More options when uploading files such as name changes, resizing or compression through TinyPNG.


Kirby Upload Extended

More options when uploading files like name changes, resizing via Kirby or compression and optional resizing via TinyPNG. Thanks at this point also to @medienbaecker for Parts of the code for pure resize with Kirby. It is the best alternative when only pure resizing is needed during upload.

The individual components of the plugin:

  • Name change and replacement
  • Kirby size change
  • Optimization of images by TinyPNG
  • Resizing with TinyPNG
  • Upload control for other file types

Note: this is my first plugin for Kirby. Small bugs here and there are possible.


Download and copy this repository to /site/plugins/upload-extended. Sorry, currently no Composer

Configuration and options

There are a few options for the plugin. Every single function can be enabled or disabled. Below are the default settings for the config.php.

return [
  'werbschaft.uploadExtended.rename' => true,
  'werbschaft.uploadExtended.excludeCharacters' => ['_','__','___','--','---'],
  'werbschaft.uploadExtended.kirbyResize' => true,
  'werbschaft.uploadExtended.maxWidth' => 2000,
  'werbschaft.uploadExtended.maxHeight' => 2000,
  'werbschaft.uploadExtended.quality' => 100,
  'werbschaft.uploadExtended.debug' => false,
  'werbschaft.uploadExtended.tinyPng' => true,
  'werbschaft.uploadExtended.tinyPngKey' => 'insert-here',
  'werbschaft.uploadExtended.tinyPngResize' => false,
  'werbschaft.uploadExtended.tinyPngResizeMethod' => 'thumb',
  'werbschaft.uploadExtended.excludeTemplates' => [],
  'werbschaft.uploadExtended.excludePages' => [],
  'werbschaft.uploadExtended.uploadLimit' => true,
  'werbschaft.uploadExtended.uploadLimitMegabyte' => 5, 

Options in detail

Option Type Function
rename Bool Should the files be renamed during upload
excludeCharacters Array Which strings should be replaced with a -
kirbyResize Bool Should images be checked for size when uploaded in Kirby and scaled down if necessary
maxWidth Int Maximum width of an image in pixels
maxHeight Int Maximum height of an image in pixels
quality Int Quality of the uploaded image
debug Bool If active, various details are output with each upload what was changed by the plugin
tinyPng Bool Should the images be optimized by the TinyPNG service during upload? Requires a valid API key
tinyPngKey String The valid API key of your account
tinyPngResize Bool Images can also be resized by TinyPNG. Attention: per resize this uses one credit extra
tinyPngResizeMethod String If the TinyPNG Resize is used, which method should be applied:
excludeTemplates Array Array of templates to exclude
excludePages Array Array of pages to exclude
uploadLimit Bool Should other files, except images, be checked for size when uploaded
uploadLimitMegabyte Int The Maximum Upload Limit. Files that are larger will be deleted immediately

Known problems and future

  • Replace files in combination with the Change name option makes problems
  • next version with individual Search and Replace for the name option
  • Display at TinyPNG how many KB were saved
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