Zenphoto - a standalone CMS for multimedia focused websites



The simpler media website CMS


Welcome to the Zenphoto git repository!


Zenphoto is a standalone CMS for multimedia focused websites. Our focus lies on being easy to use and having all the features there when you need them (but out of the way if you do not.)

Zenphoto features support for images, video and audio formats, and the Zenpage CMS plugin provides a fully integrated news section (blog) and custom pages to run entire websites.

This makes Zenphoto the ideal CMS for personal websites of illustrators, artists, designers, photographers, film makers and musicians.

Read more about the features.

Installation, upgrading & requirements

Please see the Installation and upgrading page.



For general info about contributing please see the "Get involved" page

  • Date formatting strftime() replacements

    Date formatting strftime() replacements

    I'm not sure if this related to a recent update from version 1.5.4 to Master (version 1.6RC) on our site or if it already was an issue before, but I just noticed that the album date is shown wrong in the gallery. Instead of the album date the current date is shown:


    The admin backend is showing the correct date:


    opened by kochs-online 64
  • issue with 'Truncate at pagebreak' checkbox and '<!-- pagebreak -->' inserted in text

    issue with 'Truncate at pagebreak' checkbox and '' inserted in text


    I noticed that Truncate at pagebreak checkbox and <!-- pagebreak --> seems to break html flow. In my case, it brokes my infinit scroll behavior and I can't use the script no more.

    you can see 3 tests case for a news of mine. see news loop : http://test.vincentbourganel.fr/news/2/ (news called "Photo du mois - Janvier") see news : http://test.vincentbourganel.fr/news/photo-du-mois-janvier-2017/

