Laravel 5 - Repositories to abstract the database layer


Laravel 5 Repositories

Laravel 5 Repositories is used to abstract the data layer, making our application more flexible to maintain.

Latest Stable Version Total Downloads Latest Unstable Version License Analytics Code Climate

See versions: 1.0.* / 2.0.*

Migrate to: 2.0 / 2.1

You want to know a little more about the Repository pattern? Read this great article.

Table of Contents



Execute the following command to get the latest version of the package:

composer require prettus/l5-repository


>= laravel5.5

ServiceProvider will be attached automatically


In your config/app.php add Prettus\Repository\Providers\RepositoryServiceProvider::class to the end of the providers array:

'providers' => [

If Lumen


Publish Configuration

php artisan vendor:publish --provider "Prettus\Repository\Providers\RepositoryServiceProvider"



  • all($columns = array('*'))
  • first($columns = array('*'))
  • paginate($limit = null, $columns = ['*'])
  • find($id, $columns = ['*'])
  • findByField($field, $value, $columns = ['*'])
  • findWhere(array $where, $columns = ['*'])
  • findWhereIn($field, array $where, $columns = [*])
  • findWhereNotIn($field, array $where, $columns = [*])
  • findWhereBetween($field, array $where, $columns = [*])
  • create(array $attributes)
  • update(array $attributes, $id)
  • updateOrCreate(array $attributes, array $values = [])
  • delete($id)
  • deleteWhere(array $where)
  • orderBy($column, $direction = 'asc');
  • with(array $relations);
  • has(string $relation);
  • whereHas(string $relation, closure $closure);
  • hidden(array $fields);
  • visible(array $fields);
  • scopeQuery(Closure $scope);
  • getFieldsSearchable();
  • setPresenter($presenter);
  • skipPresenter($status = true);


  • pushCriteria($criteria)
  • popCriteria($criteria)
  • getCriteria()
  • getByCriteria(CriteriaInterface $criteria)
  • skipCriteria($status = true)
  • getFieldsSearchable()


  • setCacheRepository(CacheRepository $repository)
  • getCacheRepository()
  • getCacheKey($method, $args = null)
  • getCacheMinutes()
  • skipCache($status = true)


  • present($data);


  • setPresenter(PresenterInterface $presenter);
  • presenter();


  • apply($model, RepositoryInterface $repository);


  • transform();


Create a Model

Create your model normally, but it is important to define the attributes that can be filled from the input form data.

namespace App;

class Post extends Eloquent { // or Ardent, Or any other Model Class

    protected $fillable = [


Create a Repository

namespace App;

use Prettus\Repository\Eloquent\BaseRepository;

class PostRepository extends BaseRepository {

     * Specify Model class name
     * @return string
    function model()
        return "App\\Post";


Create your repositories easily through the generator.


You must first configure the storage location of the repository files. By default is the "app" folder and the namespace "App". Please note that, values in the paths array are acutally used as both namespace and file paths. Relax though, both foreward and backward slashes are taken care of during generation.

            'models'       => 'Entities',
            'repositories' => 'Repositories',
            'interfaces'   => 'Repositories',
            'transformers' => 'Transformers',
            'presenters'   => 'Presenters',
            'validators'   => 'Validators',
            'controllers'  => 'Http/Controllers',
            'provider'     => 'RepositoryServiceProvider',
            'criteria'     => 'Criteria',

You may want to save the root of your project folder out of the app and add another namespace, for example

        'basePath'      => base_path('src/Lorem'),
        'rootNamespace' => 'Lorem\\'

Additionally, you may wish to customize where your generated classes end up being saved. That can be accomplished by editing the paths node to your liking. For example:

            'validators'   => 'Validators',
            'controllers'  => 'Http/Controllers',
            'provider'     => 'RepositoryServiceProvider',
            'criteria'     => 'Criteria',


To generate everything you need for your Model, run this command:

php artisan make:entity Post

This will create the Controller, the Validator, the Model, the Repository, the Presenter and the Transformer classes. It will also create a new service provider that will be used to bind the Eloquent Repository with its corresponding Repository Interface. To load it, just add this to your AppServiceProvider@register method:


You can also pass the options from the repository command, since this command is just a wrapper.

To generate a repository for your Post model, use the following command

php artisan make:repository Post

To generate a repository for your Post model with Blog namespace, use the following command

php artisan make:repository "Blog\Post"

Added fields that are fillable

php artisan make:repository "Blog\Post" --fillable="title,content"

To add validations rules directly with your command you need to pass the --rules option and create migrations as well:

php artisan make:entity Cat --fillable="title:string,content:text" --rules="title=>required|min:2, content=>sometimes|min:10"

The command will also create your basic RESTfull controller so just add this line into your routes.php file and you will have a basic CRUD:

Route::resource('cats', CatsController::class);

When running the command, you will be creating the "Entities" folder and "Repositories" inside the folder that you set as the default.

Now that is done, you still need to bind its interface for your real repository, for example in your own Repositories Service Provider.

App::bind('{YOUR_NAMESPACE}Repositories\PostRepository', '{YOUR_NAMESPACE}Repositories\PostRepositoryEloquent');

And use

public function __construct({YOUR_NAMESPACE}Repositories\PostRepository $repository){
    $this->repository = $repository;

Alternatively, you could use the artisan command to do the binding for you.

php artisan make:bindings Cats

Use methods

namespace App\Http\Controllers;

use App\PostRepository;

class PostsController extends BaseController {

     * @var PostRepository
    protected $repository;

    public function __construct(PostRepository $repository){
        $this->repository = $repository;


Find all results in Repository

$posts = $this->repository->all();

Find all results in Repository with pagination

$posts = $this->repository->paginate($limit = null, $columns = ['*']);

Find by result by id

$post = $this->repository->find($id);

Hiding attributes of the model

$post = $this->repository->hidden(['country_id'])->find($id);

Showing only specific attributes of the model

$post = $this->repository->visible(['id', 'state_id'])->find($id);

