Get info from any web service or page



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PHP library to get information from any web page (using oembed, opengraph, twitter-cards, scrapping the html, etc). It's compatible with any web service (youtube, vimeo, flickr, instagram, etc) and has adapters to some sites like (, github, facebook, etc).


If you need PHP 5.5-7.3 support, use the 3.x version

Online demo


This package is installable and autoloadable via Composer as embed/embed.

$ composer require embed/embed


use Embed\Embed;

$embed = new Embed();

//Load any url:
$info = $embed->get('');

//Get content info

$info->title; //The page title
$info->description; //The page description
$info->url; //The canonical url
$info->keywords; //The page keywords

$info->image; //The thumbnail or main image

$info->code->html; //The code to embed the image, video, etc
$info->code->width; //The exact width of the embed code (if exists)
$info->code->height; //The exact height of the embed code (if exists)
$info->code->aspectRatio; //The aspect ratio (width/height)

$info->authorName; //The resource author
$info->authorUrl; //The author url

$info->cms; //The cms used
$info->language; //The language of the page
$info->languages; //The alternative languages

$info->providerName; //The provider name of the page (Youtube, Twitter, Instagram, etc)
$info->providerUrl; //The provider url
$info->icon; //The big icon of the site
$info->favicon; //The favicon of the site (an .ico file or a png with up to 32x32px)

$info->publishedTime; //The published time of the resource
$info->license; //The license url of the resource
$info->feeds; //The RSS/Atom feeds

Parallel multiple requests

use Embed\Embed;

$embed = new Embed();

//Load multiple urls asynchronously:
$infos = $embed->getMulti(

foreach ($infos as $info) {
    echo $info->title;


The document is the object that store the html code of the page. You can use it to extract extra info from the html code:

//Get the document object
$document = $info->getDocument();

$document->link('image_src'); //Returns the href of a <link>
$document->getDocument(); //Returns the DOMDocument instance
$html = (string) $document; //Returns the html code

$document->select('.//h1'); //Search

You can perform xpath queries in order to select specific elements. A search always return an instance of a Embed\QueryResult:

//Search the A elements
$result = $document->select('.//a');

//Filter the results
$result->filter(fn ($node) => $node->getAttribute('href'));

$id = $result->str('id'); //Return the id of the first result as string
$text = $result->str(); //Return the content of the first result

$ids = $result->strAll('id'); //Return an array with the ids of all results as string
$texts = $result->strAll(); //Return an array with the content of all results as string

$tabindex = $result->int('tabindex'); //Return the tabindex attribute of the first result as integer
$number = $result->int(); //Return the content of the first result as integer

$href = $result->url('href'); //Return the href attribute of the first result as url (converts relative urls to absolutes)
$url = $result->url(); //Return the content of the first result as url

$node = $result->node(); //Return the first node found (DOMElement)
$nodes = $result->nodes(); //Return all nodes found


For convenience, the object Metas stores the value of all <meta> elements located in the html, so you can get the values easier. The key of every meta is get from the name, property or itemprop attributes and the value is get from content.

//Get the Metas object
$metas = $info->getMetas();

$metas->all(); //Return all values
$metas->get('og:title'); //Return a key value
$metas->str('og:title'); //Return the value as string (remove html tags)
$metas->html('og:description'); //Return the value as html
$metas->int('og:video:width'); //Return the value as integer
$metas->url('og:url'); //Return the value as full url (converts relative urls to absolutes)


In addition to the html and metas, this library uses oEmbed endpoints to get additional data. You can get this data as following:

//Get the oEmbed object
$oembed = $info->getOEmbed();

$oembed->all(); //Return all raw data
$oembed->get('title'); //Return a key value
$oembed->str('title'); //Return the value as string (remove html tags)
$oembed->html('html'); //Return the value as html
$oembed->int('width'); //Return the value as integer
$oembed->url('url'); //Return the value as full url (converts relative urls to absolutes)

Additional oEmbed parameters (like instagrams hidecaption) can also be provided:

$embed = new Embed();

$result = $embed->get('');
    'oembed:query_parameters' => ['hidecaption' => true]
$oembed = $info->getOEmbed();


Another API available by default, used to extract info using the JsonLD schema.