    • "Truncate at pagebreak" checked and <!-- pagebreak --> in text content : does'nt works well and a </p> and a </div> are missing at the end of the news excerpt html code (before </div><!--/.post-content -->)
    <div class="list-post margin-bottom-double clearfix">
    	<div class="post-date">
    		<span class="month">janv.</span>
    		<span class="day">15</span>
    		<span class="year">2017</span>
    	<h4 class="post-title">
    		<a href="/news/photo-du-mois-janvier-2017/" title="Photo du mois - Janvier">Photo du mois - Janvier</a>
    	<div class="post-meta clearfix">
    		<ul class="nav nav-pills">
    			<li><a href="/news/category/photo/" title="Photo">Photo</a></li>
    	<div class="post-content clearfix">
    		<div class="row">
    			<div class="col-xs-12 margin-bottom-double">
    				<p>Cette fois, ça y est : Winter is coming, avec de la neige et un épisode de grand froid cette semaine.</p>
    				<p>Alors pour rester dans le thème, voici la photo que je vous propose pour ce mois de janvier.</p>
    			<div class="col-sm-7 col-md-8 margin-bottom">
    				<a title="Janvier" href="/albums/images/photos-du-mois/img_6404.jpg" data-fancybox="images"><img class="img-responsive center-block" src="/cache/images/photos-du-mois/img_6404_500.jpg" alt="img_6404.jpg" /></a>
    			<div class="col-sm-5 col-md-4">
    				<p><em>Cette photo a été prise en janvier 2016 dans la réserve naturelle du Vercors.</em></p>
    				<p><em>Ce pin remarquable, appelé « arbre taillé », est complétement isolé au milieu de plaine de la Queyrie.
    				<p class="readmorelink"><a href="/news/photo-du-mois-janvier-2017/" title="Lire la suite">Lire la suite</a></p>
    	</div><!--/.post-content -->
    </div><!--/.list-post -->
    • "Truncate at pagebreak" checked and no <!-- pagebreak --> : works well
    <div class="list-post margin-bottom-double clearfix">
    	<div class="post-date">
    		<span class="month">janv.</span>
    		<span class="day">15</span>
    		<span class="year">2017</span>
    	<h4 class="post-title">
    		<a href="/news/photo-du-mois-janvier-2017/" title="Photo du mois - Janvier">Photo du mois - Janvier</a>
    	<div class="post-meta clearfix">
    		<ul class="nav nav-pills">
    			<li><a href="/news/category/photo/" title="Photo">Photo</a></li>
    	<div class="post-content clearfix">
    		<div class="row">
    			<div class="col-xs-12 margin-bottom-double">
    				<p>Cette fois, ça y est : Winter is coming, avec de la neige et un épisode de grand froid cette semaine.</p>
    				<p>Alors pour rester dans le thème, voici la photo que je vous propose pour ce mois de janvier.</p>
    			<div class="col-sm-7 col-md-8 margin-bottom">
    				<a title="Janvier" href="/albums/images/photos-du-mois/img_6404.jpg" data-fancybox="images"><img class="img-responsive center-block" src="/cache/images/photos-du-mois/img_6404_500.jpg" alt="img_6404.jpg"></a>
    			<div class="col-sm-5 col-md-4">
    				<p><em>Cette photo a été prise en janvier 2016 dans la réserve naturelle du Vercors.</em></p>
    				<p><em>Ce pin remarquable, appelé « arbre taillé », est complétement isolé au milieu de plaine de la Queyrie.</em></p>
    				<p><em>Il fournit un excellent point de repère aux randonneurs parcourant le secteur et un excellent 1er plan pour les photographes tentant de restituer la grandeur du panorama.</em></p>
    	</div><!--/.post-content -->
    </div><!--/.list-post -->
    • "Truncate at pagebreak" not checked and no <!-- pagebreak --> : works well
    <div class="list-post margin-bottom-double clearfix">
    	<div class="post-date">
    		<span class="month">janv.</span>
    		<span class="day">15</span>
    		<span class="year">2017</span>
    	<h4 class="post-title">
    		<a href="/news/photo-du-mois-janvier-2017/" title="Photo du mois - Janvier">Photo du mois - Janvier</a>
    	<div class="post-meta clearfix">
    		<ul class="nav nav-pills">
    			<li><a href="/news/category/photo/" title="Photo">Photo</a></li>
    	<div class="post-content clearfix">
    		<div class="row">
    			<div class="col-xs-12 margin-bottom-double">
    				<p>Cette fois, ça y est : Winter is coming, avec de la neige et un épisode de grand froid cette semaine.</p>
    				<p>Alors pour rester dans le thème, voici la photo que je vous propose pour ce mois de janvier.</p>
    			<div class="col-sm-7 col-md-8 margin-bottom">
    				<a title="Janvier" href="/albums/images/photos-du-mois/img_6404.jpg" data-fancybox="images"><img class="img-responsive center-block" src="/cache/images/photos-du-mois/img_6404_500.jpg" alt="img_6404.jpg"></a>
    			<div class="col-sm-5 col-md-4">
    				<p><em>Cette photo a été prise en janvier 2016 dans la réserve naturelle du Vercors.</em></p>
    				<p><em>Ce pin remarquable, appelé «&nbsp;arbre taillé&nbsp;», est complétement isolé au milieu de plaine de la Queyrie.</em></p>
    		<p class="readmorelink"><a href="/news/photo-du-mois-janvier-2017/" title="Lire la suite">Lire la suite</a></p>
    	</div><!--/.post-content -->
    </div><!--/.list-post -->
    enhancement under investigation 
    opened by vincent3569 40
  • HTML cleanup of the comment_form plugin

    HTML cleanup of the comment_form plugin

    I've noticed that comment_form_handle_comment() function adds a span with the unique ID of every comment. I've found a way to redirect users to the comment they posted if the comment is saved, or to the beginning of the comment form if an error message is displayed.

    It works but I can imagine some limitations:

    1. not for Microsoft IIS.
    2. not for hidden comments of course.
    3. not with pagination enabled if the comment is not on the first page.

    In all above cases the current behavior is not affected at all if the comment is saved, while still changes if an error message is displayed.