Loading the Model relationships

$post = $this->repository->with(['state'])->find($id);

Find by result by field name

$posts = $this->repository->findByField('country_id','15');

Find by result by multiple fields

$posts = $this->repository->findWhere([
    //Default Condition =
    //Custom Condition

Find by result by multiple values in one field

$posts = $this->repository->findWhereIn('id', [1,2,3,4,5]);

Find by result by excluding multiple values in one field

$posts = $this->repository->findWhereNotIn('id', [6,7,8,9,10]);

Find all using custom scope

$posts = $this->repository->scopeQuery(function($query){
    return $query->orderBy('sort_order','asc');

Create new entry in Repository

$post = $this->repository->create( Input::all() );

Update entry in Repository

$post = $this->repository->update( Input::all(), $id );

Delete entry in Repository


Delete entry in Repository by multiple fields

    //Default Condition =

Create a Criteria

Using the command

php artisan make:criteria MyCriteria

Criteria are a way to change the repository of the query by applying specific conditions according to your needs. You can add multiple Criteria in your repository.

use Prettus\Repository\Contracts\RepositoryInterface;
use Prettus\Repository\Contracts\CriteriaInterface;

class MyCriteria implements CriteriaInterface {

    public function apply($model, RepositoryInterface $repository)
        $model = $model->where('user_id','=', Auth::user()->id );
        return $model;

Using the Criteria in a Controller

namespace App\Http\Controllers;

use App\PostRepository;

class PostsController extends BaseController {

     * @var PostRepository
    protected $repository;

    public function __construct(PostRepository $repository){
        $this->repository = $repository;

    public function index()
        $this->repository->pushCriteria(new MyCriteria1());
        $posts = $this->repository->all();


Getting results from Criteria

$posts = $this->repository->getByCriteria(new MyCriteria());

Setting the default Criteria in Repository

use Prettus\Repository\Eloquent\BaseRepository;

class PostRepository extends BaseRepository {

    public function boot(){
        $this->pushCriteria(new MyCriteria());
        // or

    function model(){
       return "App\\Post";

Skip criteria defined in the repository

Use skipCriteria before any other chaining method

$posts = $this->repository->skipCriteria()->all();

Popping criteria

Use popCriteria to remove a criteria

$this->repository->popCriteria(new Criteria1());
// or

Using the RequestCriteria

RequestCriteria is a standard Criteria implementation. It enables filters to perform in the repository from parameters sent in the request.

You can perform a dynamic search, filter the data and customize the queries.

To use the Criteria in your repository, you can add a new criteria in the boot method of your repository, or directly use in your controller, in order to filter out only a few requests.

Enabling in your Repository

use Prettus\Repository\Eloquent\BaseRepository;
use Prettus\Repository\Criteria\RequestCriteria;

class PostRepository extends BaseRepository {

     * @var array
    protected $fieldSearchable = [

    public function boot(){

    function model(){
       return "App\\Post";

Remember, you need to define which fields from the model can be searchable.

In your repository set $fieldSearchable with the name of the fields to be searchable or a relation to fields.

protected $fieldSearchable = [

You can set the type of condition which will be used to perform the query, the default condition is "="

protected $fieldSearchable = [
	'email', // Default Condition "="

Enabling in your Controller

	public function index()
        $posts = $this->repository->all();

Example the Criteria

Request all data without filter by request


        "id": 1,
        "name": "John Doe",
        "email": "[email protected]",
        "created_at": "-0001-11-30 00:00:00",
        "updated_at": "-0001-11-30 00:00:00"
        "id": 2,
        "name": "Lorem Ipsum",
        "email": "[email protected]",
        "created_at": "-0001-11-30 00:00:00",
        "updated_at": "-0001-11-30 00:00:00"
        "id": 3,
        "name": "Laravel",
        "email": "[email protected]",
        "created_at": "-0001-11-30 00:00:00",
        "updated_at": "-0001-11-30 00:00:00"

Conducting research in the repository





http://prettus.local/[email protected]&searchFields=email:=


http://prettus.local/users?search=name:John Doe;email:[email protected]


http://prettus.local/users?search=name:John;email:[email protected]&searchFields=name:like;email:=

        "id": 1,
        "name": "John Doe",
        "email": "[email protected]",
        "created_at": "-0001-11-30 00:00:00",
        "updated_at": "-0001-11-30 00:00:00"

By default RequestCriteria makes its queries using the OR comparison operator for each query parameter. http://prettus.local/users?search=age:17;email:[email protected]

The above example will execute the following query:

SELECT * FROM users WHERE age = 17 OR email = '[email protected]';

In order for it to query using the AND, pass the searchJoin parameter as shown below:

http://prettus.local/users?search=age:17;email:[email protected]&searchJoin=and

Filtering fields


        "id": 1,
        "name": "John Doe"
        "id": 2,
        "name": "Lorem Ipsum"
        "id": 3,
        "name": "Laravel"

Sorting the results


        "id": 3,
        "name": "Laravel"
        "id": 2,
        "name": "Lorem Ipsum"
        "id": 1,
        "name": "John Doe"

Sorting through related tables


Query will have something like this

INNER JOIN posts ON users.post_id =
ORDER BY title


Query will have something like this

INNER JOIN posts ON users.custom_id =
ORDER BY posts.title


Query will have something like this

INNER JOIN posts ON users.custom_id = posts.other_id
ORDER BY posts.title

Sorting multiple columns same sortedBy


Result will have something like this

           "id": 1,
           "name": "Laravel",
           "created_at": "-0001-11-29 00:00:00"
           "id": 3,
           "name": "Laravel",
           "created_at": "-0001-11-28 00:00:00"
           "id": 2,
           "name": "John Doe",
           "created_at": "-0001-11-30 00:00:00"

Sorting multiple columns difference sortedBy


Result will have something like this

           "id": 3,
           "name": "Laravel",
           "created_at": "-0001-11-28 00:00:00"
           "id": 1,
           "name": "Laravel",
           "created_at": "-0001-11-29 00:00:00"
           "id": 2,
           "name": "John Doe",
           "created_at": "-0001-11-30 00:00:00"

