Laravel plugin to track your users logins and alert when a suspicious login occurs


Laravel Suspicious Logins

Laravel Suspicious Logins

Latest Version on Packagist Total Downloads License

Detect suspicious logins for standard Laravel authentication (base Laravel, Jetstream, etc) and notify a list of administrators and/or the user of the login automaticall via email.

Also provides (optional) integration with Advent Reputation for checking the reputation of IP addresses.


via composer

$ composer require adventdevinc/laravel-suspicious-logins

Now you need to publish the database migration, and run migrate to apply it.

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="AdventDev\SuspiciousLogins\SuspiciousLoginsServiceProvider" --tag="migrations"
php artisan migrate

Publish the suspicious-logins.php config file and then edit it (config/suspicious-logins.php) to set your preferences.

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="AdventDev\SuspiciousLogins\SuspiciousLoginsServiceProvider" --tag="config"
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Torann\GeoIP\GeoIPServiceProvider" --tag="config"


Add \AdventDev\SuspiciousLogins\Listeners\AuthEventSubscriber::class, to the $subscribe variable in the app/Providers/EventServiceProvider.php file. If it does not exist just add the code below.

protected $subscribe = [

Make sure to update config/suspicious-logins.php with your preferences.

Depending on your config file it will now email you, and/or your users when a suspicious login occurs on their account. By default that is a login from another city than they have recently logged in from.

Example Email

Example Email


Clear all login attempts in the database

php artisan suspicious-logins:clear

Test a GeoIP lookup and Advent Reputation response for {ip}

php artisan suspicious-logins:lookup {ip}

Prune any logins older than 30 days. We automatically add this to your daily schedule.

php artisan suspicious-logins:prune

Reputation Service

This package includes support for a central IP reputation service that uses OSINT and machine learning to predict suspicious logins.

By default, it is disabled but can be enabled by changing reputation.enabled to be true. Opting in to this service will check logins against the database by querying only the IP address logging in, and will submit actual logins and their status (failed or success) with the IP to the service to help train it.

Learn more at

NOTE: This is completely optional to use, if you disable it country, distance and city checking will still work!


Please see CHANGELOG for more information on what has changed recently.

GeoIP Inclusion & Licensing

This package includes torann/laravel-geoip for GeoIP lookups which supports several options for GeoIP lookups.

The default allows free use for non-commercial purposes. You can publish the laravel-geoip config to change your default and use a different database. There are some that are free for commercial uses, or you can buy a key for ip-api from ~$13/mo.

The fees or licenses required are not related to this project, and it will work with virtually any IP lookup database you have.


Licensed under the MIT license. Please see License File for more information.

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