Browser Detection for Laravel by hisorange!


Browser Detection Logo

Browser Detection v4.4 by hisorange

Latest Stable Version Build Coverage Status Total Downloads License

Easy to use package to identify the visitor's browser details and device type. Magic is not involved the results are generated by multiple well tested and developed packages. Supporting every laravel version between 4.0 » 8.0, also tested on every PHP version between 5.6 » 8.0.

How to install

composer require hisorange/browser-detect

Yep, it's ready to be used by You! ^.^

How to use

In Your code just call the Browser facade:

use Browser;

// Determine the user's device type is simple as this:

// Every wondered if it is a bot who loading Your page?
if (Browser::isBot()) {
    echo 'No need to wonder anymore!';

// Check for common vendors.
if (Browser::isFirefox() || Browser::isOpera()) {
    $response .= '<script src="firefox-fix.js"></script>';

// Sometime You may want to serve different content based on the OS.
if (Browser::isAndroid()) {
    $response .= '<a>Install our Android App!</a>';
} elseif (Browser::isMac() && Browser::isMobile()) {
    $response .= '<a>Install our iOS App!</a>';

Even in Your blade templates:

    <p>This is the MOBILE template!</p>

    <p>This is the TABLET template!</p>
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="tablet.css" title="Reduce the page size, load what the user need">

    <p>This is the DESKTOP template!</p>

{-- Every result key is supported --}
    <p>Bots are identified too :)</p>

Easy peasy, ain't it?

Version support

The following matrix is has been continuously tested by the great and awesome Github Actions!

----- Browser Detect 1.x Browser Detect 2.x Browser Detect 3.x Browser Detect 4.x
Laravel 4.x - -
Laravel 5.x - -
Laravel 6.x - - -
Laravel 7.x - - -
Laravel 8.x - - - 4.4+
Standalone - - - 4.2+

Since 2013 the package runs tests on every possible PHP / Laravel version matrix.

Standalone mode, without Laravel!

Based on community requests; Now You can use the library without Laravel. Just simply use the Parser class as a static object.

use hisorange\BrowserDetect\Parser as Browser;

if (Browser::isLinux()) {
    // Works as well!

Available API calls

Every call on the Browser facade is proxied to a result object, so the following information are available on Your result too, where You can use the [array] syntax to access them.

Call Response Internal Type
Browser::userAgent() Current visitor's HTTP_USER_AGENT string. (string)
Browser::isMobile() Is this a mobile device. (boolean)
Browser::isTablet() Is this a tablet device. (boolean)
Browser::isDesktop() Is this a desktop computer. (boolean)
Browser::isBot() Is this a crawler / bot. (boolean)
Browser related functions
Browser::browserName() Browser's human friendly name like Firefox 3.6, Chrome 42. (string)
Browser::browserFamily() Browser's vendor like Chrome, Firefox, Opera. (string)
Browser::browserVersion() Browser's human friendly version string. (string)
Browser::browserVersionMajor() Browser's semantic major version. (integer)
Browser::browserVersionMinor() Browser's semantic minor version. (integer)
Browser::browserVersionPatch() Browser's semantic patch version. (integer)
Browser::browserEngine() Browser's engine like: Blink, WebKit, Gecko. (string)
Operating system related functions
Browser::platformName() Operating system's human friendly name like Windows XP, Mac 10. (string)
Browser::platformFamily() Operating system's vendor like Linux, Windows, Mac. (string)
Browser::platformVersion() Operating system's human friendly version like XP, Vista, 10. (integer)
Browser::platformVersionMajor() Operating system's semantic major version. (integer)
Browser::platformVersionMinor() Operating system's semantic minor version. (integer)
Browser::platformVersionPatch() Operating system's semantic patch version. (integer)
Operating system extended functions
Browser::isWindows() Is this a windows operating system. (boolean)
Browser::isLinux() Is this a linux based operating system. (boolean)
Browser::isMac() Is this an iOS or Mac based operating system. (boolean)
Browser::isAndroid() Is this an Android operating system. (boolean)
Device related functions
Browser::deviceFamily() Device's vendor like Samsung, Apple, Huawei. (string)
Browser::deviceModel() Device's brand name like iPad, iPhone, Nexus. (string)
Browser::mobileGrade() Device's mobile grade in scale of A,B,C for performance. (string)
Browser vendor related functions
Browser::isChrome() Is this a chrome browser. (boolean)
Browser::isFirefox() Is this a firefox browser. (boolean)
Browser::isOpera() Is this an opera browser. (boolean)
Browser::isSafari() Is this a safari browser. (boolean)
Browser::isIE() Checks if the browser is an some kind of Internet Explorer (or Trident) (boolean)
Browser::isIEVersion() Compares to a given IE version (boolean)
Browser::isEdge() Is this a microsoft edge browser. (boolean)
Browser::isInApp() Check for browsers rendered inside applications like android webview. (boolean)

Configuration, personalization

If You are using Laravel then after installation run the following command:

// Will copy a config file to ~/app/config/browser-detect.php
php artisan vendor:publish

For standalone mode to apply Your custom configuration:

use hisorange\BrowserDetect\Parser;

$browser = new Parser(null, null, [
    'cache' => [
        'interval' => 86400 // This will overide the default configuration.

