🧿 Build navigation or menu for Laravel and Awes.io. Unlimited complexity and depth, with permissions and sorting support.


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Laravel package that can easily create navigation menus of any complexity. With support for routing, permissions, sorting, rendering depth, active items marking and element searching.

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Navigator Laravel

Table of Contents


Via Composer

$ composer require awes-io/navigator

The package will automatically register itself.


Let's firstly create basic navigation, which covers most of the use cases.

Create navigation configuration file:

// config/navigation.php

return [
        'name' => 'Projects',
        'route' => 'projects.index', // route must exist or item will be hidden
        'children' => 
                'name' => 'New projects',
                'link' => '/projects/new', // you can use direct links
        'name' => 'Packages',
        'route' => 'packages.index',

Next, let's build our menu somewhere in the controller and pass it to a view:

$menu = buildMenu(config('navigation'));
return view('menu', compact('menu'));

And finally implement basic rendering logic:

// menu.blade.php
@foreach($menu as $item)
            <a href="{{$item->link()}}">
              @if($item->isActive()) ACTIVE @endif {{$item->name}}
       @include('menu', ['menu' => $item->children()])

That's all that simple!


You can publish the config file:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="AwesIO\Navigator\NavigatorServiceProvider" --tag="config"

And rename any options keys, which are used to get respective data from the menu config:

// navigator.php config
'keys' => [
    'depth' => 'depth', // rendering depth
    'order' => 'order', // ordering by parameter
    'children' => 'children', // sub menu items
    'route' => 'route', // route name
    'link' => 'link', // item link url
    'title' => 'name', // item title
    'attr' => 'attr', // additional item attributes

As well as use alternative menu settings for parsing and rendering:

// navigator.php config
'keys' => [
    'children' => 'other-children', // alternative sub menu items

// navigation.php
'menu' => [
        'children' => [
        'other-children' => [

Navigator::buildMenu(config('navigation.menu')); // will now parse menu using 'other-children'

You can achieve the same effect dynamically, via mappings mentioned above:

$menu = buildMenu(config('navigation.menu'), [], ['children' => 'other-children']);

Note that we now use the global helper method buildMenu().


use AwesIO\Navigator\Facades\Navigator;

$menu = Navigator::buildMenu(config('navigation.menu'), ['depth' => 2], [], function ($item) {
    $item->put('meta', $item->get('title') . ' / ' . $item->get('link'));

// using helper, rendering depth set via config as a second parameter
$menu = buildMenu(config('navigation.menu'), ['depth' => 2], [], function ($item) {});

The first parameter is the menu config in the form of an array:

// navigation.php
return [
    'menu' => [
            'title' => 'Products', // menu item's title
            'route' => 'products.index', // route name for URL generation
            'order' => 1, // parameter to determine the order
            'depth' => 1, // depth for the recursive generation of descendants
            'children' => 
                    'id' => 1, // custom id which overwrites auto-generated one
                    'title' => 'Catalog',
                    'link' => 'products/catalog', // explicit relative path for link URL 
                    'title' => 'Support',
                    'route' => 'products.support'
            'title' => 'Contact us',
            'route' => 'contacts',
            'order' => 2,

Second is config, the third one is mappings for configuration parameters (described above), last is a callback, which will be applied to each menu item.

Some helpful methods

Determine if the node has any children and retrieve them:


Get a link URL for a node:


Determine if a node is currently selected and active:


Get a currently active node and its id:


Find a node by its id:


Menu rendering example

// somewhere in a controller
$menu = Navigator::buildMenu(config('navigation.menu'));
return view('view', compact('menu'));

// view.blade.php

    @include('menu', ['menu' => $menu])

// menu.blade.php
@foreach($menu as $item)
            <a href="{{$item->link()}}">{{$item->title}}</a>
       @include('menu', ['menu' => $item->children()])


If the user is not authorized to access some of the menu routes, they'll be automatically hidden based on existing permissions:

Route::group(['middleware' => ['can:manage users']], function () {
    Route::get('/', 'RoleController@index')->name('admin.roles.index');

// will be excluded from the menu for non-admin users
    'name' => __('navigation.security'),
    'icon' => 'twousers',
    'route' => 'admin.roles.index',


The coverage of the package is Coverage report.

You can run the tests with:

composer test


Please see contributing.md for details and a todolist.




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