application/hal builder / formatter for PHP 5.4+

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API hal


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This is a library for creating documents in the application/hal+json and application/hal+xml hypermedia formats

It requires PHP 5.4 or later.

require_once 'vendor/autoload.php';

use Nocarrier\Hal;

$hal = new Hal('/orders');
$hal->addLink('next', '/orders?page=2');
$hal->addLink('search', '/orders?id={order_id}');

$resource = new Hal(
        'total' => 30.00,
        'currency' => 'USD',

$resource->addLink('customer', '/customer/bob', array('title' => 'Bob Jones <[email protected]>'));
$hal->addResource('order', $resource);
echo $hal->asJson();
echo $hal->asXml();


The preferred method of installation is via packagist as this provides the PSR-0 autoloader functionality. The following command will download and install the latest version of the Hal library into your project.

php composer.phar require nocarrier/hal

Alternatively, clone the project and install into your project manually.


Nocarrier\Hal is licensed under the MIT license.


Creating Hal Resources

A Hal resource can be created with no values set:

$hal = new \Nocarrier\Hal();

with a URI for the resource:

$hal = new \Nocarrier\Hal('/orders');

and also with an array of data:

$hal = new \Nocarrier\Hal('/orders', ['customerId' => 'CUS1234']);

Hal resources can also be created from existing XML or JSON documents:

$hal = \Nocarrier\Hal::fromJson($jsonString);
$hal = \Nocarrier\Hal::fromXml($xmlString);
$hal = \Nocarrier\Hal::fromXml($simpleXMLElement);

The depth of embedded resources parsed with both these methods is controlled by a second argument, which defaults to 0:

$hal = \Nocarrier\Hal::fromJson($jsonString, 5);

Getting Representations

The Hal resource can be formatted as JSON or XML:

$hal = new \Nocarrier\Hal('/orders', ['customerId' => 'CUS1234']);

which with a first argument of true for pretty printing:

$hal = new \Nocarrier\Hal('/orders', ['customerId' => 'CUS1234']);


    "customerId": "CUS1234",
    "_links": {
        "self": {"href": "/orders"}


$hal = new \Nocarrier\Hal('/orders', ['customerId' => 'CUS1234']);


<?xml version="1.0"?>
<resource href="/orders">


The data can be set through setData and read with getData:

$hal = new \Nocarrier\Hal('/orders');
$hal->setData(['customerId' => 'CUS1234']);

Using array keys in the data for the XML representation can be done by prefixing the key with @:

$hal = new \Nocarrier\Hal('/orders');
$hal->setData(['customerId' => ['CUS1234', '@type' => 'legacy']]);


<?xml version="1.0"?>
<resource href="/orders">
    <customerId value="CUS1234" type="legacy"/>

The @ is ignored if JSON is rendered:

    "customerId": {
        "value": "CUS1234",
        "type":" legacy"
    "_links": {
        "self": {"href": "/orders"}


Links can be added to the resource by providing the rel identifying them and a URI:

$hal = new \Nocarrier\Hal('/orders', ['customerId' => 'CUS1234']);
$hal->addLink('next', '/orders?page=2');
$hal->addLink('search', '/orders?id={order_id}');


    "customerId": "CUS1234",
    "_links": {
        "self": {
            "href": "/orders"
        "next": {
            "href": "/orders?page=2"
        "search": {
            "href": "/orders?id={order_id}"

If a Hal object has been created from a response returned from elsewhere it can be helpful to retrieve the links from it.

$json = '{
     "customerId": "CUS1234",
     "_links": {
         "self": {
             "href": "/orders"
         "next": {
             "href": "/orders?page=2"
         "search": {
             "href": "/orders?id={order_id}"

$hal = \Nocarrier\Hal::fromJson($json);

foreach($hal->getLinks() as $rel => $links) {
    echo $rel."\n";
    foreach($links as $link) {
        echo (string) $link."\n";


$json = '{
     "customerId": "CUS1234",
     "_links": {
         "self": {
             "href": "/orders"
         "next": {
             "href": "/orders?page=2"
         "search": {
             "href": "/orders?id={order_id}"
$hal = \Nocarrier\Hal::fromJson($json);
foreach($hal->getLink('next') as $link) {
    echo (string) $link."\n";



Embedded Resources

As well as linking to resources so that the client can fetch them they can be directly embedded in the resource.

