A simple library for JSON to PHP Objects conversions
Often times, we interact with an API, or data source that returns JSON. PHP only offers the possibility to deserialize that json into an array or objects of type stdClass
This library helps deserializing JSON into actual objects of custom defined classes. It does so by using PHP8's attributes on class properties.
Simple serialization of a class
use Square\Pjson\Json;
use Square\Pjson\JsonSerialize;
class Schedule
use JsonSerialize;
protected int $start;
protected int $end;
public function __construct(int $start, int $end)
$this->start = $start;
$this->end = $end;
(new Schedule(1, 2))->toJson();
Would yield the following:
"start": 1,
"end": 2
And then the reverse can be achieved via:
Which would return an instance of class Schedule
with the properties set according to the JSON.
Custom Names
The previous example can be made to use custom names in JSON instead of just the property name:
use Square\Pjson\Json;
use Square\Pjson\JsonSerialize;
class Schedule
use JsonSerialize;
protected int $start;
protected int $end;
public function __construct(int $start, int $end)
$this->start = $start;
$this->end = $end;
(new Schedule(1, 2))->toJson();
would yield
"begin": 1,
"stop": 2
And deserializing with those new property names works just as before:
// ^ Schedule^ {#345
// #start: 1
// #end: 2
// }
Private / Protected
The visibility of a property does not matter. A private or protected property can be serialized / unserialized as well (see previous examples).
Property Path
Sometimes the json format isn't exactly the PHP version we want to use. Say for example that the JSON we received for the previous schedule examples were to look like:
"data": {
"start": 1,
"end": 2
By declaring our class json attributes as follows, we can still read those properties direclty into our class:
class Schedule
use JsonSerialize;
#[Json(['data', 'start'])]
protected int $start;
#[Json(['data', 'end'])]
protected int $end;
public function __construct(int $start, int $end)
$this->start = $start;
$this->end = $end;
Recursive serialize / deserialize
If we are working with a json structure that's a bit more complex, we will want to have properties be classes that can also be properly deserialized into.
"saturday": {
"start": 0,
"end": 2
"sunday": {
"start": 0,
"end": 7
The following 2 PHP classes could work well with this:
class Schedule
use JsonSerialize;
protected int $start;
protected int $end;
class Weekend
use JsonSerialize;
protected Schedule $sat;
protected Schedule $sun;
When working with an array of items where each item should be of a given class, we need to tell pjson about the target type:
"days": [
"start": 0,
"end": 2
"start": 0,
"end": 2
"start": 0,
"end": 2
"start": 0,
"end": 7
With Schedule still defined as before, we'd define a week like:
class Week
use JsonSerialize;
#[Json(type: Schedule::class)]
protected array $days;
This would also work with a map if the json were like:
"days": {
"monday": {
"start": 0,
"end": 2
"wednesday": {
"start": 0,
"end": 2
And the resulting PHP object would be:
Week^ {#353
#days: array:2 [
"monday" => Schedule^ {#344
#start: 0
#end: 2
"wednesday" => Schedule^ {#343
#start: 0
#end: 2
Polymorphic deserialization
Say you have 2 classes that extend a base class. You might receive those as part of a collection and don't know ahead of time if you'll be dealing with one or the other. For example:
abstract class CatalogObject
use JsonSerialize;
protected $id;
protected string $type;
class CatalogCategory extends CatalogObject
use JsonSerialize;
protected string $parentCategoryId;
class CatalogItem extends CatalogObject
use JsonSerialize;
protected string $name;
You can implement the fromJsonData(array $array) : static
on CatalogObject
to discriminate based on the received data and return the correct serialization:
abstract class CatalogObject
use JsonSerialize;
protected $id;
protected string $type;
public static function fromJsonData($jd): static
$t = $jd['type'];
return match ($t) {
'category' => CatalogCategory::fromJsonData($jd),
'item' => CatalogItem::fromJsonData($jd),
WARNING: Make sure that each of the subclasses directly use JsonSerialize
. Otherwise when they call ::fromJsonData
, they would call the parent on CatalogObject
leading to infinite recursion.
With this in place, we can do:
$jsonCat = '{"type": "category", "id": "123", "parent_category_id": "456"}';
$c = CatalogObject::fromJsonString($jsonCat);
$this->assertEquals(CatalogCategory::class, get_class($c));
$jsonItem = '{"type": "item", "id": "123", "name": "Sandals"}';
$c = CatalogObject::fromJsonString($jsonItem);
$this->assertEquals(CatalogItem::class, get_class($c));
If you're dealing with a list of things to deserialize, you can call MyClass::listFromJsonString($json)
or MyClass::listfromJsonData($array)
. For example:
"schedule_start": 1,
"schedule_end": 2
"schedule_start": 11,
"schedule_end": 22
"schedule_start": 111,
"schedule_end": 222
yields the same as
new Schedule(1, 2),
new Schedule(11, 22),
new Schedule(111, 222),
Initial path
Somteimes the JSON you care about will be nested under a property but you don't want / need to model the outer layer. For this you can pass a $path
to the deserializing methods:
"data": {
"schedule_start": 1,
"schedule_end": 2
}', path: 'data');
"data": {
"main": {
"schedule_start": 1,
"schedule_end": 2
}', path: ['data', 'main']);
Backed enums are supported out of the box in PHP 8.1
class Widget
use JsonSerialize;
public Status $status;
enum Status : string
case ON = 'ON';
case OFF = 'OFF';
$w = new Widget;
$w->status = Status::ON;
$w->toJson(); // {"status": "ON"}
And regular enums can be supported via the JsonSerialize
trait or the JsonDataSerializable
class Widget
use JsonSerialize;
public Size $size;
enum Size
use JsonSerialize;
case BIG;
case SMALL;
public static function fromJsonData($d, array|string $path = []): static
return match ($d) {
'BIG' => self::BIG,
'SMALL' => self::SMALL,
'big' => self::BIG,
'small' => self::SMALL,
public function toJsonData()
return strtolower($this->name);
$w = new Widget;
$w->size = Size::BIG;
$w->toJson(); // {"status": "big"}
Scalar <=> Class
In some cases, you might want a scalar value to become a PHP object once deserialized and vice-versa. For example, a BigInt
class could hold an int as a string and represent it as a string when serialized to JSON:
class Stats
use JsonSerialize;
public BigInt $count;
class BigInt implements JsonDataSerializable
public function __construct(
protected string $value,
) {
public static function fromJsonData($jd, array|string $path = []) : static
return new BigInt($jd);
public function toJsonData()
return $this->value;
$stats = new Stats;
$stats->count = new BigInt("123456789876543234567898765432345678976543234567876543212345678765432");
$stats->toJson(); // {"count":"123456789876543234567898765432345678976543234567876543212345678765432"}
Use with PHPStan
Using this library, you may have properties that don't appear to be read from or written to anywhere in your code, but are purely used for JSON serialization. PHPStan will complain about these issues, but you can help PHPStan understand that this is expected behavior by adding this library's extension in your phpstan.neon
- vendor/square/pjson/extension.neon