These are simple array and object collections that provide convinient methods to manipulate them.


Simple Collections

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These are simple array and object collections that provide convinient methods to manipulate collections;

To install this package type composer require temkaa/simple-collections in your project root directory.


<?php declare(strict_types = 1);

use SimpleCollections\Collections\Collection;

class SomeClass
    public function someArrayFunction(): void
        $array = [
            ['product_id' => 2, 'product_name' => 'milk'],
            ['product_id' => 6, 'product_name' => 'bread'],
            ['product_id' => 1, 'product_name' => 'meat'],
            ['product_id' => 2, 'product_name' => 'juice'],

            Collection::init($array)->sortBy('id', 'desc')->all(),
            Collection::init($array)->whereIn('product_id', [1, 2, 3])->all()

    public function someObjectFunction(): void
        $result = Database::all() // Some database query
            Collection::init($result, staticProps: false)->sortBy('id', 'desc')->all(),
            Collection::init($result, staticProps: false)->whereIn('product_id', [1, 2, 3])->all()

Object collection types

Please note, that if you want to make an object collection with static properties then init collection with Collection::init($arrayOfObjects)
If you want to make an object collection with dynamic properties that doesn't exist or are accessed via __get method then init collection with Collection::init($arrayOfObjects, staticProps: false)


static init(array $array): ArrayCollection|ObjectCollection

This method returns an instance of collection. If the provided array has incorrect format, then InvalidInputFormatException will be thrown.
Collection::init([['id' => 1]])

where(string $fieldName, mixed $fieldValue): Collection

Using this method you can retrieve array elements with specified value.
$collection->where('id', 2)

where(string $fieldName, string $operator, mixed $value): Collection

Using this method you can retrieve array elements with operator rule.
If you will pass incorrent operator, the InvalidOperatorException will ge thrown.
Example: $collection->where('id', '<', 5)
Allowed operators:

  • ==
  • <>
  • <
  • >
  • <=
  • >=
  • ===
  • !==

where(array $options): Collection

Using this method you can specify array of rules, like in first two examples given. This is equivalent to calling the previous method.

    ['id', '>', 10],
    ['value', '===', 15]

whereIn(string $fieldName, array $values): Collection

Using this method you can get array of elements, which specified field value is in given array.
$collection->whereIn('id', [1, 2, 3])

whereNotIn(string $fieldName, array $values): Collection

Using this method you can get array of elements, which specified field value is not exist in given array.
$collection->whereNotIn('id', [1, 2, 3])

map(callable $function): array

Using this function you can map through the array and cast the fiven function to all elements.
$collection->map(fn ($element) => $element['id'])

reject(callable $function): Collection

Using this method you can delete items by any rule. In given example collection will delete all elements, which id parameter equals to 2
$collection->reject(fn ($element) => $element['id'] === 2)

sort(string $field, string $sortMethod = 'asc'): Collection

Using this method you can sort the array.
$collection->sort('id', 'desc')

filter(callable $fn): Collection

Using this method you can filter collection using callback.
$collection->filter(fn ($element) => $element['a'] + $element['b'] > 10)

isEmpty(): bool

Using this method you will know if the collection is empty.

isNotEmpty(): bool

This function is opposite to function isEmpty.

count(): int

This method will return count of items in collection.

first(): null|array|object

This method will return first collection item (return type depends on if collection is object or array). If the collection is empty, null will be returned.

last(): null|array|object

This method will return last collection item (return type depends on if collection is object or array). If the collection is empty, null will be returned.

all(): array

This method will return the result array.

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