    Changes to comment plugin code are very simple:

    The first line of comment_form/comment_form.php from <form id="commentform" action="#" method="post"> to <form id="commentform" action="#commentform" method="post">

    line 998 of comment_form/functions.php

    from header('Location: ' . $redirectTo); to header('Location: ' . $redirectTo . '#c_' . $commentadded->getId());

    I can imagine several cases in which this is a nice usability improvement. I can't imagine drawbacks at the moment, but I'm probably wrong on this. What do you think about it?

    opened by bic-ed 40
  • Plugin options lost after running setup on existing installation

    Plugin options lost after running setup on existing installation

    About a week ago my hoster updated its MySQL server to a newer version and upon noticing Zenphoto (official build, version 1.5.1) required me to run setup again. Afterwards the plugin options are gone. Not only a plugin I wrote myself is affected, but also officially supported ones like GoogleMap (losing the Google API key).

    I experienced this issue before (months ago), but couldn't trace it back to the setup. Now that I did I can reproduce the behavior reliably. Just enter an API key for Google Maps in the plugin options, run setup and the key is gone.

    bug work in progress 
    opened by kochs-online 39
  • Upgrade fails during database update

    Upgrade fails during database update

    Running the setup when upgrading from version 1.5.9 to current Master (1.6RC) fails during conversion of UTF-8 tables to utf8mb4 collation.


    USER ERROR: MySQLi Error: ( ALTER TABLE zp_options CONVERT TO CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_520_ci ) failed. MySQLi returned the error Specified key was too long; max key length is 1000 bytes in /[...]/zenphoto/zp-core/classes/class-dbmysqli.php on line 80 trigger_error called from dbMySQLi->query (class-dbmysqli.php [80]) from dbBase->convertTableToUtf8mb4 (class-dbbase.php [907]) from index.php [2515]

    This is caused by the index unique_option. Dropping the index allows setup to convert all tables, but the index cannot be re-created manually.

    opened by kochs-online 38
  • Image pages from search results using the theme of the album to which they belong.

    Image pages from search results using the theme of the album to which they belong.

    At least until v1.4.5, image pages from search result were displayed using the main theme of the gallery. Now, in v.1.4.7, they are loading the theme of the album to which they belong.

    Note that the above does not happen with dynamic albums, that use the theme choosen in their own options.

    under investigation 
    opened by bic-ed 36
  • 1.6RC Setup Shows Errors During Table Creation

    1.6RC Setup Shows Errors During Table Creation

    Decided to try out the 1.6a master in it's own directory on my PC running PHP 8.1.12. I did not place it into my existing installation. Would this have caused some files to be missing?

    I got several errors similar to the following during the setup processes:

    Table creation failure: Query: CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTSoptions(idint(11) UNSIGNED NOT NULL auto_increment,owneridint(11) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,namevarchar(191) NOT NULL,valuetext,themevarchar (127) NOT NULL,creatorvarchar (255) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (id), UNIQUE (name,ownerid,theme) ) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_520_ci; Error: Specified key was too long; max key length is 1000 bytes

    Another table: Table creation failure: Query: CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTStags(idint(11) UNSIGNED NOT NULL auto_increment,namevarchar(255) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (id), UNIQUE (name) ) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_520_ci; Error: Specified key was too long; max key length is 1000 bytes

    Other tables such as comments it made fine. Not sure if this is a problem with some setting in MariaDB or what? Any idea what to look at?

    Thanks for your efforts.

    opened by MarkRH 35
  • Empty results for comments feed

    Empty results for comments feed

    Latest comments are always returning an empty feed. I guess the problem is here somehow, because $this->options['type'] returns image, album, etc and not images, albums, etc and furthermore gallery is missing at all. https://github.com/zenphoto/zenphoto/blob/a0b6622cab5bf2f1a21d320156bf462cb1f424de/zp-core/class-feed.php#L289

    On the other hand, if I try to change the above, removing the s, I get of course a fatal error here: https://github.com/zenphoto/zenphoto/blob/a0b6622cab5bf2f1a21d320156bf462cb1f424de/zp-core/class-feed.php#L305

    So I'm not able to easily figure out a solution

    opened by bic-ed 35
  • Plugin user_login-out, redirection after logout

    Plugin user_login-out, redirection after logout


    Hi, it's not clear to me how this should work. It doesn't actually, after logging out with printUserLogin_out() generated link it always redirects to the gallery home page. The parameters supposed to be here $logoutlink = "javascript:launchScript('" . FULLWEBPATH . "/',[" . implode(',', $params) . "]);"; are always empty, because they are generated under the if ($_GET['userlog'] == 0) condition, that of course is not fulfilled before using the logout link.