$result = $browser->detect();

Since the package aims to be easy to use, there is not much to configure. But You can customize the cache and security values.

Advanced Usage Information

The code is designed to be an easy to use style, so every call You make on the Browser facade will access the result object and get the data for You, but You can parse agents other then the current user's.

// When You call the detect function You will get a result object, from the current user's agent.
$result = Browser::detect();

// If You wana get browser details from a user agent other then the current user call the parse function.
$result = Browser::parse('Opera/9.80 (Windows NT 6.0) Presto/2.12.388 Version/12.14');

Worthy notion! The parser only parsing each user agent string once and then caches it, it uses an inmemory runtime cache for multiple calls in a single page load; And it will use the application's cache to persist the result for a week or so, this should provide You with a sufficient caching mechanism so the detection will cost less than 0.02 millisecond, this was tested with a 80,000 fake visit.


At the time of this writing, the library is getting closer to be 7 year old. I have implemented every user request which was feasable, and running out of ideas for the future. By this statement I am declaring this as the last feature release at version 4.2, from now on I will maintain compatibility with new Laravel and PHP versions, but not planning to do any new features.

Thank You for your support over the years, and worry not, the library is stable, and has all the features You ever need.

~ Update on this :D

No major features are added in the past months, but with the help of Raymund Ács we are patching and continuing the support for micro features and version ports.


See the detailed changes in the CHANGELOG file.

  • Only see

    Only see "HiSoRange Generic Browser" - Laravel 5.3


    I've tried to make this work for a few hours now with no success...

    Followed your instructions. hisorange\BrowserDetect\Provider\BrowserDetectService::class, and 'BrowserDetect' => hisorange\BrowserDetect\Facade\Parser::class,

    in app.php


     $result = \BrowserDetect::detect();

    shows me only

    Result {#164 ▼
      #attributes: array:17 [▼
        "isMobile" => false
        "isTablet" => false
        "isDesktop" => true
        "isBot" => false
        "browserFamily" => "HiSoRange Generic Browser"
        "browserVersionMajor" => 0
        "browserVersionMinor" => 0
        "browserVersionPatch" => 0
        "osFamily" => "HiSoRange Generic OS"
        "osVersionMajor" => 0
        "osVersionMinor" => 0
        "osVersionPatch" => 0
        "deviceFamily" => ""
        "deviceModel" => ""
        "mobileGrade" => ""
        "cssVersion" => 0
        "javaScriptSupport" => true

    I tried it with Google Chrome and Firefox (both latest Windows versions), same result.

    Is there anything I'm missing?

    Using Laravel 5.3


    opened by steve-rhodes 15
  • Browser version is not shown

    Browser version is not shown


    I'm using Laravel 5.1.27

    When I do this:


    I get a empty string.

    Even if I do this:

    $browser = \BrowserDetect::detect()->toArray();

    The versions (major, minor, patch) of browser and os, it is always zero.

    I tried this with Chrome, Firefox and Safari on a MacBook.

    Or maybe this is normal when I see an application locally?


    opened by rcaf 13
  • Calling \Browser::isMobile() throws the error:

    Calling \Browser::isMobile() throws the error: "Argument 1 passed to UAParser\Parser::parse() must be of the type string, null given"

    Hello after I updated this package I'm getting this error:

    Argument 1 passed to UAParser\Parser::parse() must be of the type string, null given, called in /sites/152577226/vendor/hisorange/browser-detect/src/Stages/UAParser.php on line 25

    The code causing this is simply:

    if (\Browser::isMobile()) {

    It seems like in the update you tried to add some stronger typing, but there was some error.

    The package update that resulted in this error was updating from 3.12.4 to 3.12.5

    Bug Stale 
    opened by paulcdejean 9
  • Yaml::parse() error when using BrowserDetect class

    Yaml::parse() error when using BrowserDetect class

    I updated composer yesterday and wherever I use this class, I get an error as follows:

    ErrorException (E_UNKNOWN) The ability to pass file names to Yaml::parse() was deprecated in 2.2 and will be removed in 3.0. Please, pass the contents of the file instead.

