Biblioteca PHP para validação de padrões brasileiros


BrCommons Validators

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BrCommons validator is a set of usefull validators that helps you develop fast and realiable code.

Installation by composer

Run composer require fernandorech/br-commons.


It's a class that helps you to validate and format CPF and CNPJ by given a string.

Examples 1: Simple document format

use BrCommons\BrCommons;
    $document = BrCommons::from('44975583046');
    echo $document->toString(); // will print '449.755.830-46'

Example 2: validation of a cpf

    if(BrCommons::isValid('44975583046') {
        // do some code
    } else {
        // other stuff

Example 3: throw an exception if a document is not valid

try {
    $document = BrCommons::from('4497558', true); //it will thrown an exception
} catch (DocumentException $e) {
    //do code

Example 4: Return formatted value without create an object

echo BrCommons::format('44975583046');

Example 5: Use CPF or CNPJ directly

$cpf = CPF::from('44975583046');
$cnpj  CNPJ::from('14328920000148');
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