.



    PS. I run Kitematic and docker toolbox on Windows 10 Home edition.

    opened by MAJA-Lin 1
  • web root is wrong

    web root is wrong

    the default web root is /var/www/html the dockerfile creates a volume at /usr/share/nginx/html/$APP_NAME

    the correct volume should be /var/www/html/$APP_NAME

    opened by ibourgeois 1
  • Parse error

    Parse error

    when I type 'sudo docker run -d --name laravel -p 3307:3306 -p 8082:80 -v ~/mylaravel:/var/www/html/app laraedit/laraedit',then open chrome and type MyIP:8082, I get a error like bellow Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '=' in /var/www/html/app/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Support/Arr.php on line 388

    opened by Hsu-Cheng-Wei 0
  • docker run ERROR

    docker run ERROR

    mkdir -p /home/docker/lar/www/odoo docker run -p 8300:80 -v /home/docker/lar/www/odoo:/var/www/html/app laraedit/laraedit ERROR MSG: docker: Error response from daemon: mkdir /var/lib/docker/overlay2/d46cc7ff2c9ecc251afdd7ed47ece33391c164d148bbe6282cc74bbbf7e66bc2-init/merged/dev/shm: invalid argument. See 'docker run --help'.

    opened by echobar 0
  • can't get latest view

    can't get latest view

    When I try to modify the tpl file located in the resources / view directory of the project, I found that I need to refresh the page twice to get the modified result, and only need to refresh once in the vagrant. Is this because the cache, or the configuration is wrong? I first modified the 'sendfile' in the nginx.conf, this only applies to img / css / js, after I modified php.ini opcache.revalidate_freq and opcache.validate_timestamps, but no working~

    Waiting for reply. :)

    opened by Falld0wn18 0
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