A fully featured full text search engine written in PHP


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TNTSearch is a full-text search (FTS) engine written entirely in PHP. A simple configuration allows you to add an amazing search experience in just minutes. Features include:

  • Fuzzy search
  • Search as you type
  • Geo-search
  • Text classification
  • Stemming
  • Custom tokenizers
  • Bm25 ranking algorithm
  • Boolean search
  • Result highlighting
  • Dynamic index updates (no need to reindex each time)
  • Easily deployable via Packagist.org

We also created some demo pages that show tolerant retrieval with n-grams in action. The package has a bunch of helper functions like Jaro-Winkler and Cosine similarity for distance calculations. It supports stemming for English, Croatian, Arabic, Italian, Russian, Portuguese and Ukrainian. If the built-in stemmers aren't enough, the engine lets you easily plugin any compatible snowball stemmer. Some forks of the package even support Chinese. And please contribute other languages!

Unlike many other engines, the index can be easily updated without doing a reindex or using deltas.

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The easiest way to install TNTSearch is via composer:

composer require teamtnt/tntsearch


Before you proceed, make sure your server meets the following requirements:

  • PHP >= 7.1
  • PDO PHP Extension
  • SQLite PHP Extension
  • mbstring PHP Extension


Creating an index

In order to be able to make full text search queries, you have to create an index.


use TeamTNT\TNTSearch\TNTSearch;

$tnt = new TNTSearch;

    'driver'    => 'mysql',
    'host'      => 'localhost',
    'database'  => 'dbname',
    'username'  => 'user',
    'password'  => 'pass',
    'storage'   => '/var/www/tntsearch/examples/',
    'stemmer'   => \TeamTNT\TNTSearch\Stemmer\PorterStemmer::class//optional

$indexer = $tnt->createIndex('name.index');
$indexer->query('SELECT id, article FROM articles;');

Important: "storage" settings marks the folder where all of your indexes will be saved so make sure to have permission to write to this folder otherwise you might expect the following exception thrown:

  • [PDOException] SQLSTATE[HY000] [14] unable to open database file *

Note: If your primary key is different than id set it like:


Making the primary key searchable

By default, the primary key isn't searchable. If you want to make it searchable, simply run:



Searching for a phrase or keyword is trivial:

use TeamTNT\TNTSearch\TNTSearch;

$tnt = new TNTSearch;


$res = $tnt->search("This is a test search", 12);

print_r($res); //returns an array of 12 document ids that best match your query

// to display the results you need an additional query against your application database
// SELECT * FROM articles WHERE id IN $res ORDER BY FIELD(id, $res);

The ORDER BY FIELD clause is important, otherwise the database engine will not return the results in the required order.

Boolean Search

use TeamTNT\TNTSearch\TNTSearch;

$tnt = new TNTSearch;


//this will return all documents that have romeo in it but not juliet
$res = $tnt->searchBoolean("romeo -juliet");

//returns all documents that have romeo or hamlet in it
$res = $tnt->searchBoolean("romeo or hamlet");

//returns all documents that have either romeo AND juliet or prince AND hamlet
$res = $tnt->searchBoolean("(romeo juliet) or (prince hamlet)");

Fuzzy Search

The fuzziness can be tweaked by setting the following member variables:

public $fuzzy_prefix_length  = 2;
public $fuzzy_max_expansions = 50;
public $fuzzy_distance       = 2; //represents the Levenshtein distance;
use TeamTNT\TNTSearch\TNTSearch;

$tnt = new TNTSearch;

$tnt->fuzziness = true;

//when the fuzziness flag is set to true, the keyword juleit will return
//documents that match the word juliet, the default Levenshtein distance is 2
$res = $tnt->search("juleit");

Updating the index

Once you created an index, you don't need to reindex it each time you make some changes to your document collection. TNTSearch supports dynamic index updates.

use TeamTNT\TNTSearch\TNTSearch;

$tnt = new TNTSearch;


$index = $tnt->getIndex();

//to insert a new document to the index
$index->insert(['id' => '11', 'title' => 'new title', 'article' => 'new article']);

//to update an existing document
$index->update(11, ['id' => '11', 'title' => 'updated title', 'article' => 'updated article']);

//to delete the document from index

Custom Tokenizer

First, create your own Tokenizer class. It should extend AbstractTokenizer class, define word split $pattern value and must implement TokenizerInterface:

use TeamTNT\TNTSearch\Support\AbstractTokenizer;
use TeamTNT\TNTSearch\Support\TokenizerInterface;

class SomeTokenizer extends AbstractTokenizer implements TokenizerInterface
    static protected $pattern = '/[\s,\.]+/';

    public function tokenize($text) {
        return preg_split($this->getPattern(), strtolower($text), -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);

This tokenizer will split words using spaces, commas and periods.

