Simple Online Automated Provision

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Simple Online Automated Provisioning

Simply put, SOAP automates PXE network booting and OS installation.

With SOAP, you can submit the network information (IP & MAC address etc.), select a boot template on an online form and then the Dnsmasq server (for DHCP & TFTP) will be configured automatically.

Architecture & Requirements

  • PHP 8.0 (apcu & amqp extension required)
  • MariaDB/MySQL (only for the web server)
  • NGINX (or other web server integrates with PHP)
  • Dnsmasq (can be deployed separately)
  • RabbitMQ (for communication between web and Dnsmasq server)


We prepared an installation script for Debian stable and Ubuntu LTS.

You be asked for the server's IP address, and web domain.

# Use --full for single server: install both web and Dnsmasq
sudo ./ --full

# Separate web and Dnsmasq servers
# Use --web-only for the web server
sudo ./ --web-only

# After it finished, a command for Dnsmasq server installation
# will be generated, like this:
sudo ./ --dnsmasq-only --dnsmasq-server ... --mq-server ... --mq-user ... --mq-pass ... --mq-vhost ...

MariaDB and RabbitMQ credentials will be printed out after the installation.

The script only configures HTTP access, you have to upload the certificate and configure HTTPS in /etc/nginx/conf.d/soap-web.conf. Please refer to the comments in the config file.

Other information for script installations

  • Web user for PHP and NGINX: www-data
  • SOAP application dir: /srv/soap
  • Dnsmasq DHCP hosts config dir: /srv/dnsmasq/dhcp/hosts
  • Dnsmasq DHCP options config dir: /srv/dnsmasq/dhcp/opts

Boot Template

Boot template consists of an iPXE script and an install config (which is "preseed" for Debian and "Kickstart" for the Red Hat family).

The template is rendered by Twig, whose documentation can be found here.

You can get the variable with {{ name }} syntax. Here's a list of variables you can use in the template.

  • preseed_url: install config URL (HTTP access)
  • host.macAddress
  • host.ipAddress
  • host.prefix CIDR prefix
  • host.netmask IPv4 netmask
  • host.gateway
  • host.hostname
  • host.dns array of DNS servers. You can join it into string e.g. with space {{ host.dns|join(' ') }}
  • host.rootPassword Plaintext root password

API reference

All JSON. Base URL is /api/v1

List Boot Templates: GET /api/v1/bootTemplate


   "unique_id": "template_name"
Create Host: POST /api/v1/host


  • string macAddress, required
  • string ipAddress, required
  • int prefix, CIDR subnet prefix, default 24
  • string gateway, required
  • array dns, default ['', ''],
  • string ipxeScript, custom iPXE script (Twig template), optional
  • string preseed, custom install config (Twig template), optional
  • string bootTemplate, unique ID of boot template, optional
  • int expiresAfter, one of 1, 3600, 86400, 604800, 2592000, which means single use, 1 hour, 1 day...
  • string rootPassword, auto-generated if not provided


  • string id, unique ID
  • string rootPassword, auto-generated password
Get Host Detail: GET /api/v1/host/<id>
Update Host Detail: POST /api/v1/host/<id>

Request and response are same as creation.

However, IP and MAC address can't be updated once created. Instead, delete it and create a new one.

Delete Host: POST /api/v1/host/<id>

Host will NOT be deleted instantly. The database record will be deleted once the Dnsmasq config files for it are deleted.

CLI Commands

  • Create User: bin/console app:create-user <username> <password>
  • Insert/update boot templates from boot_templates dir: bin/console app:import-boot-templates
  • Clear finished operation logs: bin/console app:clear-operations

Env Vars

Configuration variables is stored in .env file. Copy the .env.dist to .env.local and edit it.

For production use, run composer dump-env prod to compile .env files.

  • APP_ENV: prod for production, dev for development which enables debug bar
  • APP_SECRET: any long random string
  • TRUSTED_PROXIES: IP address or CIDR range. Trust x-forwarded-for for the origin.
  • APP_DHCP_SERVER: DHCP server IP address to display on the form.
  • DATABASE_URL: Database URI. Version has to be set even for the Dnsmasq server (which does not access any DB): mysql://localhost/?serverVersion=mariadb-10.6.4
  • DNSMASQ_DHCP_HOSTS_DIR: required for Dnsmasq server
  • DNSMASQ_DHCP_OPTIONS_DIR: required for Dnsmasq server

Configuration tips

Dnsmasq reload command

By default it's sudo systemctl reload dnsmasq.

sudoers is auto configured by the installation script (please refer to install_dnsmasq function).

It's configurable in:

services > process_command.dnsmasq_reload > arguments > $command

APCu cache

By default it's enabled in prod environment. It's configurable in:

framework > cache > app

Comment out the line to use filesystem cache.

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