A Sublime Text 3 package for highlighting both Sass and SCSS syntax.


Syntax Highlighting for Sass

This is a Sublime Text 3 package which purely forced on highlighting both Sass and SCSS syntax as accuracy as possible. Please make sure your Sublime Text 3 version is above Build 3103.

This package has taken over the package name "Sass", please search keyword "sass" from Package Control to install this package.

Known issues:

  1. If you updated this package from the original Sass package you might notice SCSS files are highlighted with the Sass syntax, to solve this issue, please open any .scss file and reset its highlighting syntax with the "Open all with current extension as..." option.

  2. If you need the Emmet CSS abbreviation popup window to work well with the Sass syntax, you probably need to add the following code to your Emmet settings file.

    "css_completions_scope": "source.scss - comment - variable - keyword.control - entity.other, source.sass - comment - variable - keyword.control - entity.other",

New Features

  • Added support for CSS4 variables
  • Enhanced Sass map highlighting
  • Enhanced CSS functions and Sass functions highlighting
  • Enhanced Sass mixin/function name highlighting and their "Goto Definition" support
  • Removed built-in completions

Scopes list

Here is a list of which syntax part is capable to highlight and its scope name. All scope names are following the suggestions of https://www.sublimetext.com/docs/3/scope_naming.html. If any part from the list down below is not highlighted as expected with your current color scheme, please try to contact the color scheme author to add support for the corresponding scope or modify the color scheme by yourself. Learn more about "color schemes" please take a look at https://www.sublimetext.com/docs/3/color_schemes.html.

Element Scope
Block Comment comment.block.css.sass
Sass Line Comment comment.line.sass
CSS4 Variable variable.parameter.sass
Sass Variable variable.parameter.sass
At-rule, Sass Directive, Directive Shorthand keyword.control.at-rule.css.sass
Type Selector, Universal Selector entity.name.tag.css.sass
Id Selector entity.other.attribute-name.id.css.sass
Class Selector, Sass Placeholder Selector entity.other.attribute-name.class.css.sass
Attribute Selector entity.other.attribute-name.css.sass
Attribute Selector RegEx keyword.operator.attribute-selector.css.sass
Pseudo Class, Pseudo Element entity.other.pseudo-class.css.sass
Property Name support.type.property-name.css.sass
Property Value support.constant.property-value.css.sass
Quoted String string.quoted.css.sass
Numeric constant.numeric.css.sass
Unit keyword.other.unit.css.sass
Rgb Color constant.other.color.rgb-valueb.css.sass
Sass Parent Selector keyword.other.parent-selector.sass
Sass Operator keyword.operator.css.sass
Sass Mixin and Function Definition entity.name.function.sass
Sass Mixin and Function Calling Name support.function.sass
Sass Interpolation keyword.control.interpolation.sass
Sass Flag keyword.other.important.css.sass
Sass Reserved Word keyword.other.reserved.sass
Sass Indented Syntax Semicolon invalid
Sass Indented Syntax Curly Brackets invalid


MIT License

  • rewrite based on LESS

    rewrite based on LESS

    Takes the LESS syntax as a basis for a complete rewrite of the SCSS syntax. Structurally the languages are very similar, with similar challenges.

    The LESS syntax was rewritten recently over several months of testing and fine-tuning. It bases as much as possible on the default CSS package which has seen a lot of improvement since being open-sourced. Like the new default syntaxes LESS adheres to the new scope naming guidelines, and has similar nuances like scoping the $ and @ in variables and at-rules, or the quotes around string separately.

    This also enables the completions from the default CSS package, fixing issues like #72 #93 #49.

    This PR also fixes #85 and probably some other things too.

    Let me know what you think. I also want to update the tests using Sublime's new test engine, and finally also upgrade the sass syntax.

    opened by braver 34
  • Not working

    Not working "Goto definition" in sublime text 3

    I am missing this feature in sass, it works fine with less bundle https://github.com/danro/LESS-sublime but not in sass, i tried to modify Symbol List - Selectors.tmPreferences file, but no avail. May be i am missing something?

    opened by Sinled 19
  • SCSS open closing brackets not selected / underlined

    SCSS open closing brackets not selected / underlined

    Normally when i click on an opening or closing bracket, the other end is underlined. This works in the SASS version but not the SCSS style (on a .scss file).

    opened by petergus 16
  • Crashes Sublime

    Crashes Sublime

    For some reason this syntax mode crashes Sublime every time. I've used for some a while but suddenly it started causing crashes. I had to remove every plugin and install one by one to isolate the issue.

    Since then, and after I reinstalled Sublime, i've managed to cause the crashes again by installing this again.

    Is there anything I can do to help identify what may be the cause?

    opened by lmartins 15
  • Sublime Crashes when opening SCSS files

    Sublime Crashes when opening SCSS files

    Whatever you've changed in the last day has caused Sublime to crash when trying to open SCSS files. I've had to remove this package to actual continue with my work. When opening an SCSS file I get the blue loading bar (the same one you get when opening a large file), it then just hangs and crashes the entire program.