After you have the tokenizer ready, you should pass it to TNTIndexer via setTokenizer method.

$someTokenizer = new SomeTokenizer;

$indexer = new TNTIndexer;

Another way would be to pass the tokenizer via config:

use TeamTNT\TNTSearch\TNTSearch;

$tnt = new TNTSearch;

    'driver'    => 'mysql',
    'host'      => 'localhost',
    'database'  => 'dbname',
    'username'  => 'user',
    'password'  => 'pass',
    'storage'   => '/var/www/tntsearch/examples/',
    'stemmer'   => \TeamTNT\TNTSearch\Stemmer\PorterStemmer::class//optional,
    'tokenizer' => \TeamTNT\TNTSearch\Support\SomeTokenizer::class

$indexer = $tnt->createIndex('name.index');
$indexer->query('SELECT id, article FROM articles;');

Geo Search


$candyShopIndexer = new TNTGeoIndexer;
$candyShopIndexer->query('SELECT id, longitude, latitude FROM candy_shops;');


$currentLocation = [
    'longitude' => 11.576124,
    'latitude'  => 48.137154

$distance = 2; //km

$candyShopIndex = new TNTGeoSearch();

$candyShops = $candyShopIndex->findNearest($currentLocation, $distance, 10);


use TeamTNT\TNTSearch\Classifier\TNTClassifier;

$classifier = new TNTClassifier();
$classifier->learn("A great game", "Sports");
$classifier->learn("The election was over", "Not sports");
$classifier->learn("Very clean match", "Sports");
$classifier->learn("A clean but forgettable game", "Sports");

$guess = $classifier->predict("It was a close election");
var_dump($guess['label']); //returns "Not sports"

Saving the classifier


Loading the classifier

$classifier = new TNTClassifier();



You're free to use this package, but if it makes it to your production environment, we would highly appreciate you sending us a PS4 game of your choice. This way you support us to further develop and add new features.

Our address is: TNT Studio, Sv. Mateja 19, 10010 Zagreb, Croatia.

We'll publish all received games here

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The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.

From Croatia with by TNT Studio (@tntstudiohr, blog)

  • How to display title, category values along with id in found search results?

    How to display title, category values along with id in found search results?

    Now, the search results look like this:

      "ids": [
      "hits": 2,
      "execution_time": "3.8171 ms"

    And they should look like this:

      "ids": [
        { '"id": 2054, "title" : "Carol", "category" : 10 },
        { '"id": 37435, "title" : "Carol", "category" : 10 },
      "hits": 2,
      "execution_time": "3.8171 ms"

    How do I do this best solution of all?

    opened by jun-dev 15
  • One letter search doesn't work

    One letter search doesn't work

    Hello! Thanks for your package. It's really great.

    I have it setup in a Laravel 5.2 application. The main issue I have is with the Ajax search. Doing search with one letter is necessary for my app, just like Google. After setting the asYouType property, which by the way needs the initialization of the class otherwise it won't accept it, it returns results for one letter but the wrong way.

    Say I have many posts that have the word yeah in their title, when I type 'y' it will just show on post. But 'yeah' returns all the posts. That's a big issue for me.

    Please see what you can do for that. And again good job!

    • Regards!
    opened by jgb-solutions 15
  • Index not found exception

    Index not found exception


    IndexNotFoundException in TNTSearch.php line 65:
    Index ./storage/users.index does not exist

    I'm sure I have users.index file in storage directory. Am I missing something?

    opened by sithuaung 14
  • No results on Ubtuntu 16.04

    No results on Ubtuntu 16.04

    Hello! As I mentioned in one of my email lately, I'm very happy to use the package for the performance it gives my app and such but I've been having a couple of issues with it. I started implementing a search feature in Laravel app on a Mac. It worked fine, even with a few bugs, but it worked. I then switched to using a PC with Ubuntu 16.04 and since then the package stopped working. At first it said "PHP driver not found". I then installed php7.0-sqlite3. I have sqlite3 installed on the machine so trying to open the index files created from artisan works fine. I can do a "select * from wordlist" for example and I got some results. But it doesn't show anything in the application. I got empty results whenever I try.

    What am I doing wrong?

    • Regards for your awesome work
    opened by jgb-solutions 14
  • Ranking issue

    Ranking issue

    I'm having some ranking issues. When I use multiple words in the search string, the result containing all of the terms is not at the top. When using only one word the results are ok. How does searching with multiple terms work?

    If I copy-paste the title of the article in the search box I would expect it to be the top result but it seems that it's always outranked by all articles containing only one of the words.

    opened by acasar 13
  • Problem with doc_ID = 0

    Problem with doc_ID = 0

    After build in your search into my user search I found a bug.

