An easy way to get vendor and package data from Packagist via API calls


Laravel Packagist

Laravel Packagist

Laravel Packagist (LaravelPackagist) is a package for Laravel 5 to interact with the packagist api quickly and easily.

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Table of contents


Laravel Packagist Features
Quicky start pulling vendor data from packagist via the API
Quicky start pulling package data from packagist via the API
Can use laravel built in cache to make it even faster
Config options extend to .env file
Uses localization language files


Installation Instructions

  1. From your projects root folder in terminal run:

        composer require jeremykenedy/laravel-packagist
  2. Register the package

  • Laravel 5.5 and up Uses package auto discovery feature, no need to edit the config/app.php file.

  • Laravel 5.4 and below Register the package with laravel in config/app.php under providers with the following:

    'providers' => [
  1. Optionally publish the packages views, config file, assets, and language files by running the following from your projects root folder:

Publish All Assets

    php artisan vendor:publish --provider="jeremykenedy\LaravelPackagist\LaravelPackagistServiceProvider"

Publish Specific Assets

    php artisan vendor:publish --tag=laravelpackagist-config
    php artisan vendor:publish --tag=laravelpackagist-lang


  1. Add the following to the head of the file you are calling the methods from:
use jeremykenedy\LaravelPackagist\App\Services\PackagistApiServices;

File Example:


namespace App\Services\Sections;

use jeremykenedy\LaravelPackagist\App\Services\PackagistApiServices;
  1. Call the methods with the following:
// Vendors

// Individual Packages


There are many configurable options which have all been extended to be able to configured via .env file variables. Editing the configuration file directly is not needed becuase of this.


return [

    | Packagist Caching Settings
    'caching' => [
        'enabled'               => env('PACKAGIST_CACHE_ENABLED', TRUE),
        'vendorListCacheTime'   => env('PACKAGIST_VENDOR_LIST_CACHE_TIME_MINUTES', 100),
        'vendorItemCacheTime'   => env('PACKAGIST_VENDOR_ITEM_CACHE_TIME_MINUTES', 100),

    | Packagist CURL Settings
    'curl' => [
        'timeout'       => env('PACKAGIST_CURL_TIMEOUT', 30),
        'maxredirects'  => env('PACKAGIST_CURL_MAX_REDIRECTS', 10),

    | Packagist API URLS
    'urls' => [
        'vendorBase' => env('PACKAGIST_API_VENDOR_URL_BASE', ''),
        'projectPreFix' => env('PACKAGIST_API_VENDOR_PROJECT_BASE_PREFIX', ''),
        'projectPostFix' => env('PACKAGIST_API_VENDOR_PROJECT_BASE_POSTFIX', '.json'),

    | Packagist default vendor
    'vendor' => [
        'default' => env('PACKAGIST_DEFAULT_VENDOR', 'jeremykenedy'),

    | Packagist logging
    'logging' => [
        'curlErrors' => env('PACKAGIST_LOG_CURL_ERROR', TRUE),
Environment File

File Tree

├── .gitignore..git
├── .travis.yml
├── composer.json
├── phpunit.xml
└── src
    ├── App
    │   ├── Services
    │   │   └── PackagistApiServices.php
    │   └── Traits
    │       └── PackagistApiTrait.php
    ├── LaravelPackagistFacade.php
    ├── LaravelPackagistServiceProvider.php
    ├── config
    │   └── laravelpackagist.php
    └── resources
        └── lang
            └── en
                └── laravelpackagist.php
  • Tree command can be installed using brew: brew install tree
  • File tree generated using command tree -a -I '.git|node_modules|vendor|storage|tests'


Laravel Packagist is licensed under the MIT license. Enjoy!

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