//Get the linkedData object
$ld = $info->getLinkedData();

$ld->all(); //Return all data
$ld->get('name'); //Return a key value
$ld->str('name'); //Return the value as string (remove html tags)
$ld->html('description'); //Return the value as html
$ld->int('width'); //Return the value as integer
$ld->url('url'); //Return the value as full url (converts relative urls to absolutes)

Other APIs

Some sites like Wikipedia or provide a custom API that is used to fetch more reliable data. You can get the API object with the method getApi() but note that not all results have this method. The Api object has the same methods than oEmbed:

//Get the API object
$api = $info->getApi();

$api->all(); //Return all raw data
$api->get('title'); //Return a key value
$api->str('title'); //Return the value as string (remove html tags)
$api->html('html'); //Return the value as html
$api->int('width'); //Return the value as integer
$api->url('url'); //Return the value as full url (converts relative urls to absolutes)

Extending Embed

Depending of your needs, you may want to extend this library with extra features or change the way it makes some operations.


Embed use some PSR standards to be the most interoperable possible:

  • PSR-7 Standard interfaces to represent http requests, responses and uris
  • PSR-17 Standard factories to create PSR-7 objects
  • PSR-18 Standard interface to send a http request and return a response

Embed comes with a CURL client compatible with PSR-18 but you need to install a PSR-7 / PSR-17 library. Here you can see a list of popular libraries and the library can detect automatically 'laminas\diactoros', 'guzzleHttp\psr7', 'slim\psr7', 'nyholm\psr7' and 'sunrise\http' (in this order). If you want to use a different PSR implementation, you can do it in this way:

use Embed\Embed;
use Embed\Http\Crawler;

$client = new CustomHttpClient();
$requestFactory = new CustomRequestFactory();
$uriFactory = new CustomUriFactory();

//The Crawler is responsible for perform http queries
$crawler = new Crawler($client, $requestFactory, $uriFactory);

//Create an embed instance passing the Crawler
$embed = new Embed($crawler);


There are some sites with special needs: because they provide public APIs that allows to extract more info (like Wikipedia or or because we need to change how to extract the data in this particular site. For all that cases we have the adapters, that are classes extending the default classes to provide extra functionality.

Before creating an adapter, you need to understand how Embed work: when you execute this code, you get a Extractor class

//Get the Extractor with all info
$info = $embed->get($url);

//The extractor have document and oembed:
$document = $info->getDocument();
$oembed = $info->getOEmbed();

The Extractor class has many Detectors. Each detector is responsible to detect a specific piece of info. For example, there's a detector for the title, other for description, image, code, etc.

So, an adapter is basically an extractor created specifically for a site. It can contains also custom detectors or apis. If you see the src/Adapters folder you can see all adapters.

If you create an adapter, you need also register to Embed, so it knows in which website needs to use. To do that, there's the ExtractorFactory object, that is responsible for instantiate the right extractor for each site.

use Embed\Embed;

$embed = new Embed();

$factory = $embed->getExtractorFactory();

//Use this MySite adapter for
$factory->addAdapter('', MySite::class);

//Remove the adapter for, so it will use the default extractor

//Change the default extractor


Embed comes with several predefined detectors, but you may want to change or add more. Just create a class extending Embed\Detectors\Detector class and register it in the extractor factory. For example:

use Embed\Embed;
use Embed\Detectors\Detector;

class Robots extends Detector
    public function detect(): ?string
        $response = $this->extractor->getResponse();
        $metas = $this->extractor->getMetas();

        return $response->getHeaderLine('x-robots-tag'),
            ?: $metas->str('robots');

//Register the detector
$embed = new Embed();
$embed->getExtractorFactory()->addDetector('robots', Robots::class);

//Use it
$info = $embed->get('');
$robots = $info->robots;


If you need to pass settings to the CurlClient to perform http queries:

use Embed\Embed;
use Embed\Http\Crawler;
use Embed\Http\CurlClient;