$hal = new \Nocarrier\Hal('/orders', ['customerId' => 'CUS1234']);

$resource = new \Nocarrier\Hal(
        'total' => 30.00,
        'currency' => 'USD',

$resource->addLink('customer', '/customer/bob', array('title' => 'Bob Jones <[email protected]>'));
$hal->addResource('order', $resource);


    "customerId": "CUS1234",
    "_links": {
        "self": {
            "href": "/orders"
    "_embedded": {
        "order": [
                "total": 30,
                "currency": "USD",
                "_links": {
                    "self": {
                        "href": "/orders/123"
                    "customer": {
                        "href": "/customer/bob",
                        "title": "Bob Jones <[email protected]>"
  • Allowing setting a single object as an embedded resource

    Allowing setting a single object as an embedded resource

    Unless I'm mistaken, there's no way to render the following?

      "_links": {
        .. *snip* ..
      "_embedded": {
        "manufacturer": {
          "_links": {
            "self": { "href": "/manufacturers/328764" },
            "homepage": { "href": "" }
          "name": "Manufacturer Inc."
      .. *snip* ..

    I'm not entirely sold on the API in this PR, as the setResource method is only really valid for those wanting to render json. I could spruce it up a bit to accept either a Hal or an array of Hals, in which case it would be relevant to both, i.e. you can add a collection in one call rather than several.

    Another option would be to allow some sort of notation on the addResource rel string, but I'm not really keen on that either.

    NB: I've not done anything with regards to deserialising yet, I'll do that when/if we agree on API for what I'm trying to achieve.

    opened by davedevelopment 12
  • Skip stripping attributes for HAL resources from JSON

    Skip stripping attributes for HAL resources from JSON

    If the HAL object wasn't created from XML there shouldn't be any attributes to strip. As we can't be sure that all resources have a source format set, we can only test that the format has been set and it's not XML.

    For large collections we see a not insignificant overhead when stripping attributes and this seemed the cleanest way to identify cases where there weren't attributes to strip.

    Existing tests cover that XML still attributes still get stripped where no source is set, so there should be no BC breaks.

    opened by nickpeirson 11
  • Any plans for unserialising?

    Any plans for unserialising?

    I've not a lot of time at the minute, but if nobody else has it on their roadmap, I'll try and start in the next month or so.

    I'd really like to do sub requests to get some of my embedded resources:

    $resource = new Resource();

    Where client goes off, does a request by whatever means and returns a Nocarrier\Hal.

    opened by davedevelopment 6
  • Nested resource cannot be json-ized

    Nested resource cannot be json-ized

    Nested resources which contain only one sub resource cannot be rendered as json.

    Testing with only ONE line uncommented:

    $hal = new \Nocarrier\Hal();
    // following options do NOT work
    // $hal->setResource(
    //     'foo',
    //     (new \Nocarrier\Hal())
    //         ->setResource('bar', new \Nocarrier\Hal())
    // );
    // $hal->setResource(
    //     'foo',
    //     (new \Nocarrier\Hal())
    //         ->addResource('bar', new \Nocarrier\Hal(), false)
    // );
    // $hal
    //     ->setResource('foo1', (new \Nocarrier\Hal())->setResource('bar', new \Nocarrier\Hal()))
    //     ->setResource('foo2', new \Nocarrier\Hal());
    // $hal->setResource(
    //     'foo',
    //     (new \Nocarrier\Hal())
    //         ->setResource('bar1', new \Nocarrier\Hal())
    //         ->setResource('bar2', new \Nocarrier\Hal())
    // );
    // following options DO work
    // $hal->setResource('foo', new \Nocarrier\Hal());
    // $hal
    //     ->setResource('foo1', new \Nocarrier\Hal())
    //     ->setResource('foo2', new \Nocarrier\Hal());
    // $hal->addResource(
    //     'foo',
    //     (new \Nocarrier\Hal())->setResource('bar', new \Nocarrier\Hal()),
    //     false
    // );
    // $hal->addResource(
    //     'foo',
    //     (new \Nocarrier\Hal())->addResource('bar', new \Nocarrier\Hal(), false),
    //     false
    // );
    echo ($hal->asJson(true));

