PHP SIP Parsing/Rendering Library


PHP SIP Parsing/Rendering Library

RFC 3261 compliant SIP parsing and rendering library for PHP 7.4.

Build Status Latest Stable Version Test Coverage Maintainability License


SIP Message Parsing

Once installed, you can parse SIP messages right away as follows:

version); printf("Request method: %s" . PHP_EOL, $message->method); printf("Request URI: %s" . PHP_EOL, $message->uri); printf("Via: %s" . PHP_EOL, $message->via->values[0]->host); printf("Via branch: %s" . PHP_EOL, $message->via->values[0]->branch); printf("From scheme: %s" . PHP_EOL, $request->from->uri->scheme); printf("From user: %s" . PHP_EOL, $request->from->uri->user); printf("From host: %s" . PHP_EOL, $request->from->uri->host); printf("From tag: %s" . PHP_EOL, $request->from->tag); printf("To scheme: %s" . PHP_EOL, $request->to->uri->scheme); printf("To user: %s" . PHP_EOL, $request->to->uri->user); printf("To host: %s" . PHP_EOL, $request->to->uri->host); printf("Sequence number: %s" . PHP_EOL, $message->cSeq->sequence); printf("Call ID: %s" . PHP_EOL, $message->callId->value);">
 * $text holds your SIP message as a string, for example
 * $text = 'REGISTER sip: SIP/2.0 /.../';
$message = \RTCKit\SIP\Message::parse($text);

/* Outputs "RTCKit\SIP\Request" */
echo get_class($message) . PHP_EOL;

/* Outputs something similar to:
 * Protocol version:   SIP/2.0
 * Request method:     REGISTER
 * Request URI:        sip:
 * Via:      
 * Via branch:         z9hG4bK.eAV4o0nXr
 * From scheme:        sip
 * From user:          buzz
 * From host:
 * From tag:           SFJbQ2oWh
 * To scheme:          sip
 * To user:            buzz
 * To host:  
 * Sequence number:    20
 * Call ID:            ob0EYyuyC0
printf("Protocol version:   %s" . PHP_EOL, $message->version);
printf("Request method:     %s" . PHP_EOL, $message->method);
printf("Request URI:        %s" . PHP_EOL, $message->uri);
printf("Via:                %s" . PHP_EOL, $message->via->values[0]->host);
printf("Via branch:         %s" . PHP_EOL, $message->via->values[0]->branch);
printf("From scheme:        %s" . PHP_EOL, $request->from->uri->scheme);
printf("From user:          %s" . PHP_EOL, $request->from->uri->user);
printf("From host:          %s" . PHP_EOL, $request->from->uri->host);
printf("From tag:           %s" . PHP_EOL, $request->from->tag);
printf("To scheme:          %s" . PHP_EOL, $request->to->uri->scheme);
printf("To user:            %s" . PHP_EOL, $request->to->uri->user);
printf("To host:            %s" . PHP_EOL, $request->to->uri->host);
printf("Sequence number:    %s" . PHP_EOL, $message->cSeq->sequence);
printf("Call ID:            %s" . PHP_EOL, $message->callId->value);

SIP Message Rendering

Rendering is the opposite action of parsing; for example, let's prepare a 200 OK response for a REGISTER request:

$response = new \RTCKit\SIP\Response;
$response->version = 'SIP/2.0';
$response->code = 200;

$response->via = new \RTCKit\SIP\Header\ViaHeader;
$response->via->values[0] = new \RTCKit\SIP\Header\ViaValue;
$response->via->values[0]->protocol = 'SIP';
$response->via->values[0]->version = '2.0';
$response->via->values[0]->transport = 'UDP';
$response->via->values[0]->host = '';
$response->via->values[0]->branch = 'z9hG4bK.eAV4o0nXr';

$response->from = new \RTCKit\SIP\Header\NameAddrHeader;
$response->from->uri = new \RTCKit\SIP\URI;
$response->from->uri->scheme = 'sip';
$response->from->uri->user = 'buzz';
$response->from->uri->host = '';
$response->from->tag = 'SFJbQ2oWh';

$response->to = new \RTCKit\SIP\Header\NameAddrHeader;
$response->to->uri = new \RTCKit\SIP\URI;
$response->to->uri->scheme = 'sip';
$response->to->uri->user = 'buzz';
$response->to->uri->host = '';
$response->to->tag = '8cQtUyH6N5N9K';

$response->cSeq = new \RTCKit\SIP\Header\CSeqHeader;
$response->cSeq->sequence = 20;
$response->cSeq->method = 'REGISTER';

$response->callId = new \RTCKit\SIP\Header\CallIdHeader;
$response->callId->value = 'ob0EYyuyC0';

$response->maxForwards = new \RTCKit\SIP\Header\ScalarHeader;
$response->maxForwards->value = 70;

