Dump masked information from your database


Laravel Masked DB Dump

A database dumping package that allows you to replace and mask columns while dumping your database.

Latest Version on Packagist Total Downloads


You can install the package via composer:

composer require beyondcode/laravel-masked-db-dump


The documentation can be found on our website.


Please see CHANGELOG for more information on what has changed recently.


Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.


If you discover any security related issues, please email [email protected] instead of using the issue tracker.



The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.

  • Add support for PHP 8

    Add support for PHP 8

    This was my original intention for forking the repo, but when I tried to run the tests I got the errors, so I made this PR https://github.com/beyondcode/laravel-masked-db-dump/pull/5

    Now I've successfully run the tests on PHP 8 and everything seems fine.

    opened by mokhosh 4
  • Feature request: Ability to order tables

    Feature request: Ability to order tables

    It would be great to be able to set certain tables to be at the start of the sql file, so that when importing, foreign key checks don't fail.

    Many thanks for an amazing package. If I can I will try to submit PR for this.

    opened by admench 2
  • Added support of mask on the table level

    Added support of mask on the table level

    Without this change, the documentation example works incorrectly: dumps the DB but doesn't use the correct mask character.

    return [
        'default' => DumpSchema::define()
            ->table('users', function ($table) {
                $table->mask('password', '-');
    opened by PovilasKorop 2
  • Has this package been abandoned?

    Has this package been abandoned?

    Judging from the last commit date, the lack of comments on the issues and replies to the pull requests, I'd believe this package to be abandoned? I'd love to contribute, but if it's abandoned it'll do no good.

    opened by lasseeee 1
  • Fix tests

    Fix tests

    Currently if you try to run the tests you get this error:

    Symfony\Component\Console\Exception\CommandNotFoundException: The command "db:dump" does not exist.

    Because the actual command has been renamed from db:dump to db:masked-dump but the tests weren't updated.

    After fixing that if you run the tests you get this one:

    ArgumentCountError: Too few arguments to function BeyondCode\LaravelMaskedDumper\Tests\DumperTest::BeyondCode\LaravelMaskedDumper\Tests\{closure}(), 1 passed and exactly 2 expected

    Because in it_can_replace_columns_with_faker_values we're receiving a $faker as dependency but we're never passing it in DumpSchema.php, and if we add that we become green.

    opened by mokhosh 1
  • add support for serializable config

    add support for serializable config

    This PR adds support for serializable cached config using PHP callables. Callables can be used to pass a callable class to the config array which is serialized to the cache, then called as a callable function on run-time.

    Also incorporates @crezra's support for Laravel 9

    For example:

    // config/masked-dump.php
      'default' => [MaskedDump::class, 'define'],
    // app/Support/MaskedDump.php
    class MaskedDump
      public static function define()
        return DumpSchema::define()->allTables();
    opened by kswilliames 1
  • Can't restore dumps on PostgreSQL

    Can't restore dumps on PostgreSQL

    Trying to restore a dump created with the package on a PostgreSQL server doesn't work and produces a lot of errors.

    Here's a snippet:

    ERROR:  syntax error at or near "`"
    LINE 1: LOCK TABLES `sandbox_documents` WRITE;
    ERROR:  syntax error at or near "`"
    LINE 1: ALTER TABLE `sandbox_documents` DISABLE KEYS;
    ERROR:  syntax error at or near "`"
    LINE 1: ALTER TABLE `sandbox_documents` ENABLE KEYS;

    The relevant SQL in the generated dump:

    LOCK TABLES `sandbox_documents` WRITE;
    ALTER TABLE `sandbox_documents` DISABLE KEYS;
    ALTER TABLE `sandbox_documents` ENABLE KEYS;

    PostgreSQL uses double quote for escaping keywords and not back quote.

    opened by gjm 0
  • Config is no longer serializable after installing this package

    Config is no longer serializable after installing this package

    Thanks for such a great package. It works a charm.

    However I cannot run php artisan config:cache when this is installed, I get this issue:

    Your configuration files are not serializable.
     at vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Foundation/Console/ConfigCacheCommand.php:71
        67|             require $configPath;
        68|         } catch (Throwable $e) {
        69|             $this->files->delete($configPath);
      > 71|             throw new LogicException('Your configuration files are not serializable.', 0, $e);
        72|         }
        74|         $this->info('Configuration cached successfully!');
        75|     }
      1   bootstrap/cache/config.php:734
          Error::("Call to undefined method BeyondCode\LaravelMaskedDumper\DumpSchema::__set_state()")
          [2m+14 vendor frames [22m
      16  artisan:37

    Any tips to overcome this would be greatly appreciated.

    Using v1.0.0 on Laravel 7.30.4

    opened by admench 3
  • Add two new features: 1) exclude($tableName) 2) outputInChunksOf($chunkSize)

    Add two new features: 1) exclude($tableName) 2) outputInChunksOf($chunkSize)


    I have added two new features.

    1. Ability to exclude a table from the export:

    Sometimes you might not want to include all tables in the export. You can achieve this with:

    return [
        'default' => DumpSchema::define()
    1. Ability to create INSERTs with multiple rows

    When you have a table with many rows (1000+) creating INSERT statements for each row results in a very slow import process. For these cases it is better to create INSERT statements with multiple rows.

    You can achieved this with ->outputInChunksOf($n).

    return [
        'default' => DumpSchema::define()
            ->table('users', function($table) { 
                    return $table->outputInChunksOf(25); 


    • I have fixed the existing tests (they used artisan db:dump instead of db:masked-dump)
    • I have added a test for exclude()
    • I have added a test for outputInChunksOf()


    I have added two sections describing the features in the Readme.md file.

    Liebe Grüße Alex

    PS: It's my first pull request ever for an open source project ... so I hope I didn't miss anything :) PPS: Thank you for all the great work and stuff you are providing!

    opened by k2idev 0
  • Large Database - inefficient dump format

    Large Database - inefficient dump format

    the dump file does not group imports, so one insert statement for each line.


    import dump locally, then export again using e.g. Sequel Ace

    Would be great if the dump format could be optimized

    opened by cord 0
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