Add relationship


Between filter


Result will have something like this

           "id": 3,
           "price": "150",
           "created_at": "-0001-11-28 00:00:00"
           "id": 1,
           "price": "300",
           "created_at": "-0001-11-29 00:00:00"
           "id": 2,
           "price": "450",
           "created_at": "-0001-11-30 00:00:00"

WhereIn filter


Result will have something like this

           "id": 1,
           "price": "300",
           "created_at": "-0001-11-29 00:00:00"

Overwrite params name

You can change the name of the parameters in the configuration file config/repository.php


Add a layer of cache easily to your repository

Cache Usage

Implements the interface CacheableInterface and use CacheableRepository Trait.

use Prettus\Repository\Eloquent\BaseRepository;
use Prettus\Repository\Contracts\CacheableInterface;
use Prettus\Repository\Traits\CacheableRepository;

class PostRepository extends BaseRepository implements CacheableInterface {

    use CacheableRepository;


Done , done that your repository will be cached , and the repository cache is cleared whenever an item is created, modified or deleted.

Cache Config

You can change the cache settings in the file config/repository.php and also directly on your repository.


    //Enable or disable cache repositories
    'enabled'   => true,

    //Lifetime of cache
    'minutes'   => 30,

    //Repository Cache, implementation Illuminate\Contracts\Cache\Repository
    'repository'=> 'cache',

    //Sets clearing the cache
    'clean'     => [
        //Enable, disable clearing the cache on changes
        'enabled' => true,

        'on' => [
            //Enable, disable clearing the cache when you create an item

            //Enable, disable clearing the cache when upgrading an item

            //Enable, disable clearing the cache when you delete an item
    'params' => [
        //Request parameter that will be used to bypass the cache repository
        //Allow caching only for some methods
        'only'  =>null,

        //Allow caching for all available methods, except

It is possible to override these settings directly in the repository.

use Prettus\Repository\Eloquent\BaseRepository;
use Prettus\Repository\Contracts\CacheableInterface;
use Prettus\Repository\Traits\CacheableRepository;

class PostRepository extends BaseRepository implements CacheableInterface {

    // Setting the lifetime of the cache to a repository specifically
    protected $cacheMinutes = 90;

    protected $cacheOnly = ['all', ...];
    protected $cacheExcept = ['find', ...];

    use CacheableRepository;


The cacheable methods are : all, paginate, find, findByField, findWhere, getByCriteria


Requires prettus/laravel-validator. composer require prettus/laravel-validator

Easy validation with prettus/laravel-validator

For more details click here

Using a Validator Class

Create a Validator

In the example below, we define some rules for both creation and edition

use \Prettus\Validator\LaravelValidator;

class PostValidator extends LaravelValidator {

    protected $rules = [
        'title' => 'required',
        'text'  => 'min:3',
        'author'=> 'required'


To define specific rules, proceed as shown below:

use \Prettus\Validator\Contracts\ValidatorInterface;
use \Prettus\Validator\LaravelValidator;

class PostValidator extends LaravelValidator {

    protected $rules = [
        ValidatorInterface::RULE_CREATE => [
            'title' => 'required',
            'text'  => 'min:3',
            'author'=> 'required'
        ValidatorInterface::RULE_UPDATE => [
            'title' => 'required'

Enabling Validator in your Repository
use Prettus\Repository\Eloquent\BaseRepository;
use Prettus\Repository\Criteria\RequestCriteria;

class PostRepository extends BaseRepository {

     * Specify Model class name
     * @return mixed
    function model(){
       return "App\\Post";

     * Specify Validator class name
     * @return mixed
    public function validator()
        return "App\\PostValidator";

Defining rules in the repository

Alternatively, instead of using a class to define its validation rules, you can set your rules directly into the rules repository property, it will have the same effect as a Validation class.

use Prettus\Repository\Eloquent\BaseRepository;
use Prettus\Repository\Criteria\RequestCriteria;
use Prettus\Validator\Contracts\ValidatorInterface;

class PostRepository extends BaseRepository {

     * Specify Validator Rules
     * @var array
     protected $rules = [
        ValidatorInterface::RULE_CREATE => [
            'title' => 'required',
            'text'  => 'min:3',
            'author'=> 'required'
        ValidatorInterface::RULE_UPDATE => [
            'title' => 'required'

     * Specify Model class name
     * @return mixed
    function model(){
       return "App\\Post";


Validation is now ready. In case of a failure an exception will be given of the type: Prettus\Validator\Exceptions\ValidatorException


Presenters function as a wrapper and renderer for objects.

Fractal Presenter

Requires Fractal. composer require league/fractal

There are two ways to implement the Presenter, the first is creating a TransformerAbstract and set it using your Presenter class as described in the Create a Transformer Class.

The second way is to make your model implement the Transformable interface, and use the default Presenter ModelFractarPresenter, this will have the same effect.

Transformer Class
Create a Transformer using the command
php artisan make:transformer Post

This will generate the class beneath.

Create a Transformer Class
use League\Fractal\TransformerAbstract;

class PostTransformer extends TransformerAbstract
    public function transform(\Post $post)
        return [
            'id'      => (int) $post->id,
            'title'   => $post->title,
            'content' => $post->content
Create a Presenter using the command
php artisan make:presenter Post

The command will prompt you for creating a Transformer too if you haven't already.

