PHP Library to generate random passwords


Password Generator Library

Simple library for generating random passwords.

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  • PHP >= 7.1

We only support PHP 7.3+


Install Composer

curl -sS | php
mv composer.phar /usr/local/bin/composer

Now tell composer to download the library by running the command:

$ composer require hackzilla/password-generator

Composer will add the library to your composer.json file and install it into your project's vendor/hackzilla directory.

Simple Usage

use Hackzilla\PasswordGenerator\Generator\ComputerPasswordGenerator;

$generator = new ComputerPasswordGenerator();

  ->setOptionValue(ComputerPasswordGenerator::OPTION_UPPER_CASE, true)
  ->setOptionValue(ComputerPasswordGenerator::OPTION_LOWER_CASE, true)
  ->setOptionValue(ComputerPasswordGenerator::OPTION_NUMBERS, true)
  ->setOptionValue(ComputerPasswordGenerator::OPTION_SYMBOLS, false)

$password = $generator->generatePassword();

More Passwords Usage

If you want to generate 10 passwords that are 12 characters long.

use Hackzilla\PasswordGenerator\Generator\ComputerPasswordGenerator;

$generator = new ComputerPasswordGenerator();


$password = $generator->generatePasswords(10);

Hybrid Password Generator Usage

use Hackzilla\PasswordGenerator\Generator\HybridPasswordGenerator;

$generator = new HybridPasswordGenerator();


$password = $generator->generatePasswords(10);

If you can think of a better name for this password generator then let me know.

The segment separator will be remove from the possible characters.

Human Password Generator Usage

use Hackzilla\PasswordGenerator\Generator\HumanPasswordGenerator;

$generator = new HumanPasswordGenerator();


$password = $generator->generatePasswords(10);

Requirement Password Generator Usage

use Hackzilla\PasswordGenerator\Generator\RequirementPasswordGenerator;

$generator = new RequirementPasswordGenerator();

  ->setOptionValue(RequirementPasswordGenerator::OPTION_UPPER_CASE, true)
  ->setOptionValue(RequirementPasswordGenerator::OPTION_LOWER_CASE, true)
  ->setOptionValue(RequirementPasswordGenerator::OPTION_NUMBERS, true)
  ->setOptionValue(RequirementPasswordGenerator::OPTION_SYMBOLS, true)
  ->setMinimumCount(RequirementPasswordGenerator::OPTION_UPPER_CASE, 2)
  ->setMinimumCount(RequirementPasswordGenerator::OPTION_LOWER_CASE, 2)
  ->setMinimumCount(RequirementPasswordGenerator::OPTION_NUMBERS, 2)
  ->setMinimumCount(RequirementPasswordGenerator::OPTION_SYMBOLS, 2)
  ->setMaximumCount(RequirementPasswordGenerator::OPTION_UPPER_CASE, 8)
  ->setMaximumCount(RequirementPasswordGenerator::OPTION_LOWER_CASE, 8)
  ->setMaximumCount(RequirementPasswordGenerator::OPTION_NUMBERS, 8)
  ->setMaximumCount(RequirementPasswordGenerator::OPTION_SYMBOLS, 8)

$password = $generator->generatePassword();

A limit can be removed by passing null

  ->setMinimumCount(RequirementPasswordGenerator::OPTION_UPPER_CASE, null)
  ->setMaximumCount(RequirementPasswordGenerator::OPTION_UPPER_CASE, null)

When setting the minimum and maximum values, be careful of unachievable settings.

For example the following will end up in an infinite loop.

  ->setOptionValue(RequirementPasswordGenerator::OPTION_UPPER_CASE, true)
  ->setOptionValue(RequirementPasswordGenerator::OPTION_LOWER_CASE, false)
  ->setMinimumCount(RequirementPasswordGenerator::OPTION_UPPER_CASE, 5)
  ->setMaximumCount(RequirementPasswordGenerator::OPTION_LOWER_CASE, 1)

For the moment you can call $generator->validLimits() to test whether the counts will cause problems. If the method returns true, then you can proceed. If false, then generatePassword() will likely cause an infinite loop.

Example Implementations

Random Note

Since version 1.5.0, the library depends on the presence of random_int which is found in PHP 7.0+

  • Deprecation Notice: Class Hackzilla\PasswordGenerator\Tests\RandomGenerator\HybridPasswordGeneratorTest

    Deprecation Notice: Class Hackzilla\PasswordGenerator\Tests\RandomGenerator\HybridPasswordGeneratorTest


    as I have updated Composer to version 1.10.5 2020-04-10 11:44:22, I get the following warning now when I run the following command:

    composer self-update && composer install --no-dev && composer update --lock

    Deprecation Notice: Class Hackzilla\PasswordGenerator\Tests\RandomGenerator\HybridPasswordGeneratorTest 
    opened by tonix-tuft 7
  • Ability to set max length of HumanPasswordGenerator

    Ability to set max length of HumanPasswordGenerator

    You can set the number of words, but it would be nice if you could set the minimum length of the words, and the max length of the password.

    Or be able to set the max length of the password, and the minimum number of words in it.

    opened by tomsommer 6
  • RequirementPasswordGenerator returns password with different length

    RequirementPasswordGenerator returns password with different length

    Hi! I have a problem with RequirementPasswordGenerator. It generates password with different length on production server with OPcache. I set length = 8, but it sometimes generates password with length 6, 2, etc.

    I couldn't find any reason why this happens. On dev environment everything works fine.