    I tried moving the parameters generation just before the if (isset($_GET['userlog'])) condition and doing so the redirect works as expected.

    Anyway, unless I'm missing something, like I probably am, all of that parameters generation thing can be removed if using an empty link for logout, like so: href="javascript:launchScript('',['userlog=0']);"

    I tested this way also, and it seems to work properly. The page from where the link is clicked gets reloaded and the user gets logged out.

    What am I missing?

    opened by bic-ed 33
  • Language translation problems when quotation marks are inserted

    Language translation problems when quotation marks are inserted

    If a language translation finds it must insert a quotation mark into the translated string there is a distinct possibility that will cause faults in Zephoto code. This is specially true if the string is used as a javaScript parameter.

    The problem can be fixed in the code by escapting the string with addslashes(). However this "rule" is prone to being forgotten.

    Generally just the single quotation mark would be inserted, for instance for language contractions. I doubt there would be a situation where a double quote would need to be added.

    It is possible that the right single quote character (’, &rsquo;, Windows Alt +2019) could be used instead of the simple single quote. If this works it is the best solution and should be added to the translation tutorial.

    If not, then translators need to be warned that if they must add the quote it is critical that the usage of the string be determined. If it is used where the character can terminate a quotation then the using code needs to be fixed.

    opened by sbillard 33
  • 1.4.4: All three uploaders do not work on all servers

    1.4.4: All three uploaders do not work on all servers

    As of this forum topic: http://www.zenphoto.org/support/topic.php?id=32677#post-92021

    The uploaders (http, flash, jquery) do work on my local test install (support build) and on zenphoto.org. They do however fail all with an internal server error on my live test install. It is not permissions as they are set to 755, I even tried 777. There are NO other errors in any log.

    I assume it might server security interfering as my server has the Suoshin security extension installed. But that is just a guess.

    bug insufficient info 
    opened by acrylian 32
  • New install. Stops @ check mod_rewrite

    New install. Stops @ check mod_rewrite

    I've tried three or 4 times now, the installation runs all OK until I get to the, "Check mod_rewrite" part.

    It stalls and there is no message, and nothing I can spot in the error logs.

    mod_rewrite is "on" in Apache, and is being used by a couple of Joomla sites I run.

    I have tried using the /zenphoto.1.6 and also from the top level / ...

    If I know refresh it tells me the site is in maintenance mode.

    opened by nigel-aves 5
  • 1.6 final Image rotation fail

    1.6 final Image rotation fail

    The image rotation is not working in zenphoto. It seems not to be caused by unusual exif info as all linux image viewers display these pictures with correct orientation.

    Also pictures are shown with incorrect orientation on album/picture detail page but when i click on the picture it is presented in an popup with correct rotation.

    Nevertheless, as said before, the detail page and the gallery do not rotate pics correctly (or at all).

