A PocketMine-MP plugin to regulate player hunger and prohibit eating certain foods easily




A PocketMine-MP plugin to regulate player hunger and prohibit eating certain foods easily.


  • Managing hunger.
  • Permission bypass.
  • Supports & as formatting codes.
  • Custom item that can't be eat.
  • Per world support.
  • Lightweight and open source โค๏ธ


  • Permission noeats.bypass allows the user to bypass eating.
  • Permission noeats.bypass.hunger allows the user to bypass hunger.

Default Config

# Do not change this (Only for internal use)!
config-version: 1.0

# If you want to activate player hunger.
hunger: true

# Message used when canceling a player who ate food.
# Use "ยง" or "&" to color the message.
message: "&cYou can't eat your food here"

  # List of items that can't be eat.
  # This must be food to work.
  # If the item has meta, you can use the format "minecraft:id:meta".
    - "minecraft:golden_apple"
    - "minecraft:cooked_beef"
    - "minecraft:cooked_chicken"

  # The mode can be either "blacklist" or "whitelist".
  # The blacklist mode will only cancel players to eat and players to be hungry according to the name of a predetermined world folder and will allow player feeding and hunger players around the world.
  # The whitelist mode will only allow players to eat and players to be hungry according to the name of a predetermined world folder and will cancel player feeding and starve players around the world.
  mode: "blacklist"
  # List of world folder names to blacklist/whitelist (depending on the mode set above).
  # Leave it blank if you want to let players eat all over the world.
    - "world"

Upcoming Features

  • Currently none planned. You can contribute or suggest for new features.

Additional Notes

  • If you find bugs or want to give suggestions, please visit here.
  • We accept any contributions! If you want to contribute please make a pull request in here.
  • Icons made from www.flaticon.com
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