    Symfony: 3.3.9 PHP 7.1.14-1 with FPM

    public function generatePassword(): string
                ->setLength(self::PASS_MIN_LENGTH) // must have a minimum of eight characters,
                ->setOptionValue(RequirementPasswordGenerator::OPTION_NUMBERS, true) // must be composed of numbers...
                ->setMinimumCount(RequirementPasswordGenerator::OPTION_NUMBERS, 1) // least one number...
                ->setOptionValue(RequirementPasswordGenerator::OPTION_SYMBOLS, true) // ...and special characters
                ->setMinimumCount(RequirementPasswordGenerator::OPTION_SYMBOLS, 1)
                ->setOptionValue(RequirementPasswordGenerator::OPTION_UPPER_CASE, true) // at least one upper
                ->setMinimumCount(RequirementPasswordGenerator::OPTION_UPPER_CASE, 1)
                ->setOptionValue(RequirementPasswordGenerator::OPTION_LOWER_CASE, true) // ...and one lower
                ->setMinimumCount(RequirementPasswordGenerator::OPTION_LOWER_CASE, 1);
           // I've written this code to generate pass with required length (FIX)
            do {
                $password = $this->passwordGenerator->generatePassword();
            } while (\strlen($password) !== self::PASS_MIN_LENGTH);
            return $password;
    opened by adamsafr 5
  • Specify character list

    Specify character list

    I have a specific requirement where in I can only use certain special characters. Is there anyway to specify what ones will be used when generating a password?

    Another odd requirement is my first character must be alphanumeric, but I can do this after with substr.

    opened by poxin13 4
  • option to set amount of numbers/special characters etc.

    option to set amount of numbers/special characters etc.

    My password validation needs passwords which contain at least two numbers in the password. I'm using this code:

    $generator = new ComputerPasswordGenerator(); $generator ->setOptionValue(ComputerPasswordGenerator::OPTION_UPPER_CASE, true) ->setOptionValue(ComputerPasswordGenerator::OPTION_LOWER_CASE, true) ->setOptionValue(ComputerPasswordGenerator::OPTION_NUMBERS, true) ->setOptionValue(ComputerPasswordGenerator::OPTION_SYMBOLS, true) ->setLength(12); $password = $generator->generatePassword();

    Sometimes I get passwords with only one number. Is there an option to define how many of each character classes will be in the password?

    opened by akorinek 4
  • In some test detect that package with correct call, not generate password correct

    In some test detect that package with correct call, not generate password correct

    use Hackzilla\PasswordGenerator\Generator\ComputerPasswordGenerator;
    $generator = new ComputerPasswordGenerator();
    $password = $generator->generatePasswords(10);
    => [
         "%r{?)e5x64$^", // Wrong. Not uppercase

    The problem skipped me when, when using the package in my tests, the validation of the passwords in the generation of password for the creation of users failed me.

    opened by abkrim 2
  • Must include

    Must include

    Hi I there anyway that you can set that is MUST include one for each of the following

    ->setUppercase(true) ->setLowercase(true) ->setNumbers(true) ->setSymbols(false)

    opened by TwinMist 2
  • make the used random source configurable

    make the used random source configurable

    The most critical part of a password-generator is the source of randomness. The ComputerPasswordGenerator however uses mt_rand which "should not be used for cryptographic purposes" (PHP manual).

    Please consider to use a service for the randomness provider and make this service configurable. I'm afraid however that this would break backwards compatibility.

    opened by ghost 2
  • Cannot set my own special symbols

    Cannot set my own special symbols

    Hi, I cannot add my own symbols, is it possible someway? I tried to defined own option and parameter to it $generator ->setLength(25) ->setOptionValue(RequirementPasswordGenerator::OPTION_UPPER_CASE, true) ->setOptionValue(RequirementPasswordGenerator::OPTION_LOWER_CASE, true) ->setOptionValue(RequirementPasswordGenerator::OPTION_NUMBERS, true) ->setOption($symbols, array('type' => Option::TYPE_BOOLEAN, 'default' => false)) ->setParameter($symbols, '!@#$%^&*?_~-,.+') ->setOptionValue($symbols, true)

    but i allways get Hackzilla\PasswordGenerator\Exception\InvalidOptionException. Is there some way to defined it? I need to generate password with specifical symbols. Thanks

    opened by patrikvalentaa 1
  • Fix file and class names for NoRandomGeneratorTest

    Fix file and class names for NoRandomGeneratorTest

    The latest composer snapshot throws the following error when trying to generate an optimised autoloader:

    Deprecation Notice: Class Hackzilla\PasswordGenerator\Tests\RandomGenerator\HybridPasswordGeneratorTest located in ./vendor/hackzilla/password-generator/Tests/RandomGenerator/NoPasswordGeneratorTest.php does not comply with psr-4 autoloading standard. It will not autoload anymore in Composer v1.11+.
    opened by SunMar 1
  • PasswordGeneratorInterface lacks document blocks

    PasswordGeneratorInterface lacks document blocks

    Currently \Hackzilla\PasswordGenerator\Generator\PasswordGeneratorInterface has no document blocks. This confuses any IDE while dealing with chain calls on setOptionValue().

    When I have 5 minutes I will do a PR ;)

    opened by kiler129 1
  • Use random_compat to provide the default source of randomness

    Use random_compat to provide the default source of randomness

    Per #11, there is now a note about using a better source of randomness if possible, and a "PHP 7" generator which uses the crypto-safe random_int function.

    However, if you add a composer dependency for paragonie/random_compat, you can make random_int the default source on all the versions of PHP you support, and that library will automatically polyfill it with the best source available.

    opened by IMSoP 1
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