Create a Presenter
use Prettus\Repository\Presenter\FractalPresenter;

class PostPresenter extends FractalPresenter {

     * Prepare data to present
     * @return \League\Fractal\TransformerAbstract
    public function getTransformer()
        return new PostTransformer();
Enabling in your Repository
use Prettus\Repository\Eloquent\BaseRepository;

class PostRepository extends BaseRepository {


    public function presenter()
        return "App\\Presenter\\PostPresenter";

Or enable it in your controller with

Using the presenter after from the Model

If you recorded a presenter and sometime used the skipPresenter() method or simply you do not want your result is not changed automatically by the presenter. You can implement Presentable interface on your model so you will be able to present your model at any time. See below:

In your model, implement the interface Prettus\Repository\Contracts\Presentable and Prettus\Repository\Traits\PresentableTrait

namespace App;

use Prettus\Repository\Contracts\Presentable;
use Prettus\Repository\Traits\PresentableTrait;

class Post extends Eloquent implements Presentable {

    use PresentableTrait;

    protected $fillable = [


There, now you can submit your Model individually, See an example:

$repository = app('App\PostRepository');

//Getting the result transformed by the presenter directly in the search
$post = $repository->find(1);

print_r( $post ); //It produces an output as array


//Skip presenter and bringing the original result of the Model
$post = $repository->skipPresenter()->find(1);

print_r( $post ); //It produces an output as a Model object
print_r( $post->presenter() ); //It produces an output as array

You can skip the presenter at every visit and use it on demand directly into the model, for it set the $skipPresenter attribute to true in your repository:

use Prettus\Repository\Eloquent\BaseRepository;

class PostRepository extends BaseRepository {

    * @var bool
    protected $skipPresenter = true;

    public function presenter()
        return "App\\Presenter\\PostPresenter";
Model Class
Implement Interface
namespace App;

use Prettus\Repository\Contracts\Transformable;

class Post extends Eloquent implements Transformable {
      * @return array
     public function transform()
         return [
             'id'      => (int) $this->id,
             'title'   => $this->title,
             'content' => $this->content
Enabling in your Repository

Prettus\Repository\Presenter\ModelFractalPresenter is a Presenter default for Models implementing Transformable

use Prettus\Repository\Eloquent\BaseRepository;

class PostRepository extends BaseRepository {


    public function presenter()
        return "Prettus\\Repository\\Presenter\\ModelFractalPresenter";

Or enable it in your controller with


Skip Presenter defined in the repository

Use skipPresenter before any other chaining method

$posts = $this->repository->skipPresenter()->all();



$posts = $this->repository->all();
  • Add more commands?

    Add more commands?

    Adding more commands

    • [x] make:transformer (merged #55)
    • [x] make:presenter (merged #57)
    • [x] make:entity - (merged #58)

    the make:entity command would generate the Repository, the Transformer, the Presenter and the Validator for that entity.

    opened by ghost 18
  • Laravel 7.0 support

    Laravel 7.0 support

    • bump illuminate package dependency constraint to version ~7.0
    • the 'addVisible' method has been removed in laravel 7. The 'makeVisible' method should be used instead
    opened by ammonkc 17
  • BaseRepository::sync


    Bug? No $id attribute

         * Sync relations
         * @param $id
         * @param $relation
         * @param array $attributes
         * @return $this
        public function sync($relation, $attributes)
    opened by schursin 17
  • make:entity not creating controller in Laravel 5.5

    make:entity not creating controller in Laravel 5.5


    I'm using Laravel 5.5.3 with l5-repository v 2.6.22 - fresh install of both.

    My issue is that the make:entity command is not producing a Controller. All other files are created as expected and the path for controllers is set appropriately.

    opened by berzley 16
  • Generator broken for Laravel 5.4

    Generator broken for Laravel 5.4

    Generator throws error.

    php artisan make:entity Blah

      Trait 'Illuminate\Console\AppNamespaceDetectorTrait' not found

    Fixed in #331

    opened by hayeah 15
  • using repository create method fails when attribute is marked as hidden & fillable

    using repository create method fails when attribute is marked as hidden & fillable

    I have a user object that I am trying to create using

        'name' => 'user1',

    and the User object has the password field marked as hidden, but also fillable. but once I use the create method, it fails saying that the password field is required even though it passes validation before being passed to the repository method.

    opened by ericp1337 11
  • Criteria & Cache ?

    Criteria & Cache ?


    It seems that the criteria are not working with the cache.

    E.g :

    // cache the records for the all() method
    $records = $modelRepository->all();
    // Could be withTrashed or whereHas or custom where criteria
    // Ignore the criteria and fetch the records from the cache
    $records = $modelRepository->all(); 

    We could use the getByCriteria() method but we can't use this method with multiple criteria.


    opened by DarKDinDoN 11
  • Find by multiple fields?

    Find by multiple fields?

    Either I don't see the method, or the type hinting for the return is incorrect, how would one do the equivalent of whereX(1)->where('y','>',150) or something similar?

    opened by michaeljhopkins 11
  • How to add new methods?

    How to add new methods?

    Hi, I have a questions, how to add a new method (What file modify?) For example:

    public function deleteMultipleById(array $ids)
        return $this->model->destroy($ids);

    Where add the code? vendor/prettus/l5-repository/src/Prettus/Repository/Eloquent/BaseRepository.php or Repositories/CustomRepository.php

    opened by ssheduardo 9
  • Searching by multiple search fields

    Searching by multiple search fields

    Hi All

    First off - Thank you for this package. I struggled for a while implementing what I wanted: Fractal, URL query searches, and some way to use existing models in my L5 app. This puts all those things together in a lovely package.

    I'm struggling with one thing, which I think shouldn't be too hard. I simply want to be able to use URL query params to filter my REST api results. My URL should look like this:


    I have the fields referenced there listed as searchable in the repository:

         * @var array
        protected $fieldSearchable = [
            'firstName'    => 'like',
            'lastName'     => 'like',
            'address'      => 'like',
            'city'         => 'like',
            'state'        => '=',
            'zip'          => '=',
            'phone'        => '=',
            'email'        => 'like',
            'recruiter'    => '=',
            'tempType'     => '='

    The first value is actually used properly. If I do:


    I'll get the correct results. And If I use the other field, i also get the correct results:


    Combining them; the first field is used in the filter but the second is not.

