πŸ“¦ A CMS Panel using Phalcon Framework

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CMS sakura-panel

Sakura v 1.2.1

Discord Server License: MIT



πŸ“— About

Sakura panel , A script made with PHP ( Phalcon FrameWork ) and can run on both apache and nginx or any php service.

The idea of this panel is to make it possible to manage your website, server, bot or anything you want just by adding plugins that allow you to do that without touching the main source code of the panel making it faster more secure and more reliable with a fantastic easy on eyes ui.

This panel idea started as a normal panel for Sakura Core but it ended up something even bigger ...

βš™οΈ Installation :

  1. First you need to install php v 7.2+ and Phalcon v 4.0.1+ in your Machine
  2. Then execute git clone https://github.com/yassinrais/sakura-panel.git repository into your machine
  3. Run composer install to install php dependencies (vendor)
  4. (For Unix OS) Run chmod +x ./sakura-cli.sh then ./sakura-cli.sh install With cli/bash Or if you're (a Windows OS) Run sakura-cli install with cmd/powershell
  5. Run sakura-cli adduser to add a new user as administrator.
  6. Enjoy ! Sakura Panel β™₯

βž• CLI Usage :

  • Install Script sakura-cli install
  • Add New Admin sakura-cli adduser
  • Create Plugin sakura-cli create-plugin

πŸ‘₯ Contributors :

πŸ“ License :

Please see the LICENSE included in this repository for a full copy of the MIT license, which this project is licensed under.

πŸ“· ScreenShot(s) :

For more screenshots click here - hosted in imgur.com !

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  • 1.2.1(Nov 2, 2020)


    Version: 1.2.0-alpha > 1.2.1

    Date 02/11/2020 15:12

    • Update Project Structure
    • Move from NameSpace SakuraPanel to Sakura
    • Move to Bootstrap Application
    • Create Providers ( Sessions, Cookies, Router, Views, ...)
    • Use phinx for migration generate and run
    • Upgrade Router (Create groups admin, auth, member)
    • Upgrade ACL ( Using database for permissions & roles ...)
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