$client = new CurlClient();
    'cookies_path' => $cookies_path,
    'ignored_errors' => [18]

$embed = new Embed(new Crawler($client));

If you need to pass settings to your detectors, you can add settings to the ExtractorFactory:

use Embed\Embed;

$embed = new Embed();
    'oembed:query_parameters' => [],  //Extra parameters send to oembed
    'twitch:parent' => '', //Required to embed twitch videos as iframe
    'facebook:token' => '1234|5678',  //Required to embed content from Facebook
    'instagram:token' => '1234|5678', //Required to embed content from Instagram
$info = $embed->get($url);

Note: The built-in detectors does not require settings. This feature is only for convenience if you create a specific detector that requires settings.

If this library is useful for you, say thanks buying me a beer 🍺 !

  • Giving false

    Giving false

    When I try to fetch embed of a YouTube url, It gives false.

    Here is my code:

        ini_set('display_errors', 1);
        $url = '';
        require_once 'inc/class/lib/Embed/src/autoloader.php';
        $embed = Embed\Embed::create($url);
        echo '<pre>'.print_r($embed,true).'</pre>';

    Please help me with this.

    opened by rohitkhatri 26
  • Images URLs blacklist

    Images URLs blacklist

    This PR is related to #54.

    Here, the todo list:

    • [x] Remove empty URLs from images list
    • [x] Implement an imagesBlacklist options to filter images urls (see
    • [x] Update the doc according to the new option
    • [x] Write some tests

    Don't hesitate to review my code. :+1:

    opened by soullivaneuh 13
  • Images blacklist

    Images blacklist

    Hi, little feature idea.

    What about images blacklist?

    Some website always return their logo or whatever useless on open-graph.

    Maybe can we have a blacklist solution to ignore some images url?


    opened by soullivaneuh 13
  • Facebook API October 24th changes

    Facebook API October 24th changes


    Is there a branch planned to test the upcoming change to Facebook/Intagram API endpoint ?


    opened by olivM 12
  • Adding Facebook?

    Adding Facebook?

    I just discover that Facebook has their own oembed service. Could be great adition

    opened by onigetoc 12
  • Document vs Oembed / Instagram blocked

    Document vs Oembed / Instagram blocked


    I'm using v4 for resolving our embeds. Mainly (probably only) we are using embeds which does provide an oembed endpoint. So we've a big overhead by first getting the main document of that "url".

    I think it'll be a big benefit to first check if that url does provide an oembed endpoint (detectEndpointFromProviders) and if so to only query that specific api endpoint.

    Is there any build in way that I'm missing?


    opened by reflexxion 11
  • twitter embed stop working on v3

    twitter embed stop working on v3

    Recently Twitter has started returning 400 server error on Embed v3:

    Whereas it still working as expected on v4:

    Any idea on what could have changed (either on Twitter side or on how Embed does thing differently in v4) so I can start digging in the right direction?

    Much appreciated, and thanks for this awesome library!

    opened by budikhafiKLY 10
  • Twitch provider

    Twitch provider

    Hi! Thank you so much for this package and maintenance!

    I was wondering if support for Twitch was on the horizon or if I should make a PR for the package to support it.

    AFAIK, here's the oembed endpoint for it:

    And here's an example URL that you can inspect for the response:


    opened by msurguy 10
  • Facebook event can't get data

    Facebook event can't get data

    Hi there I tried to get some public event data. but it return just title not image. ''

    When I try to crawl that link. I can't get proper event data... such as main image. I can get only title.. Do I need some special permission? even thought this is a public event??

    I also checked on your demo page :

    but I can't get images, descriptions..