    I'm using Mac OS X version 10.9.2.

    If there's any information I can provide to help, let me know how to get it and I'll try and provide it.

    opened by Karl456 11
  • Feedback collection for sass-3.3 branch

    Feedback collection for sass-3.3 branch

    Hi, the sass-3.3 branch has been working for a while now. I've changed many match rules and I am not sure they will work perfectly. Please help me to test it and if you see any problems or have any suggestions (No matter how small it is), feel free to give me a shot. Thanks

    Please remove this package through Package Control firstly, and then clone or download the sass-3.3 branch into the package folder of Sublime Text.

    opened by P233 10
  • Not enabled by default for sass files.

    Not enabled by default for sass files.

    I'm having a problem where its not working for .sass files. I need to go into the command palette and set the syntax manually. It works fine for scss.

    I'm using build 3053.

    opened by Sureiya 10
  • Code completion & Emmet

    Code completion & Emmet

    I'm using Emmet ex Zen Coding & the code completion was working with SCSS & Sass files without a problem when I was a different Sass package. after I installed this package Code completion is not working in SCSS as it used to be.

    opened by ahmedelgabri 10
  • .scss files load with Sass syntax

    .scss files load with Sass syntax

    Hey. Just tried this plugin in ST3, but when I open a file with extension .scss, it comes up with a red background on all the curly braces. In the syntax menu it's mistakenly using "Sass" instead of the "SCSS" syntax. (The former uses the extension .sass.)

    opened by svivian 7
  • Can't declare a short-hand mixin after commenting without it being grayed out.

    Can't declare a short-hand mixin after commenting without it being grayed out.

    For some reason, you can get into a bit of trouble being able to define mixins using the .sass shorthand way (=) following a comment. Take for instance the following below.

    // ## Why @at-root? 
    // Because it's not ambigious what's going on with the ampersand now being able to be used outside of the context of things from before 
    =increased-specificity($selector: &) //The mixin is grayed out. 
      // Logic I had here. 

    Have noticed this a variety of times (with the .sass file rendering fine) and decided to finally report the issue.

    opened by lozandier 7
  • Latest version broke Symbol Browser

    Latest version broke Symbol Browser

    The latest version has completely broken the symbol browser in ST3 where the window is filled with everything

    WITHOUT: screenshot 2017-11-28 11 57 35

    Installed: screenshot 2017-11-28 11 56 57

    As you can see with it being installed, it's completely filled the symbol browser with everything single variable or mention of a variable in the current file

    opened by leereichardt 6
  • Single line comments get auto-corrected to CSS multi-line comments

    Single line comments get auto-corrected to CSS multi-line comments

    I have the Sass package installed in ST3 v3.1.1 Build 3176. I've been having this issue when I save a .scss file in ST3 any single line comments using // automatically are changed to multi-line comments using /* */. It appears to be a bug but could also be a conflict with another formatting package I have installed.

    Just to be clear, this means I am unable to have invisible comments in my .scss files, as all the comments get processed to my .css file.

    I did extensive Google Searches and found nothing so I'm checking here to see if anybody has any solutions.


    opened by superfein 1
  • Symbol browser does not consolidate selectors

    Symbol browser does not consolidate selectors

    When I hit ⌘R in a CSS file, I see each selector on its own line, no matter how many tokens it contains. But with this package in an SCSS file, for example, body > header becomes two symbol browser entries: body and header.

    Screenshot below. Is this normal? I've disabled every package I can imagine interfering with this one.

    Useless symbol list

    • Sublime Text 3176
    • Sass package v1.2.4
    • MacOS 10.13.5
    opened by 75th 0
  • CSS3 doesn't play nice with SASS extension

    CSS3 doesn't play nice with SASS extension

    It looks like I can't have the cake and eat it, too.

    The problem: CSS3 extension requires the "file type" to be set to CSS3 to take effect. The same goes for the SASS extension to enable SASS relevant support.

    So it appears that both extensions are mutually exclusive, as I can't seem to configure any to also be active when the other file type is being loaded.

    Any ideas on how to enable both CSS3 autocompletion + SASS support for a *.scss file?

    Thanks! Oliver

    opened by olivermuc 5
  • SASS/SCSS and Autocompletions

    SASS/SCSS and Autocompletions

    I've been trying forever to get autocompletions to work for SCSS but it never works. Do you know how I can do that? or is that package purely for highlighting?

    For example if I start typing just for justify-content:, nothing ever show's up. It only knows basic CSS2 stuff.

    opened by tr1s 6
  • Want different color for map keys and values

    Want different color for map keys and values

    As the following screenshot shows, Sass map's key-value pairs are displayed in the same color, unlike property name- value pairs in CSS declarations. I am not sure how you guys feel, but personally I prefer to have a clearer distinction between them. sublime_text_sass_issue_map_key

    opened by findawayer 1
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