108 Repositories
PHP laravel5-ecommerce Libraries
Laravel e-commerce Application.
Antvel Introduction Antvel is an ecommerce project written in Laravel 5.* intended for building a friendly eStore either for startups or big companies
laravel5.5和vue.js结合的前后端分离项目模板,后端使用了laravel的LTS版本(5.5),前端使用了流行的vue-element-template项目。作为程序的起点,可以直接以此为基础来进行业务扩展。模板内容包括基础的用户管理和权限管理、日志管理、集成第三方登录,整合laravel-echo-server 实现了websocket 做到了消息的实时推送,并在此基础上,实现了聊天室和客服功能。权限管理包括后端Token认证和前端vue.js的动态权限,解决了前后端完整分离的情况下,vue.js的认证与权限相关的痛点,已在本人的多个项目中集成使用。
写在前面 2018年的春节假期,受朋友的鼓励和内心的指引,对近两年所学到的知识进行了系统的沉淀和总结。 从多个项目中提取关键点、抛弃了的业务部分,对底层的功能进行了各类优化和抽象,写成本项目。 1、 当前版本介绍 1.1 版本说明 当前版本laravel_template_with_vue (
List of 77 languages for Laravel Framework 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8, Laravel Jetstream , Laravel Fortify, Laravel Cashier and Laravel Nova.
Laravel Lang In this repository, you can find the lang files for the Laravel Framework 4/5/6/7/8, Laravel Jetstream , Laravel Fortify, Laravel Cashier
A minimal package to help you make your laravel application cleaner and faster.
Laravel Widgetize 🎀 🎀 "cleaner code" ➕ "easy caching" 🎀 🎀 Built with ❤️ for every smart laravel developer 🔦 Introduction What is a widget object
PHP package built for Laravel 5.* to easily handle a user email verification and validate the email
jrean/laravel-user-verification is a PHP package built for Laravel 5.* & 6.* & 7.* & 8.* to easily handle a user verification and validate the e-mail.
Shopware 5 Repository - For Shopware 6 visit https://github.com/shopware/platform
Shopware 5 License: Dual license AGPL v3 / Proprietary Github Repository: https://github.com/shopware/shopware Issue Tracker: https://issues.shopware.
Drag and Drop Website Builder and CMS with E-commerce
Microweber: Drag-and-Drop CMS Current version: 1.2 running on Laravel 8! Download | What is Microweber? | Core features of Microweber | Requirements |
Open Source eCommerce Platform on Symfony
Sylius is an Open Source eCommerce platform on top of Symfony. The highest quality of code, strong testing culture, built-in Agile (BDD) workflow and