    Testing: With this URL:


    I looked into RequestCriteria:

    I threw a bunch of var-dumps in there:


    And it seems to be properly splitting the values out:


    array (size=2)
      'state' => string 'fl' (length=2)
      'tempType' => string 'a' (length=1)


    array (size=10)
      'firstName' => string 'like' (length=4)
      'lastName' => string 'like' (length=4)
      'address' => string 'like' (length=4)
      'city' => string 'like' (length=4)
      'state' => string '=' (length=1)
      'zip' => string '=' (length=1)
      'phone' => string '=' (length=1)
      'email' => string 'like' (length=4)
      'recruiter' => string '=' (length=1)
      'tempType' => string '=' (length=1)

    I even checked to make sure it wasn't hitting the null value check:


    string 'fl' (length=2)
    string 'a' (length=2)

    As far as i can tell, I'm doing everything close to correct. But maybe I'm missing something. I'm sure its probably around the where statement that is getting generated or something along those lines. Any ideas on how I can do this would be super helpful.

    Thanks all Chad

    opened by drmmr763 9
  • installation error in laravel 7.0

    installation error in laravel 7.0

    iluminnate/validation still gave error after the new merge, error:

    Problem 1 - Installation request for prettus/l5-repository dev-master -> satisfiable by prettus/l5-repository[dev-master]. - Conclusion: remove laravel/framework v7.0.5 - Conclusion: don't install laravel/framework v7.0.5 - prettus/l5-repository dev-master requires prettus/laravel-validation ~1.1|~1.2 -> satisfiable by prettus/laravel-validation[1.1.0, 1.1.1, 1.1.2, 1.1.3, 1.1. 4, 1.1.5, 1.2.0]. - prettus/laravel-validation 1.1.0 requires illuminate/validation ~5.0 -> satisfiable by illuminate/validation[5.0.x-dev, 5.1.x-dev, 5.2.x-dev, 5.3.x-dev, 5.4 .x-dev, 5.5.x-dev, 5.6.x-dev, 5.7.17, 5.7.18, 5.7.19, 5.7.x-dev, 5.8.x-dev, v5.0.0, v5.0.22, v5.0.25, v5.0.26, v5.0.28, v5.0.33, v5.0.4, v5.1.1, v5.1.13, v5.1.16, v5.1.2, v5.1.20, v5.1.22, v5.1.25, v5.1.28, v5.1.30, v5.1.31, v5.1.41, v5.1.6, v5.1.8, v5.2.0, v5.2.19, v5.2.21, v5.2.24, v5.2.25, v5.2.26, v5.2.27, v5.2.28, v5. 2.31, v5.2.32, v5.2.37, v5.2.43, v5.2.45, v5.2.6, v5.2.7, v5.3.0, v5.3.16, v5.3.23, v5.3.4, v5.4.0, v5.4.13, v5.4.17, v5.4.19, v5.4.27, v5.4.36, v5.4.9, v5.5.0, v 5.5.16, v5.5.17, v5.5.2, v5.5.28, v5.5.33, v5.5.34, v5.5.35, v5.5.36, v5.5.37, v5.5.39, v5.5.40, v5.5.41, v5.5.43, v5.5.44, v5.6.0, v5.6.1, v5.6.10, v5.6.11, v5.6 .12, v5.6.13, v5.6.14, v5.6.15, v5.6.16, v5.6.17, v5.6.19, v5.6.2, v5.6.20, v5.6.21, v5.6.22, v5.6.23, v5.6.24, v5.6.25, v5.6.26, v5.6.27, v5.6.28, v5.6.29, v5.6. 3, v5.6.30, v5.6.31, v5.6.32, v5.6.33, v5.6.34, v5.6.35, v5.6.36, v5.6.37, v5.6.38, v5.6.39, v5.6.4, v5.6.5, v5.6.6, v5.6.7, v5.6.8, v5.6.9, v5.7.0, v5.7.1, v5.7. 10, v5.7.11, v5.7.15, v5.7.2, v5.7.20, v5.7.21, v5.7.22, v5.7.23, v5.7.26, v5.7.27, v5.7.28, v5.7.3, v5.7.4, v5.7.5, v5.7.6, v5.7.7, v5.7.8, v5.7.9, v5.8.0, v5.8. 11, v5.8.12, v5.8.14, v5.8.15, v5.8.17, v5.8.18, v5.8.19, v5.8.2, v5.8.20, v5.8.22, v5.8.24, v5.8.27, v5.8.28, v5.8.29, v5.8.3, v5.8.30, v5.8.31, v5.8.32, v5.8.33 , v5.8.34, v5.8.35, v5.8.36, v5.8.4, v5.8.8, v5.8.9]. - prettus/laravel-validation 1.1.1 requires illuminate/validation ~5.0 -> satisfiable by illuminate/validation[5.0.x-dev, 5.1.x-dev, 5.2.x-dev, 5.3.x-dev, 5.4 .x-dev, 5.5.x-dev, 5.6.x-dev, 5.7.17, 5.7.18, 5.7.19, 5.7.x-dev, 5.8.x-dev, v5.0.0, v5.0.22, v5.0.25, v5.0.26, v5.0.28, v5.0.33, v5.0.4, v5.1.1, v5.1.13, v5.1.16, v5.1.2, v5.1.20, v5.1.22, v5.1.25, v5.1.28, v5.1.30, v5.1.31, v5.1.41, v5.1.6, v5.1.8, v5.2.0, v5.2.19, v5.2.21, v5.2.24, v5.2.25, v5.2.26, v5.2.27, v5.2.28, v5. 2.31, v5.2.32, v5.2.37, v5.2.43, v5.2.45, v5.2.6, v5.2.7, v5.3.0, v5.3.16, v5.3.23, v5.3.4, v5.4.0, v5.4.13, v5.4.17, v5.4.19, v5.4.27, v5.4.36, v5.4.9, v5.5.0, v 5.5.16, v5.5.17, v5.5.2, v5.5.28, v5.5.33, v5.5.34, v5.5.35, v5.5.36, v5.5.37, v5.5.39, v5.5.40, v5.5.41, v5.5.43, v5.5.44, v5.6.0, v5.6.1, v5.6.10, v5.6.11, v5.6 .12, v5.6.13, v5.6.14, v5.6.15, v5.6.16, v5.6.17, v5.6.19, v5.6.2, v5.6.20, v5.6.21, v5.6.22, v5.6.23, v5.6.24, v5.6.25, v5.6.26, v5.6.27, v5.6.28, v5.6.29, v5.6. 3, v5.6.30, v5.6.31, v5.6.32, v5.6.33, v5.6.34, v5.6.35, v5.6.36, v5.6.37, v5.6.38, v5.6.39, v5.6.4, v5.6.5, v5.6.6, v5.6.7, v5.6.8, v5.6.9, v5.7.0, v5.7.1, v5.7. 