🧙‍♂️ Simple Wizard Controller for Laravel.


Laravel Wizards

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Simple Wizard Controller for Laravel. If you need a more sophisticated solution, then have a look at Laravel Aracanist.


Install this package via composer:

composer require marvinrabe/laravel-wizards


Register a route using the wizard macro in your web.php:

Route::wizard('order', OrderWizardController::class);

Create a controller for your wizard. For example OrderWizardController.php:


namespace App\Http\Controllers;

use Illuminate\Http\Request;
use MarvinRabe\LaravelWizards\Wizard;
use MarvinRabe\LaravelWizards\WizardController;

class OrderWizardController extends WizardController
    // Prepare a payload. This payload will be available in $wizard->payload on each step. It will be saved
    // automatically after each step{number}Submit method. It is used to store each partial result until onFinish.
    // The simplest payload is an array. But you could use anything you want. It only needs to be serializable!
    public function preparePayload(Request $request, Wizard $wizard): array
        return [];

    // A step is simply a method with the name step{number}.
    // You can do anything you want! Return a view, redirect to somewhere else, etc.
    public function step1(Request $request, Wizard $wizard): mixed
        return view('order.payment');

    // For each step there might be a submit action with the name step{number}Submit. This will be called on POST.
    // In here you could validate the request and afterwards store it in the prepared payload like so:
    public function step1Submit(Request $request, Wizard $wizard): void
            'credit_card' => ['required', 'string']

        $wizard->payload['credit_card'] = $request->boolean('credit_card');

    // You don't have to specify a step2Submit. If you omit this method the wizard will simply jump to the next step.
    // In each step you have access to the previously populated payload. By default it is stored in the session.
    public function step2(Request $request, Wizard $wizard): mixed
        return view('order.summary', [
            'credit_card' => $wizard->payload['credit_card']
    // Continue with more step{number} and step{number}Submit methods. As many as you like!
    // After the last step the onFinish method will be called instead of the step{number}Submit.
    // The wizard will be deleted from the session and is no longer available.
    public function onFinish(Request $request, Wizard $wizard): mixed
        // Do something! This is your final chance.
        return view('order.success');

Navigate to /orders to start a wizard. Each wizard has a unique ID and is by default stored in the current Session. The URL follows the following convention:


For our previous example a real URL might look like this /order/6e00f3db-c1c9-48b7-a90b-0081f75ed56c/2.

If the id is missing it will create a new wizard instance using preparePayload. If the step is missing it will resume the wizard at the last step.


The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.

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