    Here is a sample code of what fails:

    I am using browser-detect on a Laravel 4.x installation. As soon as I remove this, my page works fine.

    opened by djtechonline 9
  • browscap ini pulling

    browscap ini pulling

    Tested with and without the plugin, cleared cache and tested in multiple browsers.

    ErrorException file_get_contents( failed to open stream: HTTP request failed! HTTP/1.1 429 Too Many Requests (View: /*_/_/app/views/home/index.blade.php)

    opened by goranata 9
  • Not Working on L 5.2

    Not Working on L 5.2

    I've used this command : $result = \BrowserDetect::isMobile(); but it returns : Class 'BrowserDetect' not found

    Here is my app.php : providers' => [ hisorange\BrowserDetect\Provider\BrowserDetectService::class, ]

    And Alias is : aliases' => [ 'BrowserDetect' => hisorange\BrowserDetect\Facade\Parser::class, ]

    Any ideas?

    opened by kamrava 8
  • iPad is being detected as mobile instead of tablet

    iPad is being detected as mobile instead of tablet

    Hi mate, first of all thanks for you work, it's awesome! I'm using it in production in a site called Resermap ( and it's detecting that the iPad is a mobile (redirecting it to the mobile web site) instead of keeping it in the regular (responsive) website, as a tablet should do. Do I have to configure something else for this to work as I mention? Thanks again!

    opened by ivancevich 8
  • Browser::parse(): failed to open stream: Permission denied

    Browser::parse(): failed to open stream: Permission denied

    When doing Browser::parse($agent)

    I sometimes get:

    file_put_contents(/var/www/html/hidden/storage/framework/cache/data/d8/ab/d8ab137e137fbf415d960746d1d2e63d409f2e20): failed to open stream: Permission denied

    Rarely, but it happened today. I know this would appear to be a permissions issue, but note the file exists and is world readable:

    $ ls /var/www/html/hidden/storage/framework/cache/data/d8/ab/d8ab137e137fbf415d960746d1d2e63d409f2e20
    -rw-r--r-- 1 www-data www-data 1.1K Feb  1 12:33 /var/www/html/hidden/storage/framework/cache/data/d8/ab/d8ab137e137fbf415d960746d1d2e63d409f2e20

    Any ideas? Using 4.2.2

    opened by futzlarson 7
  • Updates for laravel 6

    Updates for laravel 6


    @hisorange hope this helps you a bit. Just changed everthing to make this work. The change in ParserTest was because of an Warning from PhpUnit

    opened by SudoGetBeer 7
  • Browser version ending up being 0

    Browser version ending up being 0

    I get the following result using Chrome:

    isMobile: false,
    isTablet: false,
    isDesktop: true,
    isBot: false,
    browserFamily: "Chrome",
    browserVersionMajor: 0,
    browserVersionMinor: 0,
    browserVersionPatch: 0,
    osFamily: "MacOSX",
    osVersionMajor: 0,
    osVersionMinor: 0,
    osVersionPatch: 0,
    deviceFamily: "",
    deviceModel: "",
    mobileGrade: "",
    cssVersion: 1,
    javaScriptSupport: true

    and in Safari

    isMobile: false,
    isTablet :false,
    isBot: false,
    browserFamily: Safari,
    browserVersionMajor: 0,
    browserVersionMinor: 0,
    browserVersionPatch: 0,
    osFamily: MacOSX,
    osVersionMajor: 0,
    osVersionMinor: 0,
    osVersionPatch: 0,
    deviceFamily: "",
    deviceModel: "",
    mobileGrade: "",
    cssVersion: 1,
    javaScriptSupport: true

    Can this bug be fixed somehow or am I the only one getting it?

    opened by marktopper 7
  • Detecting Brave Browser

    Detecting Brave Browser

    Hi, is there a way to detect user that using Brave browser?

    Because I'm using it, and when testing with isChrome(), the result return true

    Thanks in advance

    Enhancement Stale 
    opened by xGwein 6
  • Browser::isMac() does not seem to work on some UA with iPad/iPod/iPhone in it

    Browser::isMac() does not seem to work on some UA with iPad/iPod/iPhone in it

    I have some UA that were iPhone's or iPad's but that were reported false with ìsMac`.


    • Mozilla/5.0 (iPad; CPU OS 15_5 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/15.5 Mobile/15E148 Safari/604.1
    • Mozilla/5.0 (iPad; CPU OS 14_8_1 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/14.1.2 Mobile/15E148 Safari/604.1

    Both of these aren't working while despite the following working and having the same signature :

    • Mozilla/5.0 (iPad; CPU OS 9_3_5 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/601.1.46 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/9.0 Mobile/13G36 Safari/601.1

    Any idea what's going wrong?

    opened by darkylmnx 0
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