10, v5.7.11, v5.7.15, v5.7.2, v5.7.20, v5.7.21, v5.7.22, v5.7.23, v5.7.26, v5.7.27, v5.7.28, v5.7.3, v5.7.4, v5.7.5, v5.7.6, v5.7.7, v5.7.8, v5.7.9, v5.8.0, v5.8. 11, v5.8.12, v5.8.14, v5.8.15, v5.8.17, v5.8.18, v5.8.19, v5.8.2, v5.8.20, v5.8.22, v5.8.24, v5.8.27, v5.8.28, v5.8.29, v5.8.3, v5.8.30, v5.8.31, v5.8.32, v5.8.33 , v5.8.34, v5.8.35, v5.8.36, v5.8.4, v5.8.8, v5.8.9]. - 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don't install illuminate/validation 5.0.x-dev|don't install laravel/framework v7.0.5 - don't install illuminate/validation 5.1.x-dev|don't install laravel/framework v7.0.5 - don't install illuminate/validation 5.2.x-dev|don't install laravel/framework v7.0.5 - don't install illuminate/validation 5.3.x-dev|don't install laravel/framework v7.0.5 - don't install illuminate/validation 5.4.x-dev|don't install laravel/framework v7.0.5 - don't install illuminate/validation 5.5.x-dev|don't install laravel/framework v7.0.5 - don't install illuminate/validation 5.6.x-dev|don't install laravel/framework v7.0.5 - don't install illuminate/validation 5.7.17|don't install laravel/framework v7.0.5 - don't install illuminate/validation 5.7.18|don't install laravel/framework v7.0.5 - don't install illuminate/validation 5.7.19|don't install laravel/framework v7.0.5 - don't install illuminate/validation 5.7.x-dev|don't install laravel/framework v7.0.5 - don't install illuminate/validation 5.8.x-dev|don't install laravel/framework v7.0.5 - 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don't install illuminate/validation v5.6.6|don't install laravel/framework v7.0.5 - don't install illuminate/validation v5.6.7|don't install laravel/framework v7.0.5 - don't install illuminate/validation v5.6.8|don't install laravel/framework v7.0.5 - don't install illuminate/validation v5.6.9|don't install laravel/framework v7.0.5 - don't install illuminate/validation v5.7.0|don't install laravel/framework v7.0.5 - don't install illuminate/validation v5.7.1|don't install laravel/framework v7.0.5 - don't install illuminate/validation v5.7.10|don't install laravel/framework v7.0.5 - don't install illuminate/validation v5.7.11|don't install laravel/framework v7.0.5 - don't install illuminate/validation v5.7.15|don't install laravel/framework v7.0.5 - don't install illuminate/validation v5.7.2|don't install laravel/framework v7.0.5 - don't install illuminate/validation v5.7.20|don't install laravel/framework v7.0.5 - don't install illuminate/validation v5.7.21|don't install laravel/framework v7.0.5 - don't install illuminate/validation v5.7.22|don't install laravel/framework v7.0.5 - don't install illuminate/validation v5.7.23|don't install laravel/framework v7.0.5 - don't install illuminate/validation v5.7.26|don't install laravel/framework v7.0.5 - don't install illuminate/validation v5.7.27|don't install laravel/framework v7.0.5 - don't install illuminate/validation v5.7.28|don't install laravel/framework v7.0.5 - don't install illuminate/validation v5.7.3|don't install laravel/framework v7.0.5 - don't install illuminate/validation v5.7.4|don't install laravel/framework v7.0.5 - don't install illuminate/validation v5.7.5|don't install laravel/framework v7.0.5 - don't install illuminate/validation v5.7.6|don't install laravel/framework v7.0.5 - don't install illuminate/validation v5.7.7|don't install laravel/framework v7.0.5 - don't install illuminate/validation v5.7.8|don't install laravel/framework v7.0.5 - don't install illuminate/validation v5.7.9|don't install laravel/framework v7.0.5 - don't install illuminate/validation v5.8.0|don't install laravel/framework v7.0.5 - don't install illuminate/validation v5.8.11|don't install laravel/framework v7.0.5 - don't install illuminate/validation v5.8.12|don't install laravel/framework v7.0.5 - don't install illuminate/validation v5.8.14|don't install laravel/framework v7.0.5 - don't install illuminate/validation v5.8.15|don't install laravel/framework v7.0.5 - don't install illuminate/validation v5.8.17|don't install laravel/framework v7.0.5 - don't install illuminate/validation v5.8.18|don't install laravel/framework v7.0.5 - don't install illuminate/validation v5.8.19|don't install laravel/framework