$response->contact = new \RTCKit\SIP\Header\ContactHeader;
$response->contact->values[0] = new \RTCKit\SIP\Header\ContactValue;
$response->contact->values[0]->uri = new \RTCKit\SIP\URI;
$response->contact->values[0]->uri->scheme = 'sip';
$response->contact->values[0]->uri->user = 'buzz';
$response->contact->values[0]->uri->host = '';
$response->contact->values[0]->uri->port = 5050;
$response->contact->values[0]->uri->transport = 'udp';
$response->contact->values[0]->expires = 3600;

$response->userAgent = new \RTCKit\SIP\Header\Header;
$response->userAgent->values[0] = 'MyDeskPhone/1.0.0';

/* Outputs:
 * SIP/2.0 200 OK
 * Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK.eAV4o0nXr
 * From: 
 * To: 
 * Contact: 
 * Call-ID: ob0EYyuyC0
 * CSeq: 20 REGISTER
 * Max-Forwards: 70
 * User-Agent: MyDeskPhone/1.0.0
echo $response->render();

SIP Message Stream Parsing

If your use case involves a continuous data stream rather than individual messages, the StreamParser class can help; this is particularly useful for analyzing SIP trace files or packet captures, parsing SIP traffic over TCP etc.

/* Instantiate the Stream Parser */
$parser = new \RTCKit\SIP\StreamParser;

$fp = fopen(/.../);

while (!feof($fp)) {
    $bytes = fread($fp, 256);

    /* The actual input string ($bytes) can be retrieved from any stream-like source */
    if ($parser->process($bytes, $messages) === \RTCKit\SIP\StreamParser::SUCCESS) {
        foreach ($messages as $message) {
             * $message is either a Request or a Response object, using
             * the same structure as messages returned by Message::parse()

Lastly, the provided examples are a good starting point.


RTCKit\SIP is compatible with PHP 7.4+ and has no external library and extension dependencies.


You can add the library as project dependency using Composer:

composer require rtckit/sip

If you only need the library during development, for instance when used in your test suite, then you should add it as a development-only dependency:

composer require --dev rtckit/sip


To run the test suite, clone this repository and then install dependencies via Composer:

composer install

Then, go to the project root and run:

php -d memory_limit=-1 ./vendor/bin/phpunit -c ./etc/phpunit.xml.dist

Static Analysis

In order to ensure high code quality, RTCKit\SIP uses PHPStan and Psalm:

php -d memory_limit=-1 ./vendor/bin/phpstan analyse -c ./etc/phpstan.neon -n -vvv --ansi --level=max src
php -d memory_limit=-1 ./vendor/bin/psalm --config=./etc/psalm.xml --show-info=true


MIT, see LICENSE file.



Bug reports (and small patches) can be submitted via the issue tracker. Forking the repository and submitting a Pull Request is preferred for substantial patches.

  • Question



    I m newbie with sip and have a question. I read the readme and think the anwser to my question is yes but i have to be sure.

    • Can i make a phone ringing and display (on the phone) a custom message.

    For what i understand the documentation part for my use case is "SIP Message Rendering" and i guess "SIP Message Parsing" to be sure everything run smothly (aka : following protocol) ?

    Thx for your time

    opened by HumanG33k 1
  • v0.7.0


    :zap: Authenticate/Authorization Header Overhaul

    • Separate header classes for requests (challenges) and responses;
    • Proper qop parameter parsing and rendering;
    • Digest validation and verification functionality;
    • Support for modern RFC 8760 digest algorithms.

    :art: Docblock fixes

    opened by cdosoftei 0
  • v0.6.0


    • :star: SIP URI Parser/Renderer
    • :zap: Request-URI and From, To and Contact headers use SIP URI objects
    • :earth_africa: IPv6 SIP URI support
    • :zap: PSR compliant exception class naming
    opened by cdosoftei 0
  • v0.5.1


    :zap: Auth header value parameter rendering improvements:

    • nc is being rendered verbatim (i.e. no implicit zero padding);
    • algorithm is no longer rendered as quoted-string.
    opened by cdosoftei 0
  • v0.5.0


    Breaking changes:

    • :lady_beetle: Fixed nc parameter rendering for Auth Header field values;
    • :lady_beetle: Changed nc parameter to string; it must hold the verbatim value for digest hash verification.
    opened by cdosoftei 0
  • v0.3.1


    • :heavy_check_mark: Reorganized stream tests (dedicated directory)
    • :heavy_check_mark: Added lioneagle/sipparser test material
    • :star: Recognize RFC 3262 Headers
    opened by cdosoftei 0
  • Improvements for PHPUnit assertion and fixtues

    Improvements for PHPUnit assertion and fixtues

    Changed log

    • According to the official PHPUnit doc, it should be the protected function setUp and protected function tearDown methods.
    • Using the assertCount to assert expected count is same as result.
    opened by peter279k 0
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