Simple Analytics for OctoberCMS
Simple analyse the traffic of your website without relying on an external service. The simple version of this plugin (see 'Advanced Analytics for OctoberCMS' for more details) does not use JavaScript and can be used "Consent-Free" according to the GDPR (See 'Legal Information' below).
Attention: Synder.Analytics requires PHP 7.4+!
Simple Analytics does not include any JavaScript on your website, all information are collected on the server-side. While this should actually provide enough data, it is of course not always as precise as with JavaScript-based support.
- Simple URL and Visit / View counters
- ... also usable as Twig variables / filters on your frontend website
- Simple but limited Bot-Detection (Humanity testing)
- Simple but limited Referrer collection
- Simple but limited Browser and OS detection (JavaScript-less)
- A bunch of graphical statistics within 4 configurable dashboard widgets
The Bot-Detection is based on a value counting from 0.1 (should be human) to 5.0 (should be bot) and is based on the following values (*-marked values must be configured before):
- User Agent
- Browser / OS
- Request Header
- * robots.txt trap
- * invisible link trap
The Advanced Analytics plugin contains additional, Cookie and JavaScript-based, solutions. You can find more details about each single value and technique in the documentation.
Coming Soon
The following features may be part of a future release.
- Simple but limited trace/route -tracking
- An own admin page with extended access to the data collections
- ... with an Response-Code tracker to find 400 error pages
Advanced Analytics for OctoberCMS
We're currently working on an extended version of this plugin, which adds the following features:
- Event Monitoring - Define and Monitor custom events on your website
- Referral Links - Create referral links to monitor third-party linkings.
- Cookie Tracking - A GDPR-compliant but NOT Consent-free User Tracking
- Consent-Support - Own Consent Banner or support of an consent banner plugin
- Extended Collections for referrers, browser & os datas and trace details
- JavaScript-supported Humanity-Testing - Extended Bot-evaluation & detection
More may be added during the development. The Advanced Analytics plugin will be available as a paid addition for this plugin and won't replace the free version.
- PHP 7.4+
- matomo/device-detector 4.3+
Compatible With
The robots.txt honeypot can be used without additional dependencies, but if one of the following plugins is found, those functionality will be used instead.
Legal Information
The Simple version of this plugin is designed to be used consent-free, since it does NOT use cookies or store personal (or similar related) data in a way that permits traceability. The user tracking is based on a daily-changing database-stored hashed value, consisting of the IP address, the user agent, the current date as well as the application key of your OctoberCMS website. We're using PHP's hash_hmac
function, used with SHA1 as algorithm and the OctoberCMS application key as key.
Of course, this method also affects the quality and reduces the evaluability of the collected data and makes it impossible to track a single user across days, browsers or devices. Nevertheless, you will get enough usable data without having to obtain the visitor's consent in advance.
Attention: This plugin is designed to comply with the GDPR (European General Data Protection Regulation), however, from a legal point of view we cannot give any guarantees. The use of this plugin is therefore at your own risk, contact us at if you need some information or explicit details of how this plugin works.
Copyright & License
Synder.Analytics is published under the MIT license.
Copyright © 2021 Synder (