    When searching for something and the unique identifier is 0 the algorythmus finds the data but the filter


    filters out the correct result. *Because key is 0 I guess.

    Do you have any idea?

    Work arround for me is remove the filter lines between L109 and L117. Maybe the Collection map/filter does something wrong there?

    opened by stevenklar 13
  • Wrong search results in 1.3.5. Correct results in 1.0.7

    Wrong search results in 1.3.5. Correct results in 1.0.7

    I use the Laravel Scout TNTSearch Driver in combination with tntsearch.

    I updated a customer project and tntsearch was also updated to the latest version 1.3.5.

    On first look all was good but after a while I recognized that the search results are horrible inaccurate.

    It's an movie database inspired by your TV Shows Search. There are more than 15k+ movies in it. Now if I searched for Matrix in 1.3.5 I never received any entry regarding those movies. Compared to 1.0.7 where i only got the 3 regarding entries.

    I tried a lot other titles but rarely got the correct results with 1.3.5. I then downgraded back to 1.0.7 and got the estimated results. Why does this happen?

    Do I have to update the search logic in the laravel project, or did I miss sth. important?

    $movies = Movie::search($query)->get();
    opened by sheriffmarley 12
  • A frustrating experience

    A frustrating experience

    As great as this library boasts to be, and as much as I wanted to use it, I just couldn't. For whatever reason, searching partial keywords does not return the expected results. On top of that, there's no easy way to return more then just the ID in the results. After a few hours, I've abandoned this.

    If anyone has any solutions for the above I would be curious though.

    opened by XGhozt 12
  • Critical - almost 50% of keywords not being indexed

    Critical - almost 50% of keywords not being indexed

    Hi there,

    I have a thousand products with title, description, and tags.

    Two of them have the "converter" keyword in their title. (EDIT : see below, I found out that there are actually almost 50% of the words that are not being indexed)

    However, this keyword never gets indexed. There are other keywords indexed like "convert", "convers", ... but not "converter".

    Could you please tell me what I'm doing wrong, and how I could get it indexed when creating the index?


    EDIT: if it helps, here are the full titles: "Operating Lease Converter Excel Model" "Binary Number Converter Download Spreadsheet"

    opened by rkyoku 11
  • Processed x rows Total rows y in output if created via http api

    Processed x rows Total rows y in output if created via http api

    I'm using TNTSearch in combination with Laravel. So far it works great.

    I wrote a api where I fetch data from external services and create a post based on the information. I will insert then some other information which where send with the request.

    Now I saw that the ouput contains "strange" output. "Processed x rows" "Total rows y". Why does this happen? Does TntSearch in combination with Laravel runs through every entry if a post is created?

    How can I get rid of it?

    opened by marleybobby 10
  • Custom Connector

    Custom Connector

    I'm developing a plugin for Grav CMS (https://github.com/getgrav/grav) using this sweet library, however, i'm finding it a bit tricky to properly integrate Grav with TNTSearch.

    There's quite a few places in TNTIndexer and TNTSearch that looks for what is basically a static list of connectors and drivers. I'm getting around this right now by creating my own GravIndexer class that extends the TNTIndexer and overrides the run() method to load the Grav::pages object and iterate over the pages and store the $page->content().

    This is working OK (as long as I still store the driver as filesystem), but it would be really nice If I were able to register a custom connector and use that to define how things should be indexed and retrieved. Is this something that is on the roadmap?

    opened by rhukster 10
  • Update a geosearch index

    Update a geosearch index

    how to update a geosearch index ? I try to use the same method for the simple index but it return me "SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error: 1 no such table: wordlist" I have no idea to solve this .

    opened by romlob 0
  • Filesystem driver , score calculation -- fix proposal

    Filesystem driver , score calculation -- fix proposal

    Using 'filesystem' driver , score calculation does not work.

    I fixed this bug on "TNTIndexer.php" , function "readDocumentsFromFileSystem"

    // "total_documents" is already defined... so an INSERT won't work... use UPDATE (or the ready to use function "updateInfoTable".
    // $this->index->exec("INSERT INTO info ( 'key', 'value') values ( 'total_documents', $counter)");
    $this->updateInfoTable('total_documents', $counter);

    I also changed the way search is returned using the 'filesystem' driver. File "TNTSearch", function "search".

            if ($this->isFileSystemIndex()) {
                return [
                    'ids'            => array_values($this->filesystemMapIdsToPaths($docs)->toArray()),
                    'hits'           => $totalHits,
                    'docScores'      => $docScores,
                    'execution_time' => round($stopTimer - $startTimer, 7) * 1000 ." ms"

    Great library. Many thanks.


    opened by ThierryNapspirit 0
  • The highlighter highlights itself

    The highlighter highlights itself


    In certain situations, the highlighter will highlight itself which creates two big issues:

    1. The returned statement is all messed up for the visual
    2. This issue is exponentielle which can lead to memory issues.