v7.0.5 - don't install illuminate/validation v5.8.2|don't install laravel/framework v7.0.5 - don't install illuminate/validation v5.8.20|don't install laravel/framework v7.0.5 - don't install illuminate/validation v5.8.22|don't install laravel/framework v7.0.5 - don't install illuminate/validation v5.8.24|don't install laravel/framework v7.0.5 - don't install illuminate/validation v5.8.27|don't install laravel/framework v7.0.5 - don't install illuminate/validation v5.8.28|don't install laravel/framework v7.0.5 - don't install illuminate/validation v5.8.29|don't install laravel/framework v7.0.5 - don't install illuminate/validation v5.8.3|don't install laravel/framework v7.0.5 - don't install illuminate/validation v5.8.30|don't install laravel/framework v7.0.5 - don't install illuminate/validation v5.8.31|don't install laravel/framework v7.0.5 - don't install illuminate/validation v5.8.32|don't install laravel/framework v7.0.5 - don't install illuminate/validation v5.8.33|don't install laravel/framework v7.0.5 - don't install illuminate/validation v5.8.34|don't install laravel/framework v7.0.5 - don't install illuminate/validation v5.8.35|don't install laravel/framework v7.0.5 - don't install illuminate/validation v5.8.36|don't install laravel/framework v7.0.5 - don't install illuminate/validation v5.8.4|don't install laravel/framework v7.0.5 - don't install illuminate/validation v5.8.8|don't install laravel/framework v7.0.5 - don't install illuminate/validation v5.8.9|don't install laravel/framework v7.0.5 - don't install illuminate/validation 6.x-dev|don't install laravel/framework v7.0.5 - don't install illuminate/validation v6.0.0|don't install laravel/framework v7.0.5 - don't install illuminate/validation v6.0.1|don't install laravel/framework v7.0.5 - don't install illuminate/validation v6.0.2|don't install laravel/framework v7.0.5 - don't install illuminate/validation v6.0.3|don't install laravel/framework v7.0.5 - don't install illuminate/validation v6.0.4|don't install laravel/framework v7.0.5 - don't install illuminate/validation v6.1.0|don't install laravel/framework v7.0.5 - don't install illuminate/validation v6.10.0|don't install laravel/framework v7.0.5 - don't install illuminate/validation v6.11.0|don't install laravel/framework v7.0.5 - don't install illuminate/validation v6.12.0|don't install laravel/framework v7.0.5 - don't install illuminate/validation v6.13.0|don't install laravel/framework v7.0.5 - don't install illuminate/validation v6.13.1|don't install laravel/framework v7.0.5 - don't install illuminate/validation v6.14.0|don't install laravel/framework v7.0.5 - don't install illuminate/validation v6.15.0|don't install laravel/framework v7.0.5 - don't install illuminate/validation v6.15.1|don't install laravel/framework v7.0.5 - don't install illuminate/validation v6.16.0|don't install laravel/framework v7.0.5 - don't install illuminate/validation v6.17.0|don't install laravel/framework v7.0.5 - don't install illuminate/validation v6.17.1|don't install laravel/framework v7.0.5 - don't install illuminate/validation v6.18.0|don't install laravel/framework v7.0.5 - don't install illuminate/validation v6.18.1|don't install laravel/framework v7.0.5 - don't install illuminate/validation v6.2.0|don't install laravel/framework v7.0.5 - don't install illuminate/validation v6.3.0|don't install laravel/framework v7.0.5 - don't install illuminate/validation v6.4.1|don't install laravel/framework v7.0.5 - don't install illuminate/validation v6.5.0|don't install laravel/framework v7.0.5 - don't install illuminate/validation v6.5.1|don't install laravel/framework v7.0.5 - don't install illuminate/validation v6.5.2|don't install laravel/framework v7.0.5 - don't install illuminate/validation v6.6.0|don't install laravel/framework v7.0.5 - don't install illuminate/validation v6.6.1|don't install laravel/framework v7.0.5 - don't install illuminate/validation v6.6.2|don't install laravel/framework v7.0.5 - don't install illuminate/validation v6.7.0|don't install laravel/framework v7.0.5 - don't install illuminate/validation v6.8.0|don't install laravel/framework v7.0.5 - Installation request for laravel/framework (locked at v7.0.5, required as ^7.0) -> satisfiable by laravel/framework[v7.0.5].

