With Laravel, search and lookup Amazon products easily.


Amazon ECS (E-Commerce Services) Package for Laravel

If you need the ability to search Amazon's catalog of products or lookup an individual item with Laravel, then this may be the package for you.

Please note, you'll need to ensure you have an associate tag before using this package.


composer require dawson/amazon-ecs

After you have successfully installed, add the follow Service Provider to your config/app.php.


And the following facade, also in config/app.php.

'Amazon' => Dawson\AmazonECS\AmazonECSFacade::class

Now we'll go ahead and publish the amazon.php configuration file.

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Dawson\AmazonECS\AmazonECSServiceProvider"

Open up the amazon.php configuration file and enter your credentials or leverage the use of environment variables which're used by default.

When it comes to choosing a locale, you have a choice of the following:

Locale Country
co.uk United Kingdom
com United States
ca Canada
com.br Brazil
de Germany
es Spain
fr France
in India
co.jp Japan
com.mx Mexico

You should now be correctly configured!


Currently, there are two methods available which are search and lookup.


$results = Amazon::search('Home Alone')->json();

It's that simple!

Please note, this currently searches the entire Amazon catalog. I plan on adding the ability to search within a given category soon so keep an eye out for that.


You can also lookup any given item, assuming it's availble on your configure locale and is a valid ASIN, of which is possible by doing the following:

$product = Amazon::lookup('B004VLKY8M')->json();

This will simply return the product, it's attributes and item links.


Currently, there are two available response methods. The default xml method, or my preferred - json.

The following returns an XML string.

$xml = Amazon::search('Call of Duty')->xml();

And as you can probably assume, the following returns a JSON string.

$json = Amazon::search('Halo')->json();

Questions & Issues

Should you have any questions or come across a problem, please feel free to submit an issue.


This package is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.


  • Finish Documentation
  • Locales
  • Better Exception Handling
  • Cart abilities, such as modifying, adding, clearing etc.
  • XML to JSON (the ECS API returns an XML response, I myself would like to have the ability to convert this to JSON - but optional)
  • Call to undefined method GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Response::json()

    Call to undefined method GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Response::json()

    Hi I have this error after setting up the package:

    Call to undefined method GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Response::json()

    and that's my code in the controller which I called it directly from the home controller just for testing.

    public function index()
            $results = \Amazon::search('Home Alone')->json();

    Thanks in advance, And thank you for the hard work and the time you given to this great project. Thanks

    Hint: I'm using it on Laravel 5.3

    opened by Xoshbin 8
  • Not receiving any items

    Not receiving any items

    Hi there,

    I included the package for my laravel app. ItemLookup is working and I receive the correct output. For the ItemSearch operation I do not receive any items, so my response looks like this:

    bildschirmfoto 2017-09-07 um 10 38 42

    The request seems to be valid. AWS keys are correct as well since otherwise the ItemLookup would not work. I tried with several keywords where amazon definitely has products. I deleted my vendor folder and run composer install.

    I appreciate any kind of help or ideas what the problem might be!

    Cheers, Sebastian

    opened by sebastian-walter 7
  • composer require dawson/amazon-ecs on Laravel 5.6 - Your requirements could not be resolved to an installable set of packages.

    composer require dawson/amazon-ecs on Laravel 5.6 - Your requirements could not be resolved to an installable set of packages.

    Hello thank you for this package - i'm trying to install on a new Laravel 5.6 project and receiving the following error message:

    Your requirements could not be resolved to an installable set of packages.
      Problem 1
        - Installation request for symfony/http-foundation (locked at v4.0.6) -> satisfiable by symfony/http-foundation[v4.0.6].
        - dawson/amazon-ecs 2.0.1 requires symfony/psr-http-message-bridge 0.2 -> satisfiable by symfony/psr-http-message-bridge[v0.2].
        - dawson/amazon-ecs v2.0.0 requires symfony/psr-http-message-bridge 0.2 -> satisfiable by symfony/psr-http-message-bridge[v0.2].
        - Conclusion: don't install symfony/psr-http-message-bridge v0.2
        - Installation request for dawson/amazon-ecs ^2.0 -> satisfiable by dawson/amazon-ecs[2.0.1, v2.0.0].
    Installation failed, reverting ./composer.json to its original content.
    opened by fri3ndly 5
  • Caompatibility with Laravel 5.4

    Caompatibility with Laravel 5.4

    Dear Joe, It looks like the package is not compatible with Laravel 5.4 is there anyway to fix this issue?

    Problem 1                                                                                                                                                                                                        
        - Installation request for symfony/psr-http-message-bridge (locked at v1.0.0) -> satisfiable by symfony/psr-http-message-bridge[v1.0.0].                                                                       
        - dawson/amazon-ecs 1.0.0 requires symfony/psr-http-message-bridge 0.2 -> satisfiable by symfony/psr-http-message-bridge[v0.2].                                                                                
        - dawson/amazon-ecs 1.0.1 requires symfony/psr-http-message-bridge 0.2 -> satisfiable by symfony/psr-http-message-bridge[v0.2].                                                                                
        - dawson/amazon-ecs 1.0.2 requires symfony/psr-http-message-bridge 0.2 -> satisfiable by symfony/psr-http-message-bridge[v0.2].                                                                                
        - dawson/amazon-ecs 1.0.3 requires symfony/psr-http-message-bridge 0.2 -> satisfiable by symfony/psr-http-message-bridge[v0.2].                                                                                
        - Conclusion: don't install symfony/psr-http-message-bridge v0.2                                                                                                                                               
        - Installation request for dawson/amazon-ecs ^1.0 -> satisfiable by dawson/amazon-ecs[1.0.0, 1.0.1, 1.0.2, 1.0.3].  
    opened by Xoshbin 4
  • Added OfferFull for reading Price-History from amazon-ECS

