A virion for PocketMine-MP.
You can use this to get the geolocation of an IP from
You can see some example in here: ProxyChecker
use edwinyoo44\libIPGeolocation\IPGeolocation;
IPGeolocation::getStatus(String $ip); // return string success or error
IPGeolocation::getContinent(String $ip); // return string
IPGeolocation::getContinentCode(String $ip); // return string
IPGeolocation::getCountry(String $ip); // return string
IPGeolocation::getCountryCode(String $ip); // return string
IPGeolocation::getRegion(String $ip); // return string
IPGeolocation::getRegionName(String $ip); // return string
IPGeolocation::getCity(String $ip); // return string
IPGeolocation::getDistrict(String $ip); // return string
IPGeolocation::isProxy(String $ip); // return bool