    I use the Imagick graphics library.

    bug under investigation 
    opened by githlp 2
  • search cache and Duplicate entry

    search cache and Duplicate entry

    Hello, I had a strange error resulting in not displaying the footer (and the admin bar), but only on some pictures. Here is the debug.log

    {23396:Sun, 18 Dec 2022 06:24:09 GMT}
      USER ERROR: MySQLi Error: ( INSERT INTO `[prefix]search_cache` (criteria, data, date) VALUES ('a:5:{s:4:\"item\";s:6:\"albums\";s:6:\"fields\";s:4:\"tags\";s:6:\"search\";s:154:\"a:9:{i:0;s:8:\"American\";i:1;s:1:\"|\";i:2;s:11:\"businessman\";i:3;s:1:\"|\";i:4;s:7:\"gelatin\";i:5;s:1:\"|\";i:6;s:6:\"person\";i:7;s:1:\"|\";i:8;s:11:\"PHOTOGRAPHE\";}\";s:4:\"sort\";s:12:\"`date` desc \";s:4:\"user\";s:3:\"::1\";}', 'a:0:{}', '2022-12-18 07:12:09') ) failed. MySQLi returned the error Duplicate entry 'a:5:{s:4:"item";s:6:"albums";s:6:"fields";s:4:"tags";s:6:"search' for key 'criteria' in /Users/roland/Sites/collections/zp-core/classes/class-dbmysqli.php on line 80
      trigger_error called from dbMySQLi->query (class-dbmysqli.php [80])
        from SearchEngine->cacheSearch (class-searchengine.php [1967])
          from SearchEngine->getSearchAlbums (class-searchengine.php [1452])
            from SearchEngine->getAlbums (class-searchengine.php [1472])
              from getRelatedItems (related_items.php [72])
                from include (image.php [165])
                  from include (index.php [128])
                    from index.php [79]

    I clean up the search cache to fix it. I also put search cache to 0 minute so it won't happen again. But maybe there is a better solution ?

    under investigation 
    opened by RolandTi 2
  • Dates and times in RSS feeds failing or wrong in 1.6

    Dates and times in RSS feeds failing or wrong in 1.6

    Going through my gallery’s main RSS feed I noticed that the dates were wrong or failing for the date and time under the title, as part of the <description>, and the date and time under the thumbnail, as part of <pubDate>.

    When looking through the other album RSS feeds, it was mostly an issue with video files, though it also happened on images. The issue was all over the place, maybe half the video files would show it, and some of the images. If it was a problem reading the file’s date, that doesn’t seem like it should affect the publication date?

    In the screenshot I’ve included, you can see that the first entry fails with the description date, defaulting to Wed, 31 Dec 1969 16:00:00 -0800, but has the correct publication date. The next entry fails on both, but with the publication date being random and not 1969. Then the next has the correct description date but incorrect publication date, again not 1969.

    RSS dates and times wrong in both spots

    I’ve tried deleting the RSS cache and changing the RSS plugin settings multiple times. The files in the example image were uploaded before the upgrade to 1.6, but I also tried it on a new batch of files and it was still having the issue.

    opened by JesseHC 1
  • 1.6 exif.php typeerror with Pixel4 Phone jpgs

    1.6 exif.php typeerror with Pixel4 Phone jpgs

    TYPEERROR: round(): Argument #1 ($num) must be of type int|float, string given in /var/www/zenphoto/zp-core/libs/exif/exif.php in line 613

    612      case '9204': // ExposureBiasValue
    613                $data = round(unRational($data, $type, $intel), 2) . ' EV';

    My Pixel4 Phone writes this exif line exif:ExposureBiasValue: 4/0

    i guess i can rewrite exif-Info inbetween

    opened by githlp 2
  • v1.6(Dec 12, 2022)

    This release contains internal restructuring and compatibility with PHP8/8.1, various bugfixes and minor security fixes. https://www.zenphoto.org/news/zenphoto-1.6/

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v1.5.9(Jul 6, 2021)

  • v1.5.8(Jun 1, 2021)

  • v1.5.7(Jun 4, 2020)

  • v1.5.6(Nov 9, 2019)

  • v1.5.5(Oct 22, 2019)

  • v1.5.4(Jun 22, 2019)

  • v1.5.3(Jun 12, 2019)

  • v1.5.2(May 27, 2019)

  • v1.5.1(Dec 23, 2018)

  • v1.5(May 25, 2018)

  • zenphoto-1.4.14(Jan 24, 2018)

    This is a bugfix and security release. More info on http://www.zenphoto.org/news/zenphoto-1.4.14/