    opened by lucasantoniooficial 8
  • depricated error on request citeria

    depricated error on request citeria

    hi i get this error on laravel log files:

    local.WARNING: strtolower(): Passing null to parameter #1 ($string) of type string is deprecated in my project pach/vendor/prettus/l5-repository/src/Prettus/Repository/Criteria/RequestCriteria.php on line 58

    i think need to update this file

    opened by Rasoul-Karimi 0
  • Target class [] does not exist

    Target class [] does not exist

    yesterday this problem started to appear in my code without me having changed absolutely anything, I just used a composer update. And the logs says it starts on "makeModel()" of this package:

    [2022-03-23 14:37:54] local.ERROR: Target class [] does not exist. {"exception":"[object] (Illuminate\\Contracts\\Container\\BindingResolutionException(code: 0): Target class [] does not exist. at /var/www/html/socialhub.shippings/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Container/Container.php:875) [stacktrace] #0 /var/www/html/socialhub.shippings/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Container/Container.php(754): Illuminate\\Container\\Container->build() #1 /var/www/html/socialhub.shippings/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Foundation/Application.php(841): Illuminate\\Container\\Container->resolve() #2 /var/www/html/socialhub.shippings/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Container/Container.php(692): Illuminate\\Foundation\\Application->resolve() #3 /var/www/html/socialhub.shippings/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Foundation/Application.php(826): Illuminate\\Container\\Container->make() #4 /var/www/html/socialhub.shippings/vendor/prettus/l5-repository/src/Prettus/Repository/Eloquent/BaseRepository.php(192): Illuminate\\Foundation\\Application->make() #5 /var/www/html/socialhub.shippings/vendor/prettus/l5-repository/src/Prettus/Repository/Eloquent/BaseRepository.php(99): Prettus\\Repository\\Eloquent\\BaseRepository->makeModel() #6 [internal function]: Prettus\\Repository\\Eloquent\\BaseRepository->__construct() #7 /var/www/html/socialhub.shippings/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Container/Container.php(917): ReflectionClass->newInstanceArgs() #8 /var/www/html/socialhub.shippings/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Container/Container.php(754): Illuminate\\Container\\Container->build() #9 /var/www/html/socialhub.shippings/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Foundation/Application.php(841): Illuminate\\Container\\Container->resolve() #10 /var/www/html/socialhub.shippings/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Container/Container.php(692): Illuminate\\Foundation\\Application->resolve() #11 /var/www/html/socialhub.shippings/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Foundation/Application.php(826): Illuminate\\Container\\Container->make() #12 /var/www/html/socialhub.shippings/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Container/Container.php(1027): Illuminate\\Foundation\\Application->make() #13 /var/www/html/socialhub.shippings/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Container/Container.php(947): Illuminate\\Container\\Container->resolveClass() #14 /var/www/html/socialhub.shippings/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Container/Container.php(908): Illuminate\\Container\\Container->resolveDependencies() #15 /var/www/html/socialhub.shippings/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Container/Container.php(754): Illuminate\\Container\\Container->build() #16 /var/www/html/socialhub.shippings/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Foundation/Application.php(841): Illuminate\\Container\\Container->resolve() #17 /var/www/html/socialhub.shippings/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Container/Container.php(692): Illuminate\\Foundation\\Application->resolve() #18 /var/www/html/socialhub.shippings/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Foundation/Application.php(826): Illuminate\\Container\\Container->make() #19 /var/www/html/socialhub.shippings/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/Route.php(275): Illuminate\\Foundation\\Application->make() #20 /var/www/html/socialhub.shippings/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/Route.php(1049): Illuminate\\Routing\\Route->getController() #21 /var/www/html/socialhub.shippings/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/Route.php(1010): Illuminate\\Routing\\Route->controllerMiddleware() #22 /var/www/html/socialhub.shippings/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/Router.php(708): Illuminate\\Routing\\Route->gatherMiddleware() #23 /var/www/html/socialhub.shippings/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Foundation/Console/RouteListCommand.php(175): Illuminate\\Routing\\Router->gatherRouteMiddleware() #24 /var/www/html/socialhub.shippings/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Foundation/Console/RouteListCommand.php(119): Illuminate\\Foundation\\Console\\RouteListCommand->getMiddleware() #25 /var/www/html/socialhub.shippings/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Foundation/Console/RouteListCommand.php(91): Illuminate\\Foundation\\Console\\RouteListCommand->getRouteInformation() #26 [internal function]: Illuminate\\Foundation\\Console\\RouteListCommand->Illuminate\\Foundation\\Console\\{closure}() #27 /var/www/html/socialhub.shippings/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Collections/Collection.php(640): array_map() #28 /var/www/html/socialhub.shippings/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Foundation/Console/RouteListCommand.php(92): Illuminate\\Support\\Collection->map() #29 /var/www/html/socialhub.shippings/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Foundation/Console/RouteListCommand.php(76): Illuminate\\Foundation\\Console\\RouteListCommand->getRoutes() #30 /var/www/html/socialhub.shippings/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Container/BoundMethod.php(36): Illuminate\\Foundation\\Console\\RouteListCommand->handle() #31 /var/www/html/socialhub.shippings/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Container/Util.php(40): Illuminate\\Container\\BoundMethod::Illuminate\\Container\\{closure}() #32 /var/www/html/socialhub.shippings/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Container/BoundMethod.php(93): Illuminate\\Container\\Util::unwrapIfClosure() #33 /var/www/html/socialhub.shippings/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Container/BoundMethod.php(37): Illuminate\\Container\\BoundMethod::callBoundMethod() #34 /var/www/html/socialhub.shippings/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Container/Container.php(651): Illuminate\\Container\\BoundMethod::call() #35 /var/www/html/socialhub.shippings/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Console/Command.php(136): Illuminate\\Container\\Container->call() #36 /var/www/html/socialhub.shippings/vendor/symfony/console/Command/Command.php(299): Illuminate\\Console\\Command->execute() #37 /var/www/html/socialhub.shippings/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Console/Command.php(121): Symfony\\Component\\Console\\Command\\Command->run() #38 /var/www/html/socialhub.shippings/vendor/symfony/console/Application.php(978): Illuminate\\Console\\Command->run() #39 /var/www/html/socialhub.shippings/vendor/symfony/console/Application.php(295): Symfony\\Component\\Console\\Application->doRunCommand() #40 /var/www/html/socialhub.shippings/vendor/symfony/console/Application.php(167): Symfony\\Component\\Console\\Application->doRun() #41 /var/www/html/socialhub.shippings/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Console/Application.php(92): Symfony\\Component\\Console\\Application->run() #42 /var/www/html/socialhub.shippings/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Foundation/Console/Kernel.php(129): Illuminate\\Console\\Application->run() #43 /var/www/html/socialhub.shippings/artisan(37): Illuminate\\Foundation\\Console\\Kernel->handle() #44 {main}

    opened by Iscrimou 0
  • RequestCriteria supports for Morph relationship

    RequestCriteria supports for Morph relationship


    Query for morphTo relationship will get an exception of "Please use whereHasMorph for morph relationship" error.

    Idea of change

    Add new condition for a bit more complex setups as array.

    // Example, the data relationship has different morph types for purpose, and we can specify a condition as array for those needed parameters. 
    public ProductRepository extends BaseRepository {
        protected $fieldSearchable = [
            'product_name' => 'like',
            'data.category' => [
                'relationType' => 'morph',
                'condition' => '=',
                'types' => [Turnkey::class, Pcba::class, Pcb::class, MouldTooling::class, Accessory::class],
    // Changed RequestCriteria class
    // patch for morph relationship query
    if (is_array($condition)) {
       $types = $condition['types'];
       $relationType = $condition['relationType'];
       $condition = $condition['condition'];
    $condition = trim(strtolower($condition));
    if(!is_null($relation)) {
        $callback = function($query) use($field,$condition,$value) {
           if($condition === 'in'){
          }elseif($condition === 'between'){
      // patch example for morph relation
       if (!is_null($relationType) && $relationType == 'morph') {
          $query->whereHasMorph($relation, $types, $callback);
          // $query->orWhereHasMorph($relation, $types, $callback); // when it shall be OR..
       } else {
           $query->whereHas($relation, $callback);


    The idea code is just an example for describing the idea, this issue could be used to discuss if any potential problem of this change and recommendations.

    opened by oh-bala 0
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