get nearby location by coordinate from eloquent laravel



get nearby location data from database with eloquent laravel


composer require bagusindrayana/laravel-coordinate

  • In Model
#use trait
use Bagusindrayana\LaravelCoordinate\Traits\LaravelCoordinate;

class Toko extends Model
    use LaravelCoordinate;

    public $_latitudeName = "latitude_column"; //default name is latitude
    public $_longitudeName = "latitude_column"; //default name is longitude


  • Using trait
    //get data by distance 500 m (0.5KM)
    $tokos = Toko::nearby([

    //using order remember order awlways in last query
    //get data by distance 1 KM and order by farthest distance
    $tokos = Toko::nearby([
    //get data by distance 1 KM and order by closest distance
    $tokos = Toko::nearby([
    //add new column with containt distance value
    $tokos = Toko::nearby([
    ],0.5) //0.5 Km
    ->selectDistance(['id','nama_toko'],'_distance') //will add new column with name _distance contain value of distance every record


I haven't tried how much data it can handle and how fast the calculations are so here are 3 different formulas you can try

formula paramter/arguments (int)

  • 0 = default
  • 1 = Spherical Law of Cosines
  • 2 = Haversine formula

example :

$tokos = Toko::nearby([
    1//using Spherical Law of Cosines


nearby(coordinate,radius/distance = 5,formula = 0)
closest(coordinate,formula = 0)
farthest(coordinate,formula = 0)
selectDistance(fieldName,aliasName,formula = 0)
insideBox(coorinate(2 coordinate))
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