A personal repo where I'll upload code that I write while learning laravel


Learning Laravel

All of the knowledge has been gained from this Tutorial -> The best tutorial ever!


  1. Choose an IDE to code in, I personally like Visual Studio Code
    1. Configure it to your preference
    2. If you're using VS Code, make sure to download this extension (Laravel Extension Pack), it provides all top tier extensions for Laravel
  2. Download & install PHP 8


I personally chose to install Laravel with Composer because I think it's the best choice for me

$ composer create-project laravel/laravel example-app
$ cd example-app
$ php artisan serve

But I also installed and the Laravel Installer just in case I need it

$ composer global require laravel/installer
$ laravel new example-app
$ cd example-app
$ php artisan serve	

If you want to install my repo do this:

$ git clone https://github.com/lanoow/learning-laravel
$ composer install
$ cd learning-laravel/
; Make sure to link your MySQL Database
$ php artisan migrate:fresh
$ php artisan serve

Note: I didn't include .env so make sure to create a .env file from the .env.example file.

Keeping track of the Tutorial

Day 1

Watched all videos from Section 1

Day 2

Part 1 -> Watched all videos from Section 2 & 3

Part 2 -> Watched all videos from Section 4

Day 3

Watched all videos from Section 5 & 6

Day 4

Part 1 -> Watched all videos from Section 7 & 8

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