A minimalistic implementation of Promises for PHP



A minimalistic implementation of Promises for PHP.

Installation via DEVirion

Install the DEVirion plugin and start your server. This will create a virions folder in your server's root directory.

| -> plugins
|    --> DEVirion.phar
| -> virions
  • Download pre-compiled .phar files can be downloaded from poggit.
  • Place the pre-compiled .phar in the virions directory

Running from source code

Clone the repository via git git clone git@github.com:cooldogedev/libPromise.git. This will create a libPromise folder in your directory.

| -> src
|    --> cooldogedev
|       --> libPromise
  • Place the cooldogedev\libPromise folder in your src directory.

Promise Examples

Hello world

$promise = new Promise(
    function (): string {
        return "Hello world";

    ->then(fn(string $response) => var_dump($response))

JSON decoder

$promise = new Promise(
    function (): string {
        $person = [
            "name" => "john",
            "lastName" => "smith",
            "age" => 40

        return json_encode($person);

    ->then(fn(string $response): array => json_decode($response, true))
    ->then(fn(array $response) => var_dump($response))

ThreadedPromise Examples

ThreadedPromise that returns a promise

$pool = new PromisePool($this);

$promise = new ThreadedPromise(
    function (): ThreadedPromise {
        return new ThreadedPromise(fn(string $response) => var_dump("a nested promise"));
    function (ThreadedPromise $promise): void {
         * You can convert the ThreadedPromise to a regular Promise via @link ThreadedPromise::asPromise()


Coinbase API endpoint fetcher

$pool = new PromisePool($this);

$promise = new ThreadedPromise(
    function (): string {
        $request = Internet::getURL("https://api.coinbase.com/v2/currencies");
        return $request->getBody();

    ->then(fn(string $response): array => json_decode($response, true))
    ->then(fn(array $response) => var_dump($response))
    ->catch(fn(PromiseError $error) => var_dump($error->getMessage()));


Tell online players a random joke

$pool = new PromisePool($this);

$promise = new ThreadedPromise(
    function (): string {
        $request = Internet::getURL("https://v2.jokeapi.dev/joke/Any");
        return $request->getBody();
    function (array $response): void {
        foreach ($this->getServer()->getOnlinePlayers() as $onlinePlayer) {

    ->then(fn(string $response): array => json_decode($response, true))
    ->catch(fn(PromiseError $error) => var_dump($error->getMessage()));


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  • Bug


    Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Class "cooldogedev\libPromise\constant\PromiseState" not found in D:\PocketMine-MP\virions\libPromise\src\cooldogedev\libPromise\thread\ThreadedPromise.php:87
    Stack trace:
    #0 D:\PocketMine-MP\virions\libPromise\src\cooldogedev\libPromise\traits\SharedPromisePartsTrait.php(73): cooldogedev\libPromise\thread\ThreadedPromise->handleRejection()
    #1 D:\PocketMine-MP\virions\libPromise\src\cooldogedev\libPromise\thread\PromiseSettlerThread.php(73): cooldogedev\libPromise\thread\ThreadedPromise->settle()
    #2 phar://D:/PocketMine-MP/PocketMine-MP.phar/src/thread/CommonThreadPartsTrait.php(93): cooldogedev\libPromise\thread\PromiseSettlerThread->onRun()
    #3 [internal function]: pocketmine\thread\Thread->run()
    #4 {main}
      thrown in D:\PocketMine-MP\virions\libPromise\src\cooldogedev\libPromise\thread\ThreadedPromise.php on line 87

    there is no other thread running and i haven't changed anything

    Status: Unconfirmed 
    opened by Mcbeany 5
  • libPromise makes server take too long to stop

    libPromise makes server take too long to stop

    I can't explain more specifically, but after loading this plugin, every time I want to stop my server, it has to save a long time so it's forced to stop. without your plugin my server stops normally image

    opened by Mcbeany 2
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