    Non-working options throw: ErrorException in HalJsonRenderer.php line 164: Undefined offset: 0

    Seems to relate to the test count($embedded) === 1 in

    I am using current version 0.9.11

    bug fixed 
    opened by Pittiplatsch 5
  • Added the ability to set attributes on a HalLink

    Added the ability to set attributes on a HalLink

    We had a use case where we needed to be able to set attributes on a link that was already added to a collection. This PR adds the ability to set attributes on a HalLink.

    opened by iainmckay 5
  • Throw a runtimeException if data passed to fromJson method isn't json

    Throw a runtimeException if data passed to fromJson method isn't json

    Avoids the error Fatal Error: 'Argument 2 passed to CG\Slim\Renderer\ResponseType\Hal::__construct() must be of the type array, null given, called in /var/www/app/current/vendor/nocarrier/hal/src/Nocarrier/Hal.php on line 116

    opened by dangerousdan 4
  • Adding setData and setUri

    Adding setData and setUri


    I am working on a rest builder framework and i am using you library.

    I thinks that can be interesting allow the deferred setting of the URI and the data. I my case for example i dont know the uri for the answer when i construct the Hal object.

    Regards and thanks for your job.

    opened by mcuadros 4
  • _embedded for empty collections

    _embedded for empty collections

    I am using the _embedded property to return a collection of things. This is done using addResource('mycollection', $hal).

    Sometimes, due to filtering or some other reason, the collection is empty. Even then, I would like to have an empty collection like this:

       "collection": []

    Is there a way for the library to do this? If now, can this be added to the library (perhaps it might be as simple as changing the signature of addResource() to addResource($rel, $hal = null)?

    opened by F21 4
  • setResource is broken when the resource contains only 1 data element

    setResource is broken when the resource contains only 1 data element

    $resource = new Nocarrier\Hal('/post/1',[/*some data here*/]);
    $author = new Nocarrier\Hal('/user/1', [
        'name' => 'John',
    $resource->setResource('user', $author);

    Will fail with Notice: Undefined offset: 0 here:

    if (count($embedded) === 1 && !in_array($rel, $resource->getArrayResourceRels())) {
        $embedded = $embedded[0];

    This fails because:

    • $author only contains 1 field, which triggers the condition count($embedded) === 1
    • setResource does not register refs in arrayResourceRels, which triggers the condition !in_array($rel, $resource->getArrayResourceRels())

    I don't fully understand the logic here, so I'm not sure what the solution is, but it was extremely confusing to find out that having a resource with a single field was not supported. I had to add a second (unnecessary) field to make it work.

    opened by arthens 3
  • Allow setting links by passing a link instance

    Allow setting links by passing a link instance

    This PR introduces the possibility to set a link directly by passing a HalLink instance.

    While I am not totally happy with the naming set in setLink() (setting usually implies replacing some something rather than adding), it anyhow conforms to the schema used with addResource() / setResource().

    Additional tests aren't necessary as the old method addLink() under the hood now uses the new setLink() method, which therefore is covered automatically.

    opened by Pittiplatsch 3
  • Unsetting

    Unsetting "title" attribute in JSON links

    When creating a HAL object using the JSON factory, it unsets the "title" attribute:

    There's no indication why it does this, and from what I can see in the XML factory, it doesn't do the equivalent. Should a comment be added to clarify why?

    opened by acleon 3
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