3 Repositories
PHP unifi-tv-revived Libraries
Visualização de Informações da API Unifi
Unifi Controller API View Visualização de Informações da API Unifi Fluxo de Autenticação e chamada da API da unifi Controller -Requisição CURL para au
Revived of weareblahs/unifi-tv. Watch free channels by unifi TV on any 3rd party IPTV players that support MPEG-DASH + Widevine!
unifi-tv-revived Revived of weareblahs/unifi-tv. Watch free channels by unifi TV on any 3rd party IPTV players that support MPEG-DASH + Widevine! What
Open source Unifi controller
imperian-systems/unifi-controller Note: This package is backend only, no user interface is included Install snappy PHP extension https://github.com/kj