    Note: This release is not new at all but we just realized that although we did create the version tag here but didn't setup a "GitHub release" properly

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • zenphoto-1.4.13(Aug 19, 2016)

  • zenphoto-1.4.12(Mar 15, 2016)

  • zenphoto-1.4.11(Dec 1, 2015)

  • zenphoto-1.4.10(Sep 21, 2015)

  • zenphoto-1.4.9(Jul 9, 2015)

  • zenphoto-1.4.8(Jul 9, 2015)

  • zenphoto-1.4.7(Feb 8, 2015)

  • zenphoto-1.4.6(May 26, 2014)

  • zenphoto- 24, 2014)

  • zenphoto- 23, 2014)

    Zenphoto is a security and bugfix release.

    As usual we recommend all users upgrade for the latest updates and fixes. For more detailed info about the fixes please review the GitHub issues list.

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • zenphoto- 24, 2013)

    Zenphoto is a bugfix release.

    As usual we recommend all users upgrade for the latest updates and fixes. For more detailed info about the fixes please review the GitHub issues list.

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • zenphoto- 4, 2013)

    This release fixes a critical issue in Zenphoto involving storing characters with diacritical marks. You should immediately upgrade if you were using

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • zenphoto- 1, 2013)

    Zenphoto is a bugfix release.

    As usual we recommend all users upgrade for the latest updates and fixes. For more detailed info about the fixes please review the GitHub issues list.

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • zenphoto- 3, 2013)

    This release fixes a problem on site closure introduced in the support release. You will not be able to close your site unless the root index.php file from this release is first uploaded to your site.

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • zenphoto- 3, 2013)

    This release adds improved security for your configuration file. However you should skip directly to the Support release if you have not installed this release.

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • zenphoto- 1, 2013)

    Zenphoto is a bugfix release.

    This release corrects several security issues and provides other bug fixes.

    As usual we recommend all users upgrade for the latest updates and fixes. For more detailed info about the fixes please review the GitHub issues list.

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • zenphoto- 9, 2013)

    Zenphoto is a bugfix release. Multiple minor errors are corrected.

    As usual we recommend all users upgrade for the latest updates and fixes. For more detailed info about the fixes please review the GitHub issues list.

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • zenphoto- 8, 2013)

    Zenphoto is a bugfix release. Multiple minor errors are corrected.

    As usual we recommend all users upgrade for the latest updates and fixes. For more detailed info about the fixes please review the GitHub issues list.

    Note: The originial release on May 4th internally still reported 1.4.5 instead of after installing. A script that should have updated that automatically failed for unknown reasons. It was indeed and the package has been fixed now.

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
The simpler media website CMS
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Powerful framework for designers and developers to create responsive, fast & robust Joomla based websites and templates.

Astroid Framework Powerful Frontend Template Framework for Joomla CMS Powerful framework for designers and developers to create responsive, fast & rob

JoomBoost 1 Oct 28, 2021
Simple, modular content management system adapted for launch pages and one-page websites

Segmint Segmint is an easy-to-use flat-file landing page framework, allowing quick and efficient prototyping and deployment - perfect for freelancers

null 2 Jul 19, 2022
Modern, Crazy Fast, Ridiculously Easy and Amazingly Powerful Flat-File CMS

Grav Grav is a Fast, Simple, and Flexible, file-based Web-platform. There is Zero installation required. Just extract the ZIP archive, and you are alr

Grav 13.6k Jan 4, 2023
Self-hosted CMS platform based on the Laravel PHP Framework.

October is a Content Management System (CMS) and web platform whose sole purpose is to make your development workflow simple again. It was born out of

October CMS 10.8k Jan 4, 2023
Craft is a flexible, user-friendly CMS for creating custom digital experiences on the web and beyond.

About Craft CMS Craft is a flexible, user-friendly CMS for creating custom digital experiences on the web and beyond. It features: An intuitive, user-

Craft CMS 2.9k Jan 1, 2023