Laravel 5.6 based quiz system - generated with QuickAdmin


LaraQuiz: Laravel 5.6 based quiz system

It is a demo project for demonstrating what can be generated with QuickAdminPanel tool. LaraQuiz was mostly generated with QuickAdmin except for some custom code.

It's an open-source version of online Laravel quiz at - but the system can be used for any quiz project, you just fill in different topics and questions.

Notice: originally created with Laravel 5.3, it was upgraded to Laravel 5.6 in March 2018.

Clickable live-demo

LaraQuiz screenshot

LaraQuiz screenshot 2

How to use

Using Docker

Without Docker

  • Clone the repository with git clone
  • Copy .env.example file to .env and edit database credentials there
  • Run composer install
  • Run php artisan key:generate
  • Run php artisan migrate --seed (it has some seeded data for your testing)
  • Now you can login as admin: launch the main URL and login with default credentials [email protected] - password
  • Fill in the database with topics, questions and options
  • For social login - fill in the credentials of your social apps in .env file
  • That's it - allow people to register and take quizzes!


Basically, feel free to use and re-use any way you want.

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  • What should be URL?

    What should be URL?


    I have finished installation with all the steps but without docker. I can see quickadmin folder created in public and also can see blade files and also run migrations. I can't what URL should I write to run as per screen shot you have shown?

    Do I need to define something in routes?

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  • Getting error when trying to run in windows

    Getting error when trying to run in windows


    Do I need to have a vagarant box in order to run this? I am getting this error when trying to run:

    ConnectionException in AbstractConnection.php line 155: No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it. [tcp://]

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  • deployment issue

    deployment issue

    i tried to deploy this in a shared hosting site and this error

    Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '.', expecting '&' or variable (T_VARIABLE) in /home/reviewe4/MyQuiz/vendor/symfony/var-dumper/Resources/functions/dump.php on line 18

    Any idea on this?

    opened by carlosiv 3
  • Email correction

    Email correction

    Hi I have downloaded and installed it in my domain. It is working .I have configured my email settings in .env file .For forgot password I am getting email from [email protected] am not getting email from which I have given in .env file .Where to change [email protected] email ?

    opened by Revaaasai 2
  • Demo and Repository is not the same thing

    Demo and Repository is not the same thing




    it's totally different. Is it just me who downloaded the wrong files, or you guys put this on purpose?

    Because the demo is something I look much greater than this repo.

    opened by obink 2
  • Bug DOM XSS (Cross-site Scripting) in show.blade.php

    Bug DOM XSS (Cross-site Scripting) in show.blade.php


    I have found a security hole in the result display function. Line 40: {!! $result->question->code_snippet }}

    Please use: {{ $result->question->code_snippet }}

    opened by lavie3k 1
  • Installation issue

    Installation issue

    While executing "php artisan migrate --seed" , error occured as "could not find driver" in PDOConnection.php. Any ideas about this?

    opened by Aarthi0707 1
  • variable names typo

    variable names typo


    lines 69 & 71 $questionsoption = QuestionsOption::findOrFail($id); return view('questions_options.edit', compact('questionsoption') + $relations);

    I changed it to questions_option to remove undefined variable when editing an option. The same issue and solution to lines 104 & 104

    opened by caloyiv 1
  • Reset Password blade

    Reset Password blade

    Hi I need to change the Reset password email content .I have checked views/auth/passwords/email.blade.php. I am unable to find the content in attached screen shot. emaildps

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  • Multiple choice checkbox option is missing

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    Hello, I have taken a clone of this and was going through it. This is very good and I have found that Multiple choice for the same question should bring this Application more attractive and more meaningful as nowadays we have gone through many times MCQ.

    Please look in-to this if Possible.


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  • Docker installation

    Docker installation

    For those trying to install it with docker, the database credentials in .env must be edited to:

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  • Topic missing in the Test Create View

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