    Here is my code

    $config = [
                    'adapter' => [
                        'config' => [
                            'minImageWidth' => 50,
                            'minImageHeight' => 50,
                    'providers' => [
                        'html' => [
                            'maxImages' => 3
                        'facebook' => [
                            'key' => "XXXXXXXXX"
                    'resolver' => [
                        'config' => [
                            CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT => 5,
                            CURLOPT_TIMEOUT => 5,
                            CURLOPT_USERAGENT => 'My Crawler',
                            CURLOPT_MAXREDIRS => 3
     $result = Embed::create($url, $config);
    opened by tiger154 10
  • Facebook oEmbed does not work for company pages

    Facebook oEmbed does not work for company pages

    I stumbled over a problem today, trying to embed this facebook post using the current master branch:

    If you look at the json+oembed link in the browser, the valid oembed url is returned:

    But if you try to fetch the same url as anonymous user (or via guzzle), facebook internally redirects you to and the returned oEmbed-Link is wrong:

    To make things a bit more interesting, normal user posts are still embed-able.

    So I'm not sure what the best approach to handle this problem is. I think either, facebook needs to stop this unpredictable behaviour (not sure if this will happen), or the facebook adapter needs to be re-implemented again.

    opened by Nebel54 10
  • Extract youtube and vimeo ID

    Extract youtube and vimeo ID

    Hi, I need to store only youtube and vimeo id. I see that oembed don't provide this information, only full url. I can extract from url, but I guess if exist a way to do this with Embed lib. Maybe using request class? Thanks

    opened by kamov 10
  • [Question] Vimeo with

    [Question] Vimeo with "Hide from Vimeo" setting but embeds allowed on specific domains

    A client of mine uses some third party software to regularly upload video with the settings "Hide from Vimeo" and "Embed on specific domains".

    This effectively means that cannot be added, even though the oEmbed endpoint does return an oEmbed json (

    As far as I can tell embed first makes a request to the original URL ( to see if it exists, and only after retrieves oEmbed info, from

    Why does that first check happen? Would it not be enough to see if you get oEmbed data back from the endpoint?

    I am sure I am missing something, but I would like to understand why, so I can see if there is any workaround possible.

    opened by qrazi 0
  • Stopped working with SPOTIFY

    Stopped working with SPOTIFY

    Stopped working with Spotify.

    Try this URL:

    Does also not work on the demo:

    Any ideas?

    opened by saschaende 1
  • charset 1251 problem

    charset 1251 problem

    Hi. I encountered a problem with the encoding. Cyrillic does not display, how to collect data in the encoding 1251. tryed to use iconv, but Fatal error: Uncaught TypeError: iconv(): Argument ($string) must be of type string, Embed\Extractor given

    opened by sakirsa 6
  • Smart/Curly Quotes Problem (Plus Emojis)

    Smart/Curly Quotes Problem (Plus Emojis)

    I ran across this issue during my testing. I've already added a fix on my end for the quotes, but I figured I'd shed some light on it, perhaps this will help someone else out. This is happening with embed 3.x version... so maybe it isn't an issue in embed 4, but I can't test for that cause the demo page user agent isn't set to the facebook one, so Twitter doesn't return anything. Maybe the problem is Twitter, but I can't really reproduce this.

    Anyway, here are some links, using the demo.php page, only adding the new user agent to the dispatcher:

    This one seems to make the smart quotes convert into “ ” and ’, and I assume вЂ˜ is the other apostrophe version when Googling. I've already added a conversion function for this. Twitter descriptions by default all have smart quotes enclosing the actual description, so this should happen to all Tweets, but it doesn't.

    This is from the same person, using the same smart apostrophes, and it doesn't have this problem at all.

    Here is another Tweet from someone else, and it has the same problem again. It also converts the heart 💖 emoji into рџ’–. I haven't added a conversion for this, however, as I just found it.

    Which is strange cause here is another Tweet with emojis that don't do that.

    So, I am not sure what could possible cause this to happen. Sometimes things get converted, and sometimes they don't.

    opened by parrycarry 1
  • Test cannot retrieve page

    Test cannot retrieve page

    I used the test page to test the URL:

    Is there any way around security check? Can we set a User Agent?

    opened by whitsey 1
  • Twitter Pages

    Twitter Pages

    On the latest version 4 I cannot get the code for Twitter pages, for example:

    Or please let me know how I can get the oembed timeline from Twitter using version 4?

    opened by anghelpw 2
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