Composer plugin replacing placeholders in the scripts section by dynamic values


Composer Substitution Plugin

The Composer Substitution plugin replaces placeholders in the scripts section by dynamic values.

It also permits to cache these values during the command execution and adds the ability to escape them with the function of your choice.

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composer require villfa/composer-substitution-plugin


  • PHP >= 5.3.2
  • Composer >= 1.0.0


You need to configure the plugin in the extra section of composer.json.

Here an example:

"extra": {
    "substitution": {
        "enable": true,
        "mapping": {
            "{MY_NAME}": {
                "type": "literal",
                "value": "John Doe",
                "escape": "addslashes"
            "{PHP_VERSION}": {
                "type": "callback",
                "value": "phpversion"
            "{DB_STATUS}": {
                "type": "include",
                "value": "./scripts/db.php",
                "cached": true
            "{HOME}": {
                "type": "env",
                "value": "HOME"
            "{COMPOSER_VERSION}": {
                "type": "constant",
                "value": "Composer\\Composer::VERSION"
            "{NPROC}": {
                "type": "process",
                "value": "nproc"

Then you can add the configured placeholders in the scripts section:

"scripts": {
    "welcome": "echo 'Hi {MY_NAME}, the database is {DB_STATUS}.'"

And now if you run the command:

$ composer run-script welcome
Hi John Doe, the database is OK.


Configuration key Mandatory Type Default value Description
extra.substitution.enable yes bool false Enables the plugin when true
extra.substitution.mapping yes object empty object Mapping between placeholders (the keys) and substitution rules (the values). There is no restriction with the placeholders format.
extra.substitution.mapping.*.type yes string n/a Substitution type (see the related section below)
extra.substitution.mapping.*.value yes string n/a Substitution value (depends on the type)
extra.substitution.mapping.*.cached no bool false Indicates whether the value provided after the first substitution must be cached
extra.substitution.mapping.*.escape no string null Escaping function that will receive the substitute value as argument
extra.substitution.priority no integer 0 Plugin's event handler priority (see Composer documentation)

Substitution types

For each type of substitution the value replacing the placeholder comes from a different source.

  • literal: The value in configuration is used directly.
  • callback: The value is the string returned by a callback.
  • include: The value is the string returned by a PHP file.
  • env: The value is an ENV variable.
  • constant: The value comes from a constant or a class constant.
  • process: The value is the output of the processed command.

Real-life examples

PHPUnit Extra Constraints

This library defines a Composer script which uses PHP_CodeSniffer this way:

"scripts": {
    "phpcs": "phpcs --standard=PSR12 --parallel=$(nproc) src/ tests/",

Unfortunately it is not cross-platform because of the usage of nproc.

This is solved by the substitution plugin in combination with Linfo (See also the tiny script nproc.php). Here how it is configured:

"extra": {
    "substitution": {
        "enable": true,
        "mapping": {
            "$(nproc)": {
                "cached": true,
                "type": "include",
                "value": "./scripts/nproc.php"

So now it also works on Windows without even touching the scripts section.

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  • "process" substitution executes command immediately after substitution

    The command is getting executed before continuing after the substitution. So, if you use the substitution in the middle and have other options after the substitution, the post-substitution options/flags/arguments won't be read.

    // composer.json
      "scripts": {
        "bash": [
          "docker exec -ti {CONTAINER} bash"
        "substitution": {
          "enable": true,
          "mapping": {
            "{CONTAINER}": {
              "type": "process",
              "value": "docker ps -aqf ancestor=special-tag"

    results in

    ivr (git)-[1337-ivr-tests]- % composer bash
    > docker exec -ti ae055d08efb2
    "docker exec" requires at least 2 arguments.
    See 'docker exec --help'.
    Usage:  docker exec [OPTIONS] CONTAINER COMMAND [ARG...]
    opened by jontroncoso 3
  • Callback substitution doesn't work with user-defined functions

    Callback substitution doesn't work with user-defined functions

    See this test:

    opened by villfa 1
  • [Composer 2.2] Update README about allow-plugins config

    [Composer 2.2] Update README about allow-plugins config


    It would be also the occasion to make extra.substitution.enable optional in order to make improve the UX by reducing the amount of configuration to set.

    opened by villfa 0
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