The platform allows you to manage articles, comments, tags, categories, and users for a blogging platform.


Laravel Blogging Platform

The platform allows you to manage articles, comments, tags, categories, and users for a blogging platform. The project was written in PHP with the Laravel Framework and Bootstrap Library.

How to use

  1. Run git clone to clone the repository.
  2. Run composer install to install composer dependencies.
  3. Copy .env.example to .env and edit the database credentials there.
  4. Run php artisan key:generate to generate an app encryption key.
  5. Run php artisan migrate to migrate the database.
  6. [Optional] Run php artisan db:seed --class=DummyDataSeeder if you want to create some dummy data.

Launch the main URL. You can log in to the admin panel using the default credentials: admin@blog.test - password.







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