    Added OfferFull for reading Price-History from amazon-ECS


    i hardcoded OfferFull into search and lookup. Please make the ResponsiveGroups more dynamic, so that we can set the ResponsiveGroups in our application.


    opened by mrandibilbao 4
  • Added searching by category

    Added searching by category

    Added support for searching by category. the usage should be like the code below if you want to search by a category, the name of the categories should be the same as written on Amazon and I think most of them there first letters are uppercase. $results = Amazon::search('Home Alone', 'Electronics')->json(); And if you didn't write the second parameter it will search in 'All' categories. I hope it's useful. Thanks

    opened by Xoshbin 3
  • Class 'App\Http\Controllers\Amazon' not found

    Class 'App\Http\Controllers\Amazon' not found

    I have the following method in a controller:

    public function add()
            $product = Amazon::lookup('B004VLKY8M')->json();
            return $product;

    and I'm getting a Class 'App\Http\Controllers\Amazon' not found

    I'm not sure what use statement to place in the controller file, I have tried use Amazon; use Dawson\AmazonECS\AmazonECS use Dawson\AmazonECS\Amazon and many more versons and get the same result.

    I have both Dawson\AmazonECS\AmazonECSServiceProvider::class, and 'Amazon' => Dawson\AmazonECS\AmazonECSFacade::class, in my config\app.php file in the correct place.

    can't figure out why I am getting this error.

    opened by mniblett 3
  • Suddenly getting 400 response (bad request)

    Suddenly getting 400 response (bad request)

    I've been running this package for about 1 year now. Suddenly (within the last month or two?) all amazon requests return a 400 response (bad request). Not sure if something changed in the API or if my keys were disabled or something?

    Any insight would be great! Thanks

    opened by brino 2
  • Call to an undefined method json()

    Call to an undefined method json()


    It seems like an amazing library for my use but I am facing the same issue that was reported earlier.

    I tried to check the of status by using "\Amazon::search('Home Alone')->getStatusCode()" and its giving me 400. Can you please check this out for me.

    Thanks in advance. :)

    opened by wasifiqbal1990 2
  • Add page attribute to search

    Add page attribute to search


    I needed to include the ability to add pagination to my Amazon search results, I'm not sure my method is the best way but it is working for my use case (basically just submitting an optional "page" attribute with the request). I can submit a pull request, but this might be too much of a "quick and dirty" approach (code below).

    Thanks for your work on this package btw, it was really helpful in my project.

    public function search($query, $page = 1)
    		$query		= rawurlencode($query);
    		if ($page == 1) {
    			$params 	= $this->params(['Keywords' => $query, 'SearchIndex' => 'All', 'ResponseGroup' => $this->response_group]);
    		} else {
    			$params 	= $this->params(['Keywords' => $query, 'SearchIndex' => 'All', 'ResponseGroup' => $this->response_group, 'ItemPage'=>$page]);
    		$string 	= $this->buildString($params);
    		$signature 	= $this->signString($string);
    		$url 		= $this->url($params, $signature);
    		try {
    			$this->response = $this->client->get($url)->getBody();
    			return $this;
    		} catch(ClientException $e) {
    			return $e->getResponse();
    opened by robertem128 1
  • can't add more parameters

    can't add more parameters

    Dear @JoeDawson I already tried and I thought that I can add more parameters into the search method inside AmazonECS class like these lines below but it seems I can't,

    $params = $this->params(['Keywords' => $query, 'SearchIndex' => $category, 'ResponseGroup' => 'Images,ItemAttributes,Offers'**, 'Sort' => '-price']**);

    And I tried to retrieve all the items inside a category by bypassing the search query like below: $amazon_results = \Amazon::search('', 'Electronics')->json(); and that's not possible too.

    And I can't remove the search 'keyword' inside the search method when I think as I read it on the Amazon API manuals it's possible. $params = $this->params(['SearchIndex' => $category, 'ResponseGroup' => 'Images,ItemAttributes,Offers']);

    opened by Xoshbin 1
  • Signature error

    Signature error


    since this morning, without update the code, I have this error which is triggered by calling the method ->json ();

    <Error><Code>SignatureDoesNotMatch</Code><Message>The request signature we calculated does not match the signature you provided. Check your AWS Secret Access Key and signing method. Consult the service documentation for details.</Message></Error>

    I already generated a new Amazon Api key but that does not change anything. An idea ? Thank you !

    opened by Sinepel 2
  • Call to undefined method json()

    Call to undefined method json()

    Doing a simple: $bookFromAmazon = Amazon::lookup($bookTitle)->json(); throws an error: Call to undefined method GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Response::json()do you have any idea why ?

    PS: ->xml()gives the same error

    opened by isbkch 10
Joe Dawson
Full stack web designer and developer, specialising in Laravel & WordPress.
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