Millions backend challenge
My own implementation of the backend challenge.
Implemented features
- Show posts paginated, and ordered by creation date with their information (Image, description, date, author) including total likes and the last 5 usernames who liked the post.
- A user can register and login.
- An authenticated user can create a new post
- An authenticated user can remove his posts, with the image file
- An authenticated user can like/unlike other posts.
- An authenticated user can see all likes of a specific post.
- Send a notification to other users when a new post is added using (Database channel)
- Automatically delete posts 15 days old.
- [BONUS] Created 6 feature tests including success & failure scenarios
Used technologies
- PHP 7.4
- Laravel 8
- PHPUnit
- Redis (for queue)
- Tymon/jwt-auth package (for authentication)
- Docker
Installation Steps
prerequisite: PHP > 7.4
- Clone repository
composer install
- Create DB eg:
composer setup
file, generates key, and migrates DB)- Then run
php artisan serve
Nb: In this project I used redis to store the queued notifications, so you have to configure it locally then run this command php artisan queue:work
to run dispatched notifications.
In this file doc/postman_collection.json you will find the postman collection that you can import into your local postman app and test the api.