    I have in my config file (Note the tag and the tagOptions):

       'highlight' => [
            'tag' => 'span',
            'options' => [
                'simple' => true,
                'wholeWord' => true,
                'caseSensitive' => false,
                'stripLinks' => false,
                'tagOptions' => [
                    'class' => 'font-weight-bold',

    I currently have a company called "MyCompany", if I search it, it finds it:

    Screen Shot 2022-09-12 at 10 27 06

    Now if I add any keyword (from the tag of in the tagOptions), it will find it and highlight it:

    Screen Shot 2022-09-12 at 10 27 32 OR Screen Shot 2022-09-12 at 10 27 37

    And this can be cumulated, so if I put multiple key words. Which is really bad because everytime you put another keyword it will exponentially re-appear and be re-highlighted. This can lead to out of memory on the server (only 7 keywords makes my server crash).

    Screen Shot 2022-09-12 at 10 27 51

    But, no one will search those keywords, right ?

    Actually, yes it can happen more easily then you think. In the above examples I have the config wholeWord set to true to prevent the current issue. But if set to false, things can be even more sensitive.

    Now I have a company called "Fire Wire", I simply search "f w" for a quick search, the issues arrises :

    Screen Shot 2022-09-12 at 10 39 19

    Why is this happening ?

    This is because when you search and have spaces, each "term" are separately highlighted in This foreach:


    One the first term has been highlighted, is proceeds to the seconds term, but now the highlighter is working on the newly changed string containing the highlighted word so considers it when searching.

    How to resolve ?

    When the search is performed is should be done without the previous highlighter, so either :

    1. Each found result is replaced by a unique token. So only after when each search is done, it replaces the words. But this might lead to the same issue when you search small words like "lat" and the token contains it.

    2. Each result removes the result from the string and keeps track of the position in the string, all added at the end. But the issue is that the position will change when proceeding to the next search term (same applies when inserting each needle back to the string).

    3. Before performing the search, use regex to exclude previous tokens/needles. The only thing I can think of is that if a user is crazy enough to name its item the same name as the token, it wont be highlighted.

    opened by stein-j 0
  • Update and delete function for GeoIndexer crashes

    Update and delete function for GeoIndexer crashes

    The TNTGeoIndexer file crashes when you try to update a document.

    The problem is that it calls the delete function before re-inserting the document. The delete function tries to do stuff with doclist and wordlist table which do not exists in the GeoIndexer files.

    Summary: GeoIndexer tries to delete from doclist table instead of locations table.

    opened by somegooser 0
  • Unable to search substring inside a string

    Unable to search substring inside a string

    Unable to search substring. I can only search exact string. How can I search for substring inside a string. I am adding my config. Please guide me to search substring @nticaric

                'driver'    => getenv('SEARCH_INDEX_DB_DRIVER'),
                'host'      => getenv('DATABASE_HOSTNAME'),
                'database'  => getenv('DATABASE_NAME'),
                'username'  => getenv('DATABASE_USERNAME'),
                'password'  => getenv('DATABASE_PASSWORD'),
                'storage'   => getenv('SEARCH_INDEX_STORAGE_PATH'),
                'stemmer'   => NoStemmer::class,
                'tokenizer' => EdgeNgramTokenizer::class,
                'fuzziness' => true,
                'fuzzy'     => [
                    'prefix_length'  => 10,
                    'max_expansions' => 100,
                    'distance'       => 10,
    $tnt = new TNTSearch();
            $schema = 'public';
            foreach ($tablesToBeIndexed as $table) {
                $this->getCLI()->border()->info("Started indexing {$table} Table....");
                $indexer   = $tnt->createIndex("{$table}.index");
                $tableName = "{$schema}.{$table}";
                $this->getCLI()->info("Completed indexing {$table} Table");
    $this->searchIndex = new TNTSearch();
    $response = $this->searchIndex->searchBoolean($searchString);
     return $response['ids'];

    I can search for entire string eSupport, but I am not able to search for support

    Please guide me in the right direction or point me to the documentation

    opened by gopibabus 5
  • Search boolean not operator

    Search boolean not operator

    Not operator in search does not work.

    It searches for documents without a keyword but does not remove already found documents.

    It should search for matching documents and remove all those found before.

    opened by somegooser 0
TNT Studio
TNT Studio is a web development company specialized in developing web applications based on latest technologies
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